Chapter 42
When two become one
We had been living as a family for the past six months, but despite what people were saying we were not sleeping together. Not that it was anyone else's business. As I always say, "while they're talking about us they're leaving someone else alone".
Looking after the needs of Katie was our priority. The poor little sweetheart was struggling. She was frustrated that she couldn't walk, and had some of the worst temper tantrums that she'd ever had—even worse than the ones through her terrible two's. Thankfully, most of it was aimed at Emmett; he had become the bad guy. But after what he had done to Garrett all I can say is 'payback is a bitch'.
We worked hard to help Garrett feel good about himself, again. Rose started taking him out on their Auntie and Nephew dates again, as she had always done; this was to hopefully make him trust her again.
We bought the practice from Aro, as well as the building next door; which had been vacant for a while, so we got a good deal on it. We decided to expand the services we offered, even adding a dentist's office. Maggie was eager to take the job as the part-time dentist; she also went into school and saw groups like Scouts to teach them dental care. Every child got a toothbrush and a tube of toothpaste.
Emmett and Rose both worked for us part time. Rose saw the same children she used to see at school—now they were coming to the office—this way their friends no longer asked why they see Rose. Which in turn reduces them getting bullied.
Although Joyce Anderson had decided to retire after Aro sold us the practice, we offered her a part-time job on a month by month contract. She enjoyed working with Esme, and since we were looking for a full-time receptionist, Esme decided she would be the one who did the interviews when the time came.
Most of Aro's patients, and a few new ones decided to use us as their family pediatricians. Edward was aware of how many people could not get insurance, so their children were not getting the treatment they deserved. We had a free clinic, which included the dental clinic we had opened. Maggie was on board with our vision for free care of children whose parents couldn't afford it.
Even though Alistair had retired, he continued to work alongside us; saying he missed practicing medicine. As for me, I had become Edward's nurse. I thought we might clash with living together and working together, but we didn't. In fact, we made a great team.
As Edward had suggested, one of us slipped out to collect the kids; it was usually Esme or Alistair. They both loved being Grandparents, and most of the time they came back to the surgery with candy or ice cream.
I was glad to say that Garrett had gone back to baseball, and had his own cheerleading corner, with Esme being his number one fan.
Emmett was coaching the older kids, and they were doing well in the league.
Most importantly, Edward and I went on a weekly date, and we were getting closer than we had ever been. Even though we hadn't slept together.
By the beginning of the summer vacation Esme took the children to Chicago to visit with Uncle Max and Auntie Claire.
I looked across the table, over the top of my mug, and smiled. Edward was in the middle of making another "big book of boo boos". He took Doc Mcstuffins to a new level, but the patients loved it.
Edward had a book dedicated to the boys, and one for the girls. He had even drawn the pictures; which he photocopied. He was just putting the finishing touches to the girl's book. He looked so much like the geek I fell in love with—with his glasses slipping down his nose, a frown on his face as he concentrated, and his tongue sticking out the side of his mouth.
"What?" Edward asked as he looked up.
Stifling a giggle, I shook my head.
"Spit it out, beautiful girl." Edward smirked.
"You look so adorable when you concentrate like that." I smiled.
"Adorable… That isn't something that makes me feel very masculine." Edward grinned.
"Well, you are when you concentrate. It's adorable the way your tongue peeks out of the corner of your mouth." I shrugged.
"I can show you how adorable I can be." Edward winked, as he got up from his chair and crept around the table, like a lion ready to pounce on his prey.
"Oh, no, Edward," I screamed, putting the mug down, and rushing around the table.
Giggling, I made a run for the door into the kitchen, and hid behind the island. Peeking over the counter top, I couldn't see Edward anywhere.
Suddenly I was grabbed around the waist. I screamed. Edward had gone out of the front door, and through the back.
Tickling me, he asked, "Who is adorable now?"
"You are, Edward," I screamed, laughing and trying to get free.
"Wrong answer, sweet girl." Edward chuckled.
As Edward continued to tickle me, and with me squirming, he unintentionally groped my breast. He pulled his hand away, stepping backward, with sheer panic on his face.
"I'm so sorry, Bella. I really didn't mean to touch you like that. I was just goofing around." He blushed.
"Edward, calm down. It's okay. I don't think you did it on purpose," I replied, looking up into his beautiful green eyes. I pulled him towards me, moving closer to him.
I brought my hand to his face, stroking it, before I cupped his cheek with my palm, moving my other hand to his neck. Looking into his eyes, I ran my fingers through the short hair on the back of his neck. I stood up on my toes, and pressed my lips to his.
It took him a few seconds before he kissed me back. I felt him lift me onto the island, and wrap my legs around his waist as we deepened the kiss.
Gasping for my breath, I asked, "Shall we lock the doors and go to bed?"
"Oh, sure … hum… I got caught up in the moment… Sorry, did you want a drink before you go up…?" Edward stuttered, blushing.
"Edward, I would like to go up to bed with you, in my bed," I whispered as I kissed his neck.
"Like, together in the same bed?" Edward hesitated to ask.
"Yes, Edward. Unless you don't want to. If you're not ready—I'm sorry I just assumed you wanted to," I murmured as I bit down on my lip.
"No, I want to. Believe me, I want to," Edward confirmed.
Our lips met again, as I tightened my legs around his waist. He lifted me into his arms, holding me close, before he stepped backward for me to lock the doors, on our way upstairs.
"Your room, or mine?" he asked, breathlessly.
"Mine," I replied before our lips found each other again.
Shutting the door behind us, he put me down and we both kicked off our shoes. We began to undress each other, moving towards my bed.
"Are you sure about this, Bella? Just tell me to stop, and I will straight away. I don't want you to feel uncomfortable," Edward sternly said to me, caressing my face looking into my eyes.
"I've never been surer of anything in my life before. I love you, Edward, and my pigheadedness has stopped us being together when I just needed to let go of the past," I confessed.
"I didn't expect this, and I don't have any condoms." He sighed.
"I'm covered, and clean. Please make love to me, Edward," I begged.
"I'm not going to last long. It's been almost eight years," Edward explained as he gently pushed into me.
He waited as I became comfortable with his size. He kissed my eyelids and asked, "Are you okay, sweetheart?"
"Yes, I'm okay. I've missed you," I confessed as Edward gently moved.
"As I've missed you too, my sweet girl."
He took my breast into his mouth and pulled on my other nipple. I cried out with pleasure, and as Edward sped up, I felt him come inside me.
He rolled off me, pulling me into his chest, as I played with the hair on his chest, like I always did.
We made love twice more during the night. Then again in the shower, and I was so glad I had a bench put in to help with Katie's bathing. I smiled as I thought of the time we had tried to do it standing up when we were in Chicago.
We agreed that we would be professional at work, but we couldn't keep our hands off each other at home. We only had another day before the kids would be coming home. We decided that we wouldn't hide the fact we had moved our relationship on, and Edward had moved into my room; which was our room now.
We were going to sit the kids down and explain to them about our relationship. Well, that was the plan, until I collected the mail, and almost had another panic attack.
"Edward!" I screamed out as I held the letter in disbelief.
"What's the matter, sweetheart?" Edward rushed into the room.
I couldn't speak, I was panicking as I passed the letter to him.
I could tell by his face he was also worried.
I found myself crying uncontrollably. Surely, they couldn't take Katie away from me.
"I knew they would find out about the accident. Who do you think told them?" I wailed.
"I don't think they do, sweetheart. I believe there is more to this than an accident. We need to be in court on Tuesday. We have a lot to sort out. How about we try and book into a hotel, so we can go to Disney World? I think the kids will love it." Edward grinned.
"This is crazy. I'm about to lose Katie, and all you are thinking about is a vacation? Really, Edward?" I yelled.
"Listen, Bella, I don't believe we're going to lose her. Don't you think the case worker would have taken her before now? She has visited three times since the accident. I believe it could be something positive. We can't call the case worker, because I know through experience, she won't discuss this with us, and you know that as well. I love you, Bella, and I think it will be more positive if we take a vacation, so that way, the kids won't be stressed. They've had enough stress to last them a lifetime this year," Edward quietly explained.
"You're right, Edward. I'm sorry for yelling at you. I love you, and I know the kids are as important to you as they are to me. You go and see if you can get something booked," I sighed.
We were so busy for the next couple of days; rearranging appointments. We got a locum to cover the clinic. Also, Sinclair, as a favor to me, covered a couple of clinics. Edward managed to get two family rooms from a cancellation at the resort in Disney World. He even managed to get tickets for tea parties with the Disney Princesses for Katie, and a pirate cruise for Garrett.
Facetiming the kids to tell them we were going on vacation was a sight to be seen. They were so excited that Grandpa and Nana were going with them. They were going to be counting the days.
Once Katie and Garrett had gone to bed. Esme called us back; she was shocked by the fact we had to go to Florida for more than a vacation, but agreed with Edward that she didn't think I had anything to worry about. Esme and Alistair promised to take Garrett somewhere special while we went to court.
Five days after the letter came to summon us to family court, we arrived at Disney World. Our rooms were next to each other so the kids could either sleep in their beds in our room, or with Esme and Alistair. Edward and I had slept together since the night we made love, so it was decided that even though the kids didn't know our relationship had changed, we would still sleep together while we were here.
"Garrett, sweetie, Edward and I have to take Katie to see a judge. Can you remember when I had to go with you?" I gently asked Garrett.
"Not really, but I've seen the pictures from when I became your big guy." Garrett grinned.
"Well, Edward and I have to take Katie to see a judge like we did with you, but we're not sure what is going to happen when we get there. Give all of us a hug, and we'll be back soon." I smiled back.
I could see the worry on his face, but I would much rather be honest with him than have Katie not come back with us without them getting the chance to say their final goodbyes.
Dressed in her new dress Esme had brought Katie, we climbed into a cab.
Sitting in the waiting room in the court I was struggling to hold back my tears. Edward had me in his arms as Katie sat on his lap, cuddled into his chest.
"Katie Dwyer!" the court usher shouted.
Holding Edward's hand tightly, he carried Katie as we made our way into the courtroom. We sat next to Katie's case worker; she squeezed my hand, and I felt a slight relief. Surely, she wouldn't have done that if she intended to take Katie from me.
I looked across the room, expecting to see the smirk on Phil's face, as I had done so many times, with his mother sitting next to him glaring at me. Every time he brought me back to court they had a new lawyer. But, instead, there was his only elderly father in a wheelchair at the table on his own.
"Miss Swan, thank you for coming and for bringing young Katie. Who is this gentleman to you?" the judge boomed.
"This is my fiancé, Doctor Edward Cullen, Your Honor," I timidly said.
"Right let's get down to the case in hand. I'm Judge Hooper, and I will be overlooking the procedures today. I understand little Miss Dwyer had a little bit of an accident. How is her recovery?" he enquired.
"She has done really well. Her neck is stronger, and she has responded to her Physio very well. She has been frustrated at times, as children don't always understand the concept of the time frame to heal, Your Honor," Edward divulged.
"Good, Good. I understand the young lady who was responsible has had her credentials taken away, and is awaiting her day in court. Is that so?" Judge Hooper asked.
"Yes, sir," I replied.
"I can see you are anxious about the outcome of this session. It came to our attention that Mrs. Dwyer died a month ago. Mr. Dwyer, are you going to continue with the battle for custody?" Judge Hooper quizzed.
"No, sir. I live in a nursing home. I'm confined to a wheelchair. It would be unfair to restrict Katie, let alone take her away from Miss Swan. Bella is the only person my Granddaughter has known, and she has a real family with her. She could give her things I can't. I hold no malice towards her for the accident. I just ask one thing. Could she bring Katie and Garrett to the home for my birthday tomorrow?" Frank Dwyer asked.
"I wouldn't have thought you knew Miss Swan, but Phil Dwyer is in the state penitentiary for dealing hard drugs, and beating a prostitute to death, Judge Hooper announced. "So, he has here forth had his parental rights terminated. You are now free to adopt Katie. Is this something you would like to do?"
"Yes, your honor. I would," I choked.
"We will get the paperwork together. If you come back tomorrow, you can take care of everything, and then take your daughter back to Lakewood with you," Judge Hooper proclaimed as he slammed his hammer down.
I couldn't keep the smile from my face.
"Bella, can I ask you something before the paperwork is processed?" Edward burst out as he pulled his hair. "Can I adopt Katie, as well? We will be getting married, and you will be a Cullen. I want to adopt both the kids, but if you let me adopt her at the same time as you, then it will make it easier when that time comes."
"It would make more sense to do it like that. We'll talk to the attorney when he gets the paperwork together. We need to decide with Frank when it's convenient to go over tomorrow. You ring Esme while I go and talk to Frank." I kissed Edward on his cheek.
When we got back to the hotel, we were jumped on by Garrett as soon as we walked in.
"Nana said that Katie is ours to keep forever. Is that right, Mom—no one can take her away from us now?" Garrett bounced on his toes.
"That's right. She will be your sister forever, and you will watch her grow up to annoy you more than she does now." I giggled.
"I don't mind as long as she is staying with us." Garrett grinned.
"So, now she's going to be a Swan-like me," Garrett proudly said.
"Well, she isn't going to be a Swan; she will be a Cullen like Edward, as he is adopting her, as well," I confessed.
Seeing the smile fall from Garrett's face broke my heart. I looked across at Edward, to see the same sadness as he had on his face.
"Does that mean I won't be a Cullen because Edward doesn't want me? I will never be his son, and he doesn't want to be my dad," Garrett mumbled.
I didn't get a chance to answer him before Edward came over to where we were sitting.
"Garrett, I was going to ask your mom about me adopting you when we get back to Washington. I'm adopting Katie at the same time as your mom, to save time doing it when I adopt you. I would love for you to call me 'Dad' if that's okay with your mom. I already think of you as my son, and I'm very proud of you," Edward announced.
He pulled Garrett onto his knee as Garrett pushed his face into Edward's chest and cried.
I stroked Garrett's back with tears in my own eyes, until he stopped crying.
The attorney had agreed to let Edward adopt Katie, as well. Her name was to be Katie Renee Cullen. We went over to the courthouse; there were a lot of tears, and photographs taken. Judge Hooper told us this was his favorite thing to do as a judge in a family court; he just loved to see a happy kid and happy parents.
We made our way to the home with balloons and presents. We were aware that the children didn't really know Frank, but we were hoping they would be polite to him. They usually were.
"Hi, Frank. Happy birthday!" I shouted.
Frank had the biggest smile on his face; he looked like he had won the lotto.
"Come in, and let me introduce you to my friends," Frank proudly said. "This is, Ernest, Walter, Marvin, Betty and Loretta. Everyone, this is my Granddaughter Katie, and Grandson Garrett."
"Aren't they adorable? I could eat them up," Loretta said as she pinched Garrett's cheek.
After being introduced to Frank's friends, other people from the home seemed to join the party. The kids looked more and more anxious as they got their cheeks pinched that many times. I was sure they were going to have bruises on them.
"Bella, can I speak with you for a moment?" Frank asked.
"Sure, what can I help you with?" I replied.
Following him into his room, he pulled a box from inside his bedside table.
"This is a hair comb that has been passed down the family for the past four generations. It would have been given to a daughter if we had been blessed. But unfortunately, we only had Phil. I wouldn't let him have it as I know he'd sell it. So, I'm giving it to Katie for her to wear on her wedding day, and then to pass it along to her daughter. Will that be okay?" Frank disclosed.
"It would be an honor to hold onto this until she gets married. I will tell her the history and tell her to pass it down to her children," I humbly said.
I leaned over and gave him a hug, before putting the box into my bag. I would show it to Edward later.
"I'm so glad to know that Katie is safe now, and that my son will never be able to have custody of her. I knew my wife loved her, and wanted to keep her, but we could never give her half as much as you're able to. I know you will teach her the value of working, and the way to save her money. Phil would never be able to do that. All he would do is drag her around all the crack houses he used to visit, while he carried drugs. I can die happy and at peace now I know she is safe, and away from him," Frank admitted.
"You have years left in you yet, Frank. I will bring the kids down for your next birthday. We will try, and get here for Christmas, but if Edward and I can't get away from the practice, I'm sure that Esme and Alistair will bring them. You are still their Grandpa and always will be. Come on, you're missing your party." I smiled down at him.
We enjoyed the time we spent with Frank. It was clear he loved Katie as much as we did. It was heartbreaking to see him saying goodbye to the kids, but like me, Edward promised we would be coming back with the kids soon.
Early the next morning I was woken by the phone ringing. It was the home Frank was in; he had died in his sleep. I told them to spare no expense for the funeral as Edward and I would be paying.
"Bella, what's the matter? Who was on the phone, and why are you crying?" Edward croaked.
"Frank died in his sleep. He said yesterday that he could die a happy man knowing Katie was safe. Do you think he was waiting to make sure before he gave up?" I choked
"Probably, but at least he died happy," Edward comforted me.
We lay quietly in each other's arms. Thinking how much our lives had changed over the past few months, wondering what the future had installed for us.
Just 3 more chapters to go, I hope you liked this chapter.
Firstly, I would like to apologize to Canadian Twilight for forgetting the thank her for the help she gave me to understand Katie's injuries, and recovery. Sorry
Thanks as always to my amazing Beta Mr. G and Me, who has so much patience with me. Her incredible job to make this readable. Also, to my pre-reader Klcivinski who takes time out of her busy life to read this.
Any mistakes are mine.