The next morning was a beautiful one. After rubbing the sleep out of my eyes, I was able to see the warm orange and golden rays of sunlight reflecting on the dew covered grass. The clouds parted, showing the rising sun, as it peaked over the distant mountains. I could tell that it was going to be a good day. There's no way that the morning would look this good, just to unfold as a horrible day.

After getting dressed and eating some breakfast, I went to the library. I had the day off, and was going to make the best of it. I picked up a book, The Kingdom, and started reading. I was hoping that it would be something exciting, like a folklore about a peasant that somehow became a king and his several tribulations throughout his story and stuff, but no. It was about a real kingdom and its history. I'm no good with history, at all, and like I do while reading any history book, I ended up falling asleep while reading the third page.

I woke up to someone opening the door. I wiped the small amount of drool off the corner of my mouth as I listened to what the maid had to say.

"My Lady, you have guests." She told me.

I scrunched my eyebrows together out of confusion. Why would I have guests? I don't know anyone outside of the castle that Sesshomaru would let in; much less would he let them see me personally. I got up and put away the book, mentally reminding myself to not pick it up again. I followed the maid, fixing anything out of place. I didn't want anything to be out of place, especially if it's Sesshomaru's mom. I don't want her to point them out and then try to fix them herself. To say the least, that's embarrassing. She's already done it before, and she ended up stripping me down and putting me in a kimono she had brought for me. It was really fancy, and showy, and heavy, and it made everyone look at me, and Sesshomaru didn't like that. Everything was just a mess that day, a complete, evitable mess.

As the maid and I got closer to my guests, I was worries if the guest being InuKimi or someone I didn't know were dispelled. I could tell by the arguing that it was Kagome and InuYasha. Hearing their usual arguing put a smile on my face.

"Kazumi! It's been so long since I've seen you!" Kagome exclaimed as she hugged me the moment I came into her sight.

"It hasn't been more than two months." I told her.

"That's a long time!"

I chuckled. She hadn't changed at all. "So how are Sango and Miroku?"

"Those two? They're fine for the most part. Did you know that they've had three children?"

"Three little bundles of joy, I guess."


There was a moment of silence between us.

"So when do you plan on having your own?" Kagome asked me.

"Uh, well… I'm not exactly mated to Sesshomaru yet, so…"

"I see…"

"What about you? You're married to InuYasha, I'm sure there's nothing stopping you."

"Oh, well…"

She blushed harder than I had ever seen. I'm guessing that they're trying.

"Anyway, what brings you to this part of the world?" I asked as a mean to get rid of the awkwardness of the situation.

"We were just passing by." InuYasha chimed in.

"Liar." Tricking me wouldn't be so easy now. "You know, you're my friend to, so you don't have to act so tough in front of me."

"Why would I want to act tough in front of you?" was his question.

"I don't know, maybe because you're in your older brother's manor and don't want to seem weak. That's just my guess." I said nonchalantly. "That doesn't matter though, I know you well enough."

He stared at me before he reverted his attention back to his wife.

"So how are you?" Kagome asked.

"Other than being sore every other day from training, I guess I'm fine." I couldn't help but to smile. It was nice having a friend over.

"Aunty Kagome!" I heard Rin yell as she ran and hugged Kagome. When she got here, I don't know.

"Hey, Rin, it's nice to see you too. Wow, you've been growing!" Kagome exclaimed as she hugged the little girl back.

"It just now occurred to me; we'll be sisters after I mate with Sesshomaru." I told Kagome.

We both stared at each other before smiling. I turned and faced InuYasha. He gave me a look, telling me not to go there with him. Of course I would anyway.

"And you'll be my brother." I told InuYasha.

He sighed.

"Oh wow, you've matured quite a bit since I last saw you." I said with pure surprise in my voice. He would have gotten angry with me before if I did something he blatantly told me not to do, even though it wasn't that blatant.

It was during that moment of bliss when I felt a cold feeling wash over my spine. I stopped in my tracks along with everyone else.

"Would someone care to explain why this Sesshomaru was not informed of this gathering?"

A/N: Ooh! Someone's in trouble!
I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Apparently, my writing isn't descriptive enough and choppy, so I'll try to fix that and make it easier to follow. Thanks for reading!