Disclaimer "I do not own Power Rangers

Chapter 1

The Portal Returns

A long time ago two friends found a magic portal and saved many worlds. Ten years later the two friends are now 19 and 18. Ben Danner and William Net have not seen the portal since ten years ago. Ben happened to be wearing a red shirt. Ben happened to open his closet and took one step into his closet. There was a flash of light then he was gone.

Will was at home he was wearing a black shirt he was heading to his garage door. When he opened his door and took a step in there was the same flash that took Ben and just like Ben Will was gone.

Two flashes of light appeared in a nearly a banded command center. The two lights were gone and Ben and Will found themselves in a place they haven't seen since a while. Besides Ben and Will there was a man and a robot assistant. The man and robot went up to Ben and Will and said "Ben, Will long time no see, you two were only 9 and 8 the last time you were here. I'm surprised that you haven't figured out you could have summoned the portal we sent the portal to test you. With the portal you guys traveled through dimensions, not your world or time."

Ben then said "I was wondering why there were no newspapers in our area of the asteroids." The man then said "I am Rhys and this is my robot assistant Chip."

Author's Note :

I know a lot of people use this team name but I want to try it stuff mentioned in this chapter came from a game I use to play with my friend when we were 9 and 8, which back then I turned it into a series.

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