Disclaimer : I do not own Power Rangers Just The Power Rangers Elemental Force. This storyline is owned by Boom Studios, Power Rangers Hyperforce is own My Saban now Hasbro and Hyper RPG.

Chapter 15

Shattered Grid

It was a Saturday Ben, Jena, Leo, Rena, Will, and Selena were hanging out when they got a call from Rhys then said "Rangers come quick there's something you need to see." The six of them teleported to the command center.

Rhys then said "Rangers look at the monitor" In the middle of Rosdniw Park there was hole in the sky."

Ben then asked "Rhys is that a tear in the fabric of reality"

Chip then said "indeed it is"

Rhys said "Rangers we need you to investigate the area. We're teleporting you there."

There Rangers get teleported to the park and they walked up to the hole and the six walked through."

The rangers found them self on a ship and heard "Ay, Ay, Ay, intruders, intruders." They walked closer to the voices and heard "Alpha 55, that's impossible you said no one can reach us in the hyper stream."

Selena asked "Alpha?"

Ben then said "guys pull out your morphers."

They heard a girl voice say "they better not eat all my burritos."

Then they heard a male voice say "come in" The doors of the ship open and the rangers were faced with what they recognized from the series Power Rangers: Time Force chrono blasters. Ben then said "put your chrono blasters down we come in peace, we are rangers from another dimension I will explain to you how we know about your weapons" as they showed them there morphers.

The Red ranger said "put your blaster away" after he put his blaster away he said "Marv the Red Hyper Force Ranger."

Ben then said "Ben the Red Elemental Force Ranger."

Will then said "Will the black Elemental Force Ranger." Then a female black ranger with a robotic arm said "Im Vesper the great, you will bow down to me."

Then the female voice they heard earlier say "I'm Cloe, I'm pink, you want burritos."

Ben then said "how about burritos to go make seven one for our mentor Rhys. Cloe sneeks of to make burritos and not to soon later she returns with seven burritos. Ben takes two and everybody else gets one. They put them in their pocket.

Then Rena said "Rena Pink Elemental Force Ranger."

Then the yellow ranger said "Jack Tomas yellow Hyper Force ranger."

The Blue ranger next to Vesper said "Edward Banks the 25th blue."

Then Selena said "Selena, blue elemental force ranger."

Then Jena said "Jena White Elemental Force Ranger."

Then Leo said "Leo Green Elemental Force Ranger."

Marv said "this message reached you guys."

Ben then said "we should morph" The six of them pulled out their morphers and slid their card through. Ben, Will, Selena,Rena, and Leo said "power source elemental force."

While Jena said "White ranger power elemental force." In color coded explosions they were now in their ranger forms.

Ben said "explain where we are."

Marv then said "you know of a Tommy Oliver."

Ben then said "we're from a dimension where the rangers are part of tv series if you guys are part of the series you're not yet what I read up on they just finished the legendary war. So yes we know Tommy as mighty green and white, zeo red, first turbo red, and black dino thunder and that's how we know about your crono blasters."

Marv then said "we're in a world where he chose evil instead of good."

Alpha 55 then said "Ai ai ai we reached the correct time and place of the message."

Marv then asked Ben "you guys want to join us."

Ben looked at his team with a nod from the others he said "we're in" and Marv said "Alpha 55 teleport us down."

The eleven of them were teleported into the middle of an ocean of rangers.

Ben then goes to find Jason and said "Hi Jason, Lauren, Red Elemental Force Ranger. The reason I know your names is my team is from a dimension where your dimensions or timelines are a tv series, Then Ben saw Jen Scotts come up and said "Jena scotts."

Ben then replied "Time force pink ranger, I'm Ben Danner Red Elemental Force Ranger. In my universe you're a tv show character."

We then started fighting lord drakon's solders and then serpentera appeared.

Ben said "here's a blue prints for a zords." Sends it over to Jen."

Jen said "Kendal, RJ, and Kat call your zords. Hyperforce call your Megazord, Elemental Force call your Zords individualy."

Ben said "Salamander zord power up"

Will said "Panther zord power up."

Selena said "Dolphin zord power up"

Rena "Jay Zord Power up"

Leo said "Squirrel zord power up."

Jena " Snow Leopard power up"

Snow Leopard Zords legs spread out making its head the handle and a the Panther Zord and Salamander Zord do the Same and Combine with the Snow Leopard Zord. Then the Dolphin Zord combined with the Salamander Zord tail first and fins retracted to the sides then the Jay Zord attached to the mouth of the Dolphin Zord with wings retracted to the side. Which became a sword for the new Megazord.

The Megazord attacked Serpentera both the Zord and Megazord were destroyed. Ben, Will, Selena, Rena, Leo, and Jena were unmorphed on the ground and a bright light covered everything including them.

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Author's note to finish this Story go back one page. Hopefully I got the Hyper force rangers personality well.