The days went by, Harry had a great time in his Mansion, at last he was his own boss. No more beatings, no more bullying,... he was in paradise, he was happy to have Draco with him, Hermione and Ron also came to visit a few times, they also stayed a cupple of nights in the Mansion, but soon Christmas eve came and that meant Draco would be returning to his own body. Harry secretly wished that Draco would stay in him forever, but on the other hand he was happy for Draco.
It was the morning of Christmas eve and Harry was very quiet that morning, he didn´t say much, 'Harry, what´s wrong, why are you so quiet', Draco asked.
Harry gave a sigh, 'well, today is the day where you return to your body', he said.
'So', Draco asked.
'Well to be truthful, i´ll miss you, it will feel empty inside of me, I felt warm and comfort with you inside of me', Harry said, 'and now that will be going away and i´ll be alone again', he said in a sad voice, he also begun to cry.
'Harry listen, you´ll never be alone', Draco said, 'we´ll stay friends for ever and i´ll come and visit you as much as I can, I promise and besides that you have got Ron and Hermione', he said in a calming voice.
Harry sighed, 'yeah, I know, but you´ve been in side of me for so long, it just feels as if a part of my soul is going to be stolen from me', he said.
There was a long silence, 'we should get going', Harry said.
'Yeah', Draco said, 'listen Harry, like I said, you´ll never be alone again I promise you that'.
'Thanks Draco, you´ve become my best pal, no more than that, you have become my brother', Harry said.
'I can only say the same, you´ve become a brother to me too Harry', Draco said, 'but enough sad talk, call the damn Taxi', he said.
So Harry called the Taxi, then they drove to the train station to pick up Ron, Niklas and Hermione and then they all drove to Malfoy Manor.
After almost a hour driving, they finally arrived at Malfoy Manor, Harry payed the Taxi and they walked up to the door and Harry knocked.
The door opened and Narzissa stood before them, "welcome, please come in", she said and they entered the house.
Narzissa closed the door behind them and turned towards them, "okay, i´ve prepared everything", she said, "please follow me".
They followed Narzissa into a room where to beds were standing side by side and in one lay Draco´s body, 'strange seeing my body it looks like i´m sleeping', Draco said.
'Don´t worry Draco, everything will be fine you´ll see', Harry said.
Narzissa looked at Niklas, "how long will the process take", she asked.
"Hard to say, it depends on how badly Draco´s body is damaged",he said, "i´ll get started right now".
Niklas took off his jacket and walked over to the second bed, he lay himself on it. He closed his eyes and the others saw Niklas´s soul leaving his body, it floated upwards and glided over to Draco´s body until he was hovering directly over it.
"Let´s hope that this won´t take to long", he said, "see you in a few minutes", then he sunk into Draco´s body.
"So I guess now we wait", Narzissa said, then she turned to the group, "does anyone want a drink", she asked.
"Yes please", they all said, so Narzissa left the room, after five minutes she reappeared carrying a try.
"Here you go kids", Narzissa said, "pull up some chairs and let´s wait", so they took their drinks and pulled up chairs.
"By the way, why have you chosen Christmas eve to do this", Narzissa asked, "shouldn´t you be celabrating with your families, okay I know Harry hasn´t got a family but the rest of you".
"Christmas is the day to give, and we are all here to give you your son back", Hermione said.
"That´s right", Ron said.
"And besides that, Draco is my family, he was there when those bastards hurt me, he always said kind words that eased the pain, I can´t wait till he´s back, I want to give him a hug and say thanks for everything", Harry said.
"You can do that Harry, but me and Draco have a lot to thank you aswell, and our thanks goes to all of you also", Narzissa said.
"It´s our pleasure", they all said.
They talk for a hour or so, then they noticed Niklas´s body moving, "i guess he´s finished", Harry said, so they all got up and walked over to the bed.
Niklas slowly opened his eyes, "hey", he said in a weak voice.
"Damn, you don´t sound that good, what´s wrong", Narzissa asked.
"Well Narzissa, Draco´s body especially the insides were so badly damaged I had a hard time to heal him and it drained all of my strength, I was lucky enough to have enough strength to return to my body", Niklas said.
"What would have happened if you wouldn´t have made it", Harry asked.
"I´d be stuck in Draco´s body for ever", Niklas said, "and now please let me sleep I have to restore my strength", and with that he fell asleep.
The others looked at each other, "damn, he was really drained", Ron said.
"Yeah, he was, I guess we should get this over with", Harry said.
'Okay Draco, it´s time', he said.
'On my way', came Draco´s voice and Harry fellt something leaving him.
"There he is, my son is returning", said Narzissa and everyone watched as the spirit floated upwards and slowly sunk into Draco´s body.
Minutes later Draco´s eyes slowly opened, he yawned and looked around, then he smiled, "hey i´m back", he said.
Narzissa couldn´t help it, she run over to him and took Draco into her arms, "my baby, thank goodness you´re alive", she said, crying into him.
Draco put a hand on her back and stroked her, "it´s okay mum", he said, he looked to the others, "hey, where is Harry", he asked.
"He left, he said he needed fresh air", Ron said.
"Actually he was crying", Hermione said.
"Why would he be... oh", Draco said.
"Draco can you get up", Narzissa asked.
Draco slowly sat up, "yeah I think i´m good", he said.
"Then you should go check on Harry, besides you owe him something", his mother said, "and so do i", she added.
"Yeah, could you help me to my feet please", Draco asked.
His mother helped him to his feet, he carefully made a few steps until he fellt comfurtable, "strange feeling having your own legs again", he said, then he walked out of the room and looked for Harry.
He found Harry sitting outside on the cold stone steps of the Manor.
Harry noticed someone sitting down next to him, he quickly wiped the tears away and looked to his side and gasped as he saw Draco, "Draco", Harry said.
"Hey Harry, what´s the matter", Draco asked.
"I already told you", Harry said.
"Yes I know, but aren´t you happy that I have my own body back", Draco asked.
"Of course I am, but you´ve been in me for so long that you have become a part of me, like I said, it felt like a part of my own soul had left me", Harry said and he begun to cry again.
Draco was silent for a while, "listen Harry, a part of me will be always with you, just like a part of you will always be with me", he then said.
"I know Draco, but i´ll return to my Mansion all by myself, i´d have no one to talk to or to play with", Harry said.
Draco thought for a while, "how about i´ll come and stay a few days with you in you Mansion", he asked.
"I´d love that, but what would your mother say, besides she just got you back", Harry said.
"Asking never hurts", Draco said, "now come on let´s get inside, I don´t want you to die of cold", he said.
"Why not", Harry asked.
Draco raised a eyebrow, "why, because you mean a lot to me, you are like a brother to me, that´s why", he said.
"You mean it, i´m aloud to be a part of your life", Harry asked.
"Sure, if you allow me to be a part of yours", Draco replied.
"Of course", Harry said.
"Then it´s settled", Draco said, "now come on", he said and helped Harry to his feet.
Harry gave Draco a big hug, "finally I can hug you for real", he said.
Draco hugged him back, "hey Harry, thanks for everything", he said smiling, then they went back to the others.
As they re-entered the room Niklas was just waking up, "thanks for letting me sleep", he said yawning.
"No problem Niklas, and thanks for everything", Narzissa said.
"Pff... no need to thank me, I only healed Draco´s body", he said.
"Without your help, Draco hadn´t be able to return, so you have all of my thanks for bringing my son back", she said.
"I am not the one who you should thank, Harry saved Draco, without him Draco would have been lost forever", Niklas said.
Narzissa turned to Harry, "thanks Harry, for everything, you are always welcomed here", she said and smiled a kind smile.
"Thanks", Harry said smiling back.
Draco looked at Harry, then at his mother, "mum, I have a favour to ask", he said.
"What is it Draco", his mother asked.
"Well, Harry told me that I was so long inside of him that I have becom a part of him, and as I eft his body it felt to him as if a part of his soul was stripped away", Draco said.
"I guess that it wasn´t a nice feeling", Narzissa said and Harry shook his head.
"Anyway, Harry also said that since i´m bach in my own body that he´ll be returning to his Mansion all by himself, with me inside of him he had someone to talk to", Draco continued, "so I wanted to ask you if it would be okay if i´d stay with him for a few days".
Narzissa thought for a while, then she smiled, "Harry, you didn´t only help my son and brought him back with the help of your friends, no you were there for him in the first place", she said, then she turned to Draco, "son, why don´t you stay with Harry for the rest of the holidays, besides Harry and his friends have given me the best Christmas present ever, they brought you back".
"I´d love to stay the rest of the holidays with Harry", Draco said, "we´ll have so much fun".
"I´d love that too", Harry said and so Harry and Draco drove to Harry´s Mansion and had grand weeks together, until it was time to return to Hogwarts.
The following years Draco was home schooled by his mother, Harry, Hermione and Ron came in the holidays to him to teach him everything they had learned at Hogwarts and they stayed the best of friends until their deaths parted them.
They all told their children what Harry had done and their children told their children and so on, so that the good deed that Harry had made would never be forgotten.
This is the last chapter of this story!
I hope ypu all liked it, please leave a Review :).
The next story i will be working on will be a yaoi (boy x boy)!