(A/N: Hi everybody. Matthias Stormcrow here bringing you a revamped version of Fighting for Love. I took it down because I getting depressed ad it was affecting the story to the point where there was not going to be a happy ending and I love happy endings. So without further ado lets begin. As usual I don't own Twilight just Christian & Nero the Original Characters.)

Fighting For Love By: Matthias Stormcrow

Summery: When Bella Swan: Boxing, Pro Wrestling & UFC fan as well as being a lesbian meets Rosalie Hale its love at first sight. Watch as they exchange words outside the ring and fists inside the ring.

Chapter 1: Introduction (Bella POV)

The shrill beeping noise of my alarm clock woke me up and I rolled over and pushed the snooze button and rolled back over intent to go back to sleep. My name is Isabella, call me Bella or Bell Swan. I have mahogany hair, I stand at five feet ten inches tall, Pale complexion, my best friend jokes about it by calling me a Vampire. I have a decent build, some muscles, C-cup breasts, athletic but that is mainly due to my best friend.

"Wake up sex kitten, we have school remember?" My best friend and roommate Christian said pulling the blankets off of me and kissed me on the lips.

Ah, Chris, he is my best friend. He is twenty-one years old, six feet one inches tall, excellent body I will admit, a health nut for the most part but does eat the odd piece of junk food; he is the best cook I know. He has short dark hair, dark brown eyes, tan skin and he is also the one who got me in better shape.

Chris and my relationship may seem weird to a lot of people. We are best friends, I am a lesbian and he is straight, we also took each other's virginity two years ago and we are roommates.

You see Christian, I'm the only one allowed to call him Chris, and I meet three years ago. I was sixteen and he was eighteen and he moved into the house next door to mine. He lived alone seeing as he was given up as a child and nobody adopted him so he left the orphanage at eighteen. His first night he was welcomes to the neighbourhood by Charlie, my dad and Renee, my mom when they threw him a BBQ. That is when I met him officially.

Flashback two years ago

Here I was walking around my backyard. My parents were in the process of throwing our new neighbour a welcome to the neighbourhood BBQ. I had not seen him yet and I was getting hungry so I walked toward the table to where the food was and it was then that I saw him, Christian. I walked up to him and extended my hand.

"Hi, I'm Bella." I said calmly.

He places his hand in mine.

"Names Christian. Nice to meet you." He replied.

"May I call you Chris?" I asked. "Sure may I call you Bell?" He asked.

"You can call me whatever you want just don't call me late for dinner." I joked.

Oh god. The people who bully me at school tease for my lack of sense of humor. Now he is going to leave me alone just like the others.

To my surprise he laughed.

"That is funny. I miss that old joke." Chris replied. "Hey do you want me to show you around the house?"

I nodded and he and I walked into his house and it was beautiful. The house was two stories tall, painted white, had a bay window, the steps were made of stone, black tiles on the roof.

The inside was oak flooring; the living room was spacious, nice looking recliner chair, couch and a love seat. The T.V. was Twenty inch T.V. with Panasonic speakers and a DVD player with about thirty DVDs.

Next was the Kitchen. The wall was painted white and had marble counter-tops. The Stove and fridge were black, the pantry was stocked of healthy food and the odd bag of chips, so not a total health nut.

Next came his room and holy shit. It was gorgeous. The walls were painted a light red color, the bed was a King, he had a dresser, a walk-in closet, a computer desk and a computer, oh and two bookshelves full of books. There was something some thing in the corner of the room I noticed as I walked in.

"What is that?" I asked pointing the object.

"Oh that. That is my Black Gibson Guitar." Chris replied.

"Can you play me something?" I asked.

"Of course." He replied while grabbing and opening the case.

He tuned the guitar and looked at me and smiled.

"This song is called My World." He replied.

He started playing and I started nodding my head along with the beat. He then let out an awesome laugh then started singing and he was pretty sing.

This earth is not your place

That pale skin is on your face

If you step inside with me,

You will see a king

He ain't dead, he ain't The Rock

Don't want to hear your big mouth talk

In my world, my world

Time to leave my thoughts

In my world, my world

Left in the cold, in the dark

In my world, my world

Time to leave my thoughts

In my world, my world

Left in the cold, in the dark

In my world!

I get high, ignore the pain

Welcome to the who's insane

Hold your lies, your accusations

Stow it, this is my situation

In my world, my world

Time to leave my thoughts

In my world, my world

Left in the cold, in the dark

In my world, my world

Time to leave my thoughts

In my world, my world

Left in the cold, in the dark

In my world!

In my world, my world

Time to leave my thoughts

In my world, my world

Left in the cold, in the dark

In my world, my world

Time to leave my thoughts

In my world, my world

Left in the cold, in the dark

In my world!

I clapped.

"I knew it, I knew who you are. I am a big fan of yours." My dad said walking into the room.

"Ah, what are you talking about Dad?" I asked.

"He is a UFC fighter. They call him the Red Devil. He just signed with the UFC and I watched all of your fights on the Internet." Dad replied.

Christian smiled and then walked toward his dresser and produced four tickets.

Flashback over

The tickets were for Chris's first official fight in the UFC. The sing he performed that day he had a band called The Devils perform as he made his way to the Cage. My dad and I have gone with Chris to every one of his fights.

Anyways I got up out bed and I walked toward the bathroom intent on having a shower and I could hear Chris in the kitchen making breakfast. When I was done I wrapped a towel around me and I walked into my room, slid the towel off me, grabbed a bra, panties, jeans and Chris's Red Devil T-shirt. I quickly got dressed and when I was finally done I felt Chris come up behind me and kissed my neck.

"Breakfast is ready." Chris said softly.

I nodded my head and moaned. Right now your probably wondering if he took my Virginity when I was seventeen that would mean he would have to have Charlie and Renee's permission, which he got. Charlie did not like it at first but a few a few talks with mom we were allowed to. The only reason Charlie allowed it was because according to Mom would they rather I lose my Virginity to a total stranger or to somebody I trust with my life.

I have gone for check-ups before and after every sex session I have had with both women and Chris. Chris is the only male I allow to touch me that way and he never takes advantage of me. When I want sex with him he gives it to me. Chris never cums inside me so I never become pregnant. Like I said, we have a weird relationship but it works for us.

Chris let go of my neck and we headed into the dinning room. When we were done breakfast Chris washed his plate and fork then put it on the dish rack and then I washed my plate and fork as well. Then we got our coats on and our boots and shoes, and then left for Seattle University where we both go to School.

I forgot to mention our apartment is near campus so we walk to and from School together every day.

"So you have a fight tonight right?" Chris asked.

"Yes." I replied.

"How do you feel?" He asked.

"Great." I replied with a smile.

"Who are you fighting?" Chris asked.

"Victoria Anderson." I replied.

"You mean the red-headed chick in my Biology Class right." Chris asked.

"If you mean the one with big chest then yeah. It is rather funny why she wanted to fight or rather wrestle me. You see her thing is she likes Wrestling with her girl friends and I have wrestled her friends and beaten them soundly. So Vickie comes up to me the other day and she says she was wrestling with her friends and they all said the same thing I am the better wrestler and I will give her credit she is sexy and in great shape. Match should be fun. Did you want me to get Maria to record it for you?" I asked.

That is another thing between Chris and me. He has Maria, who might I add was at one time Chris's fiancé, records my fights so he can help me with my form and moves seeing as he is the expert and I am the amateur.

As for Chris and Maria they are best buds now and have always been friends. They go out drinking every second Friday. I laugh when Chris comes home drunk off his ass because he says the funniest things.

"Yes. I would like that." Chris replied with a smile.

We arrived at school with ten minutes to spare. Chris went one way and damn near crashed into his girl groupies. Ever since it got around School that Chris fights in the UFC on weekends all the girls flocked to him like he was a member of The Beatles it is actually very funny and even funnier that he doesn't pay any attention to them.

I went the other way seeing as my first class is on the other side of the building I ran. I made it with two minutes to spare.

English Class was not very interesting…kind of boring really. Next class was Math and I am not good at math…thank god for my other best friend Angela Webber.

Angela is my other best friend. She doesn't judge and accepts Chris and my relationship for what it is. She is a bit taller then my five foot ten frame at five eleven. Skinny but a healthy skinny, she wears glasses but they enhance her appeal in my eyes. If she was gay I would totally bang her, a total babe is all I am saying, too bad she is straight as Chris. Although I can go on record and say we made love once, in her defense she was drunk and so was I. The only reason either one of us remember is Chris in his drunken wisdom decided to tape the whole thing…yes he was drunk to.

When the bell rang signifying the end of math class I left my class only to come chest-to-chest literally with my opponent tonight: Victoria.

"Ready to get pinned and defeated little girl?" She asked.

"You would know something about getting pinned and defeated wouldn't you, you big breasted bitch?" I asked smirking.

Yeah she would know that considering she has fucked just about every guy and girl that is not a teacher in this school, not including me, Chris and Angela because we are the smart ones.

"I cannot wait for the chance to smack that smirk right off your face." Victoria said smugly. "I am going to embarrass and humiliate you bitch."

My smirk grew as I was hit with an idea.

"You want to embarrass and humiliate me. Well why don't we make this match interesting. I propose match can only end with pinfall or a submission, falls count anywhere and the loser of the match gets fucked by the winner." I said confidently.

Victoria looked me up and down and her eyes stopped at my shirt covered breasts, then went back down to my pussy area and licked her lips, then extended her hand.

"Another notch on my belt. I accept." Victoria said smugly.

I was going to shake her hand then decided to pull a Ric Flair by pulling my hand back, slicking my hair and wooing in her face then strutted off to second class.

English class was boring as hell. The only thing that brightened it a little more was the lesbians of the class were whispering about the fight tonight. That is another thing, the bar I fight at occasionally is called Maria's Pub, Bar and Grill. It's a Pub by day but at night it's a Lesbian Bar and Grill. I have some friends there…speaking of I am horny and turned on and I need someone to take the sexual edge off. I will ask Chris to do that because I need some sweet lovemaking and Chris is the best love maker on this side of Seattle.

Last time I fought this turned on, I came in the middle of the fight and the woman I was fighting knocked me out because of it in a phrase Marie coined as S.K.O. or Sexual Knock Out. I learned my lesson that night: Never go into a fight sexually aroused or turned on for that matter. So Chris and I make love before the fights and he makes me cum three maybe four times before my fight just to be safe. That helps to keep me focused on the fight.

My next two classes passed without trouble and I all but ran to the Lunchroom to see Chris sitting at our usual table with our usual order from Subway right in front of him. I walked toward the table and sat down. Chris pushed my portion to me and I began happily chowing down.

"Your sexually charged up aren't you?" Chris asked.

Oh man he always knows. He must be empathic or something. He always seems to know my mood or how I feel.

"Could you help me take the edge off before my fight tonight?" I asked when we were done eating.

"Sure." Chris replied with a nod of his head.

Chris then placed his hand on my back.

"Pretty tense too. Maybe you should go to the gym with me before the fight so you and your sparring partner could loosen you up a little." Chris said.

I nodded and we got up to head to our next class and as we got up I saw Victoria a little off to the left of Chris and she and I meet eyes.

"When I beat your ass. He is mine." She mouthed.

"You will try but you will not get past me." I mouthed back.

Chris and I left the lunchroom and both of us headed to Gym, the one class we share together seeing as it's a joint year class, his year and my year…good thing Victoria is not in this class. We played soccer that was fun, even Chris and I were on opposite teams and we are both super competitive. Even at video games.

After gym came my second math class. God I hate having two math classes. The good thing about it is that Angela has the same class and we talked.

"So you are going to beat Triple B's ass tonight right? Give her a hit for me too." Angela said.

I nodded. That is another thing Victoria is a bully and has bullied Angela on occasion and as a result Angela does not like Victoria at all.

"Yeah I am going to beat her ass tonight although I am a little worried. I mean it is no secret that Victoria goes to a Wrestling school in the summer months so she is more trained then I am, she is bigger then me, stronger. The only thing I have might be the speed advantage." I said.

"You can win. I have seen you do it before against a woman just as big if not bigger then Victoria. Heidi Blackwell. Hell she whopped your bloody ass and you still beat her." Angela said.

Ah Heidi Blackwell. A pro wrestling champion in Italy undefeated until she met me. Here is how that went down.

Flashback six months ago. (A/N: Scene gets pretty graphic. Not eighteen skip to the next note.)

I had just started School here, been here for three days and I already have a wrestling match set for that night against the queen bee of the School Jessica Stanley. I had done my usual preparations for the match; I lifted weights, did some cardio, swam a couple laps in the pool, and sparred with my sparring partner Chris at the time.

So here I am jumping up in down in the ring wearing a bikini and matching bottoms. What I like being comfortable when I am in the ring and I am not shy of showing my body off in a Lesbian Bar anymore…I was a long time ago.

So here I am patiently waiting for Jessica come get her ass-kicking like a big girl and when she shows up she is wearing a dress and heels…what the hell.

"Ah Bella. You see when I challenged you yesterday I forgot one little detail. It is not me your wrestling. I have a handpicked opponent for you. Ladies and Chris she comes from Volterra Italy, she weighs one hundred and seventy-five pounds. She is the IWW Champion Heidi Blackwell!" Jessica said with a smile.

And out came the biggest woman I had ever seen. She was six feet tall, muscular, big marvellous breasts, dark blond hair and vicious smile. She had on a Bikini and a thong it looked like. This woman looked like she would eat me both figuratively and literally for Breakfast. For the first time in my life I was scared that I might not walk out of this ring the same and that prospect scared me.

The woman climbed into the ring by stepping over the top rope and her feet like mine were bare in fact I saw no hair on her anywhere but on her head.

We both walked to the center of the ring with Maria as our referee for the match.

"You both know the rules right, pinfall and submission only. Good luck Bella your going to need it. Ring the damn bell." Maria said.

The bell rang and Heidi and I locked up in the center of the ring with a collar and elbow tie-up. She forced me back to my corner and tried for punch and I ducked out of the way. I punched her in the face and she tried to punch me back and I moved out of the way again.

She tried punching me again and I got behind her and tried a full-nelson big mistake because she caught me with an elbow to the face that me step back a few steps. We locked up again and she forced me back to the ropes.

Maria came near us.

"Get her off the ropes. One! Two! Three!" Maria shouted.

She had a five count to break or risk a disqualification. She broke at four up giving me a forearm across my chest that had me crumple down to the canvas. She picked me up the hair.

"Let go of her hair Heidi come on. One! Two! Three!" Maria shouted.

Heidi let go of my hair, gripped my arm and placed a hand on my breast getting ready to sling me off the ropes, which she did. I came rebounding off the ropes on the other side and Heidi caught me with a powerslam her one seventy-five pound body driving the air out of my one hundred and forty pound body. She hooked my right leg and tried for a pin. Maria got into position.

"One! Two!" Maria shouted.

I barely raised my right shoulder at the count of two to keep the match going. Heidi looked down at me and smiled.

"I am glad you kicked out. Now I could hurt you some more speedy." Heidi said.

She picked me up by the hair again and gave me a forearm to the back, driving me back to the canvas.

"Lets go Bella!" The crowd started chanting.

Heidi picked me up by the hair again and placed her arm behind my neck and my arm behind hers and placed her other hand at my bottoms and yanked turning them into a thong and crowd whistled and my near naked derriere and gave me a delayed vertical suplex holding me in position to let the blow flow to my head causing me a headache.

In a display of physical dominance she walked with me in suplex position then walked over to the corner. I knew what was coming and tried to brace myself but you can't brace for impact when you're crotched on the turnbuckle. I felt like my body was going to split in half.

Heidi started climbing the turnbuckle and I tried to throw a punch but it was weak and Heidi responded by clobbering me with a right hand that would have knocked me to the floor had she not have had a death grip on my hair, she punched me again.

That is when I decided to play dirty. I looked to her nipples to see them practically poking out of her top. So I twisted her nipples to try and get her weakened so I could get off the turnbuckle on my own. Her response: a headbutt that left me dazed.

I could feel blood trickling from my mouth and on to my bare breasts…wait my breasts were bare. Sure enough she tore off my bikini top.

"I am not sorry. Miss Stanley offered me double the money if I could strip you naked before defeating you. You have heart little swan but its not enough to topple me." Heidi said gleefully.

She then gave me a top rope super-plex we crashed to the canvas my body bounced once then did not move. I was hurt. I couldn't kick out if I wanted to. My back was sore. This was the most punishment I have taken in a match to date. Heidi crawled over to me and covered me. It was real I was about to lose my first match.

"One! Two! Thr-" Maria started to count but was interrupted when Heidi picked my shoulders off the mat. "What are you doing you had her beat!"

Heidi shrugged. "I am not done yet."

"Just pin me please." I pleaded.

"I am sorry little one but that twenty grand is as good as mine" Heidi replied.

Twenty grand. She was getting paid twenty grand just for punishing me. Heidi picked me up by the hair again and put her hand between my legs and picked me up and slammed me back down to the canvas only to do it again and again. After the third slam I started to cry my body was in a lot of pain, I was bloody, I was sweaty, heaving and so turned on at this point.

"Your wet. Time to put you out of your misery but first." Heidi said before stripping me naked.

She then picked me up again and placed my head between he legs and lifted me up for a powerbomb and while I was on her shoulders she gave my wet clit a lick.

"Something to remember me by." Heidi said as she drove me into the mat back first.

Maria got into position again as Heidi pinned me in a sexy way.

"Please keep her pinned this time." Maria pleaded.

Heidi nodded.

"One! Two! Thr-" Maria shouted.

I forced Heidi off of me on my own power. I got my second wind. I stood up. The crowd cheered. Heidi in disbelief tried to punch me and I blocked it, then a second one and I blocked it as well. Then I punched her as hard as I could and I punched her again and again. My punches were doing damage and I picked her up in a show of power in my own right and slammed her to the canvas, walked toward the turnbuckle, climbed the ropes to the top and to a tribute of Chris's favorite wrestler I hit a Spiral Tap a la AJ Styles and covered and hooked her leg.

(A/N: Graphic scene over.)

"One! Two! Three! Ring the Bell!" Maria shouted.

Flashback over

"Hey you okay?" Angela asked.

"Yeah. Just remembering the match Heidi Blackwell and I had." I replied.

"The one where you could barely walk afterward. I still can't believe she licked you." Angela replied.

"I took the liberty of asking her that during our many phone calls after that match. She blames the whole situation on me. You remember when I told you the story. I was wet, aroused and she was close enough to tell. Plus my wetness was driving her crazy. Hence the lick before the pin." I explained.

"Ok I am not gay and even I thought that pin was sexy." Angela replied.

Wait what.

"You weren't even there. How could you know?" I asked confused.

"Chris showed me." Angela replied.

Wait what the hell does that?

"Chris showed you?" I asked. "You mean he-"

"No you dolt, we watched the tape and I insisted. Besides Chris has way more respect for me then to try that. Besides I'm not his type and I just want to be friends with him not lovers." Angela explained.

Oh yeah I know Chris's type all right. I do the hazing job for him so I know his type very well. Brunettes, semi muscular, smart, tall girls between my height and his I fit into his type hence our great relationship.

"I must say though Chris taught you well. Did Heidi ever mention a rematch?" Angela asked.

"Yes she did. We fight in three weeks at the bar again and this time it's for her belt she insisted." I replied.

"What kind of match?" Angela asked a little worried now.

"If you that the last match was brutal this one is worse. It's a Last Woman Standing." I replied.

"What's that mean?" Angela asked

"To win I have to beat her so bad that she cannot get to her feet by the count of ten and she does to it as well. I expect her to use weapons or just beat me physically just like last time." I replied.

The bell rang to end the day and I walked toward Chris and I's usual meeting place the art room. I walked in and wow!

(A/N: That is the end of the first chapter I will try update every week. Next chapter the match between Bella and Victoria and hopefully it will be just as long as this chapter is. Please I hope everybody enjoys this story just as much as the original.)