Chapter 4: Rosalie Hale (Rosalie POV)

Here I lay on my bed in my packed away room on a Friday morning. I was leaving my Parent's house in New York City. I had been going to school in NYU for two years and I am transferring to Seattle University because I have been getting picked on because I am gay. Yes I, Rosalie Lillian Hale, am a lesbian. I am nineteen years old, I have long blond hair and violet eyes and I am what many people consider an Ice Queen and those people are idiots because they never took the time to get to know me.

"Rosalie honey, don't forget your flight leaves in two hours." My mom shouted from downstairs.

I didn't want to leave my childhood home but I wasn't about to continue getting teased for being a lesbian and before you ask no, I am not a Virgin. I lost it to my best friend Vera before she moved to Chicago, Illinois a little over three years ago.

"Okay Mom. Thank you." I shouted a reply back.

I was going miss this place, I was going to miss shopping with my

Mother, who is my best friend and I will also miss going to watch the boxing and wrestling matches in Madison Square Garden with my dad the sports nut. He is the reason why I love sports.

I walked into the bathroom to have a hot shower and when I was done I wrapped a towel around my hair and another around my body and I walked back into my room.

That is one thing about me I am at peace with my body. I am comfortable enough in my own skin to walk nude around my room after I have had a shower.

I got dressed in light blue jogging pants and a white t-shirt underneath I wore my dark red lingerie set... what I like feeling sexy. I am all about confidence. Despite being high maintenance I like dressing comfortable as well.

I sat down on my bed and grabbed my laptop, turned it on and went on to Youtube to watch the girl of my dreams get dominated by a much bigger woman. I love watching that match. I downloaded it four months ago while I had the house to myself.

I lay down and pulled the laptop close to me as I pushed play on the video. This is my hundredth time watching the video. I still cant believe the brunette known as Bella actually pinned the bigger woman and she did it with one best moves from one of the best wrestlers in the world: The Phenomenal AJ Styles…my favorite wrestler.

I had dreamed about getting Bella to wrestle me in the ring and unlike the blond: Heidi, I actually counter the Spiral Tap and pin her one, two, three and I place my foot upon her conquered body as I celebrate my hard fought victory.

That dream is the true reason why I am leaving New York University and transferring to Seattle University. My dad knows about my chasing the everlasting skirt as he calls it and yes my mom and dad both know about me being a lesbian. My dad was fine with it from the beginning but my mom well she took it hard. I kissed Vera for the first time when I was twelve, I was fourteen when I came out of the closet. Like I said my mother was unsupportive at first and I was sixteen when I found out why: She wanted a grandchild from me.

That was one of our lengthier conversations but it basically came down to what I told her. I told her I could still give birth to a child I just need a man I could trust…I still had not found one but I know one is out there somewhere.

After I finally got dressed I walked downstairs to see my mom and dad waiting for me on the love seat.

"Ah our little beauty finally came out of her cave." Mom said.

I smiled at my mom and dad. I will miss their little playful greetings.

"When is my flight?" I asked.

"In about forty-five minutes." My mom replied.

I nodded my head and gave my family home one last look because if all went according to plan then this would not be my home anymore. My home would be with Bella and only one thing stood in my way: a guy named Christian McCloud or Chris for short.

He, much to my annoyance, is Bella's boyfriend and he must go. I always get what I want and what I want is Bella underneath me, I want her to be mine, I want her wanting me, making me cum, I want her love, her sex, everything. Question now is how to get rid of McCloud.

Now here I am on a plane heading to Seattle. It was a tearful good-bye with my parents but I told them I had a plan. Us Hale's always have a plan.

The plane ride was quiet and relaxing. My plan for tomorrow when I start school was to talk to McCloud, convince him to give up my woman peacefully. I didn't want to hurt him, I have taken down guys just as big sometimes bigger then him at my old school.

Now I am waiting for my cab outside the airport to take me to my flat on campus. I hope to meet my flatmate for the year today. Oh and by the way its Saturday morning.

"I hate cabs." I mumbled as I was lugging my bags up the steps toward my new home.

Let me rewind here. The Cab driver was a total douche, kept asking me inappropriate questions and he felt me up while I was getting my bags hence the reason why he is currently laying on the sidewalk with a face full of pepper spray and a knee to the balls.

I finally lug my belongings up the stairs and knock. The door is opened and out comes a busty red haired woman.

"Hi, I am Victoria Anderson. Are you R. Hale?" She asked.

I nodded and Victoria helped me carry my stuff into her…now our flat. When we had my stuff unpacked and we sat down on the couch.

"Hey um I have a lunch date with my new boyfriend and his friend. You want to come with us?" She asked.

I contemplated her offer. I was hungry and I didn't have any friends. I had no idea of this area. I could use some friends.

"Sure." I replied with a smile.

"Okay. I will send them a quick text and we will be on our way." Victoria said with a smile.

I might like Victoria. She reminds me a little of Vera…I think if Vera ever comes back would she remember me. I was almost done high school last time I saw her. I changed so much but I think she would remember after all she owns me a rematch. First wrestling match I ever lost was to her and that's when the bitch in me made an appearance for the first time.

Flashback four years ago.

I was already in the ring warming up and eagerly awaiting for my girlfriend to get her sexy ass in the ring so I could kick it. I was wearing a red and white silk bottoms and a matching bikini and overtop of that was a matching swimsuit. I was shy but this match came about from a bet between Vera and I. We were watching Monday Night Raw and it was the main event John Cena vs. The Nexus group.

"Want to make a bet old friend?" Vera asked.

"What are the stakes?" I asked.

"Winner gets to live out a fantasy with the losers participation and no backing out unless you want to ruin your reputation." Vera replied.

This bet had big implications. But I would finally get what I wanted, which is another sex session with Vera but what does she want that is the question.

Without thinking about it any longer I agreed. John Cena lost and I found out Vera wanted to wrestle me. I knew how to wrestle so did Vera. We had the same teacher: my Father. My father was a great amateur wrestler back in his high school days so I asked him to teach us and he did.

Now here I stand in the ring nervous as all hell. Oh and the ring is in our basement my dad set it up in his early years to practice Boxing. I have never wrestled before but much to my surprise Vera had and never told me. I felt angry and betrayed because I tell her everything about me and she kept this from me. I planned to make this match quick so we wouldn't embarrass ourselves but now I am going to draw it out to punish her. Yes, even back then I had a bit of a mean streak.

A few minutes later Vera walked out. She looked wow. She wore a light pink bikini and matching bottoms and was bare footed.

(A/N: As usual wrestling scene gets pretty graphic skip to next note if underage.)

She climbed into the ring and I charged at her and gave her a forearm to start the match. I grabbed her by the long brown hair and pulled her up and kneed her in the gut. Right now she was not Vera my friend, right now she was the opposition and we Hale's hate to lose. After the knee I scooped her up and slammed her down with a bodyslam.

Next I grabbed her arm and locked an Armbar. An Armbar is a typical submission move where you place all of your weight on your opponents body and wrench the arm toward you.

"Ow Rose, your starting to hurt me." Vera cried out.

I ignored her and kept on wrenching the arm back. I didn't care if I broke it. I was that angry, I picked her up with one hand in her hair and the other still grabbing the arm and I climbed through the ropes and jarred her arm off the ropes.

Your probably wondering where the hell is the ref. Our match had no ref we were our own refs. So basically we could do what we wanted. With that in mind I went and grabbed a cookie sheet that I stole from upstairs when I was a kid from under the ring and I climbed into the ring and Vera was on her hands and knees and I smashed her in the back with a cookie sheet.

"Ow! That hurt you bitch!" Vera screamed at me.

That made me madder. I picked her up by the hair none to gently and I threw her bad shoulder first into the ring post. She screamed even louder. Good thing no one was home. I grabbed her by the bottoms and gave her a move called the backstabber, which is basically you jump into the air and drive your knees into your opponents back. She withered on the mat and I went for a pin.

"One! Two!" I counted and she kicked out.

I shook my head and I went back on the attack as I grabbed her injured arm and pulled it horizontal to me and I drove my knee into her arm and she cried out so I did it again.

I picked her up and gave her a vertical suplex and tried for another pin.

"One! Two!" I counted and she kicked out again.

"I don't know what I did to make you mad Rose but I know you're angry so I am letting you punish me. So Rosie hit me with your best shot." Vera replied.

She's letting me punish her…she's letting me…I snapped. I started beating her with my fists. I picked her up and slammed her again this time on the cookie sheet. She withered around on the mat again and I picked her up with the intent to finish her off with a move called the AA or Attitude Adjustment, which is when you hoist the other person onto your shoulder and you slam him onto the ground from your shoulders.

So I set up for it I hoisted Vera up and went for the slam onto the now flattened cookie sheet only for her to counter it by wrapping her left arm around my head and drive me face first into the cookie sheet knocking me out with a move called the RKO and pinning me one two three.

(A\N: Graphic scene over.)

Flashback over

I did get my wish anyway after that and we did talk. I told her why I was mad and then she promised never to lie to me again and it was a promise she kept. We actually wrestled a total three times, She beat me the first time, I made her submit the second time to a Walls of Jericho, which is basically you grabbed the other persons legs and wrench back while standing or kneeling. Me, I kneeled bending poor Vera practically into a horseshoe. The last match was a double count-out in front of an audience due to the fact that I had Vera practically unconscious on a wooden table and I gave her a Frog Splash off the top rope through the table impact knocked us both out.

"Hello." Victoria called waving her hands in my face.

I shook my memory off and came back to the present.

"Huh." I said.

"I asked if you wanted to head out now. My boyfriend and his friend are their waiting for us." Victoria asked.

I nodded my head and off we went. We left the apartment and we walked toward the parking lot and we were getting into a 94 Black Ford GTO.

"This your car?" I asked as She drove us out of the parking lot.

"Yes. It was originally my Friend Vera's. She sold it to me about two years back." Victoria replied.

Vera…could she mean my friend Vera. Victoria answered my question before I could ask.

"Oh you must be Rosalie or Rosie as she so lovingly called you. Vera told me all about your wrestling matches together. She used to say that you would make a great opponent for me and now I can say I agree. If or when we wrestle it will be a good match but before any of that I want a rematch with one Bella Swan." Victoria replied.

She wrestled my dream girl…when?

"Oh yeah how did that go?" I asked intrigued.

"I had her defeated, I had her beaten and I made one mistake. I got to cocky." Victoria replied

"Cocky?" I asked in wonder.

"Yes. I threw her back first into the bar and I charged at her thinking I had the match in hand and she dodged it and I went head first into the bar and she pinned me after that. I should have stuck with my original plan." Victoria said.

Original plan…hm I wonder what that was.

"What was your original plan if you don't mind me asking?" I asked.

She smiled.

"I was planning on powerbombing her onto the Bar Top. I was then going to go behind the bar and grab a bottle of scotch and pour it on her before taking a drink of course. Then I was going to throw her now wet body into the ring and put her away with another powerbomb and then follow it up with a Boston Crab submission hold." Victoria explained.

Now I was wet. God she just gave me another idea that I could do while I wrestled Bella but that will have to wait. I will wait for the opportune time to challenge her because it sounds like my roommate just put her through a war.

We walked into a place called Emily's Café. We walked in and sat down at a table and waited. A few minutes later Bella came in with him. My blood was boiling I was barely containing my anger.

"Hi Bella, hey babe." Victoria said they two of them locked lips and started playing tonsil-hockey…what the fuck is going on here.

I turned to Bella who looked to be doing a victory dance of some sort.

"Uh…is he your boyfriend?" I asked pointing to him.

She laughed.

"Chris? No, he is not my boyfriend. I am off limits to all guys except him he's my fuck buddy when I need that kind of action." Bella said with smile.

Oh now I feel like an idiot…oh my god she is gorgeous.

"So no girlfriend?" I asked starting to flirt a little.

"No. Although last chick I banged was Victoria and that was yesterday after she beat the hell out of me and I beat her in our match." Bella replied looking me up and down.

"How about you and I wrestle?" I asked.

She licked her lips.

"I can take you. But that will have to wait because my schedule for wrestling and or fighting is full for the next few weeks." Bella replied.

"That is news to me. Are you picking fights again Belly?" Chris said with a bit of smirk.

Belly? They must be really good friends.

"No Chris. I think Jessica is picking the fights for me. You remember how she tripped me and I spilled my soda into somebody's purse. Well it wasn't just a purse try a one thousand dollar purse and the purse it belonged to the foreign exchange student we got a month ago." Bella explained.

"Oh yeah Okani or Kuni or something to that effect. The chick from Egypt." Chris replied finally breaking lip lock with Vicky.

"Well I actually have to run the gauntlet Monday night. First Kebi, that is her name, then Jane, then Irena and then if I get by them I get a match with Jessica. What will be interesting about it will be that first match will be a normal match with Kebi, followed by a submission match with Jane, A match with five hundred dollars on the line two hundred and fifty dollars a piece, then finally a *mumble* match with Jessica." Bella said.

I could see myself start to like Chris because he walked up to Bella and looked her right in the eye.

"A what match Belly?" Chris asked.

Bella took a deep breath.

"A bikini mud wrestling match, well actually every match we will be wearing Bikinis." Bella replied. "Jessica's idea. She said she hoped I would get through the others because she wants to embarrass me."

Bella the babe in a bikini-kicking ass live…I will be there…wait did she say mud…I am bringing my camera.

"I will be there." Victoria said with a smile.

"So will I." Chris replied.

I nodded my head unable to speak I was still trying to wrap my head around Bella wrestling in mud.

"I am sorry ladies but I cannot stay long I have a fight tonight in Seattle I need to be ready for." Chris said with smile. "It was lovely to meet you…"

"Rosalie." I replied with a smile.

"Rosalie." He added.

He kissed first Victoria on lips then Bella as well. When he left I watched Bella and Victoria giggle.

"By fight did he mean Reshad Evans because I really wanted to see him kick Evans ass." I replied softly.

"When does Jessica expect you to run the gauntlet?" Victoria asked.

"Monday night. But I think I need to step up my training regime because I have never fought four opponents one after another." Bella said softly.

"I have seen some of your matches over the Internet so I think you can handle it and well it has been a fantasy of mine to wrestle you one-on-one but to do that I would like you to be at one hundred percent and you will get everything you handle from me and some more. I don't do things half-assed." I said with a smile

"I want to be referee." Victoria said.

Bella and I looked at Victoria and nodded then stared each other down.

"I accept." Bella said.

"All right. I look forward to our match when it comes." I replied.

"Me too." Bella replied back.

"So was just me or did Chris seem a little off." Victoria asked.

"Its not just you. Chris found something out yesterday and it shocked him. I just hope he can concentrate. He really wants to beat Evans and become UFC Light Heavyweight Champ." Bella replied looking worried.

"When are you guys leaving for Seattle." Victoria asked.

"Six. The event starts at eight." Bella replied. "Why?"

"Feel up to being a ref?" Victoria asked

I caught a look from Victoria.

"Sure." Bella replied.

"Good. Rosalie I challenge you to a wrestling match." Victoria said looking right at me.

"Lets do this." I replied.

"Well do you have a place in mind where you two can wrestle." Bella wondered.

"My friend Laurent's Gym." Victoria replied. "In fact we could all ride together there. But first we are stopping back at the apartment. Grab a Bikini Rosalie. That is how I prefer to wrestle. Bella I am sure there is a Black and white striped Bikini and matching bottom you could wear."

We arrived back to our home and I walked in seeing the place for the first time. It was rather spacious but the first thing I notice was that the room screamed Rich Girl not that that surprises me because Victoria is the daughter of Mikhail Anderson of Anderson Energy Inc the leading supplier of Energy Efficient Light Bulbs and other appliances. The Apartment has five bedrooms, three bathrooms, a rather large living room and everything was super expensive looking. It reminded me of home.

"Your room is the first on the left." Victoria said pointing me down a hallway.

I walked down the hallway and opened my door to see in fully furnished and my bags were already there so this is where she put them. I opened my bags and I stripped nude and searched through my bag to find my favorite Red Bikini and Thing set that I got for my eighteenth birthday. I then pulled them on and tied them up then pulled back on my pants and shirt and socks before throwing my Thong and Bra into the dirty clothes hamper and I looked up to see a bit of Brown leaving the doorway…was Bella checking me out naked.

I walked out and there sat Victoria and Bella chatting about something.

"He will beat him. I bet you a hundred dollars that he does it with that Demon's Gate hold of his." Victoria said with a smile.

"I have it on good authority that he has a new weapon is his arsenal and I match your bet that he beats with that." Bella replied back.

They shook hands.

"Now that we got that out of the way when is your bands next performance. I have been to every concert. I like the music." Victoria asked.

Wait she is in a band too. I am starting to think that there is nothing Bella Swan cannot do.

"So are we ready to go?" I asked walking into the room.

They both nodded their heads and off we went. We drove through inner-city Seattle before coming to a stop at big building right smack in the middle of the scantily clad part of town. Back home I used to call it Hooker Row.

"Come on lets go Laurent is waiting." Victoria said with a laugh.

She walked into the building with Bella and I right behind her. This gym is nice, clean dark brown floors and walls, well lit and spacious. There was weight equipment and a ring set up.

"Private ring right Vicky." Laurent asked.

"You know me so well Laurent." Victoria replied.

"Follow me please." Laurent replied.

We walked down a hallway to a wooden door and he took a key out of his pocket and unlocked the door before tossing the Key to Victoria.

"Lock the door when you enter. Don't worry the room is sound proof." Laurent said with a laugh before walking away.

"Lets go ladies. I want to hand Rosalie her ass." Victoria replied while opening the door.

The room looked very maintained. Everything cleaned and neat Bella and I walked in and Victoria closed and locked the door before hanging the key on a hanger beside the door.

We all got inside the ring and Victoria took her shirt and pants off to see a Blue and white striped Bikini and matching bottoms. She looked in great shape and then Bella took her clothes off and wore a Black and White striped Bikini and matching Thong and I think I drooled a little bit. Both looked at me expectantly and not to be out done I took my clothes off as well to stand in my matching Red Bikini and Thong and Bella's mouth watered…so she feels something for me that is nice to know.

"So how do you want to do this?" I asked.

"Two out of Three falls with a one hour time limit. Pinfall or Submission can only win falls with no weapons and no count-outs. Bella if we fall out of the ring you have to get us back in and the other person will have to wait until the opponent is inside the ring to continue the beat down. Do you agree?" Victoria asked.

I nodded and Victoria handed Bella a remote.

"This will turn the clock on the wall on it is already set." Victoria said.

Bella nodded and pressed a button and a buzzer sounded.

(A/N: Graphic scene coming skip to next Note.)

Victoria and I circled each other trying to feel the other one out. Then we walked toward each other and locked up. Victoria clearly had the speed advantage seeing as I was bigger and stronger. I muscled her into the ropes and like a good ref does Bella got us apart.

We locked up again and this time Victoria muscled me back to the corner and let go and drove a shoulder into my mid section followed by another and threw me toward the opposite corner and followed me in with a clothesline to the top of my breasts. She then grabbed me and pulled me more to the center and set me up for a Suplex using my thong for leverage and we came crashing to the mat.

"Ahh!" I screamed rolling onto my stomach and holding my back.

"Ah ha found a weak spot." Victoria replied before driving a set of knees into my lower back.

She then drove an elbow into my back then got up ran off the ropes and splashed me across the back.

"Get down to count ref the bitch is done." Victoria said to Bella.

Over my dead body this ain't over till I say it is.

"One! Two!" Bella counted slapping her hand on the mat

I kicked out with authority.

"Okay Blondie up for punishment. I have just the thing for you." Victoria replied while grabbing me by the hair and seeing my opportunity I slugged her in the gut.

"Ouf." Victoria moaned.

She backed away and I began exploiting the power advantage I had by driving knees into her gut doubling her over and easily giving her a suplex before floating and giving her another one. I then picked her up for a bodyslam only to feel her give me a shot to the crouch. I fell to my knees and Victoria grabbed a handful of my long blond hair and punched me in the face knocking me in my back.

She then got up to her feet and looked down at me.

"You know friends told I throw really hard knife-edged chops but I found my maximum impact to a woman I usually had to expose her breasts but you be the judge of how hard I chop your breasts." Victoria said while taking my Bikini top from me and threw it toward the ropes.

She then helped me to my feet then started punching me in the gut forcing me back to the ropes. She then held my head up and chopped me across the chest and it stung. She followed through with another one harder then the first and I was in a world of pain. I never faced anybody who could chop me this hard. The third Chop had me sailing over the top rope and onto the floor I landed on my back with a thud and I saw Bella climb outside the ring and squat down next to my head.

"Are you okay? Can you continue?" Bella asked.

I nodded and Bella helped me up and guided me into the ring and when I stopped rolling Victoria was on my again kicking me in the ribs sending me back on my back.

"Whoo!" Victoria grabbed my leg…oh no not the Figure Four Leg Lock

She slapped it on and was screaming in pain trying to pry her legs off of mine.

I tried rolling us over Victoria just clamped it on tighter forving me back on my back.

"Do you submit?" Bella asked.

"No!" I screamed back.

"Give it up before I break your legs!" Victoria shouted.

"No! Fuck you!" I shouted back.

I then tried the rollover again only to have it countered again so I decided to try and drag Victoria to the ropes. I almost made it then Victoria broke the hold then dragged me back to the center of the ring and drove home some elbows to my knee and I was in sever pain. I watched as Victoria climbed on of the corner posts and gave me a leg drop across the leg from the top rope, which got a scream from me.

I tried to roll away but Victoria grabbed my leg and got down on one knee and placed my hurt leg behind her head and put pressure on my leg and I screamed and taped out.

"Yes! One fall for me with only forty minutes of your punishment left." Victoria gloated.

Bella had concern on her face, as she looked me over.

"Can you continue?" Bella asked.

I nodded and Bella helped me stand and no sooner then I was on my feet did Victoria come at me again this time I punched her right in the face and kept them coming now that my right leg was hurt I would have to depend on striking since I cannot try to do a submissions without hurting it further.

I punched her back against the ropes then hurled her off to the other end and hobbled to the center of the ring slapping my leg to get some feeling back and I used her momentum to powerslam her into the mat. I couldn't pin her because I got off her and clutched my leg. I fell against Victoria and pulled her leg toward me in some form of a cover.

"One!" Bella counted and Victoria kicked out.

Okay…new plan. I got up and began stomping her with my good leg while trying to block out the pain. After a couple of minutes of stomping I picked her up and knocked her back off her feet with a short arm clothesline. I picked her up once again and DDT'ed her into the canvas. I rolled her over and crawled into a cover.

"One! Two! Thr-" Victoria got her right shoulder off the mat.

With a shake of my head I got up and started for the turnbuckle climbing slowly up to the top only to be dropped crotch first when Victoria ran into the ropes. She then climbed up after me and tried for a Superplex from the top rope but I kept punching her in the chest after the fifth punch this time to the head she fell off back onto the canvas and I climber back to the top and jumped off and landing across Victoria's chest with a corkscrew Moonsault I grabbed her leg again for another cover.

"One! Two! Three!" Bella counted.

I got up and now the adrenaline was flowing through my body to where I couldn't feel the pain in my leg.

"Tied score now Vicky!" I hollered.

(Victoria POV)

Well I will give Rosalie credit she can fight. This is probably the worse beat down I have ever given anybody and yet she is on her feet and actually pinned me one two three with a Moonsault…a Moonsault for fuck sake.

I looked around for Rosalie and she was climbing back up and this time I was ready and waiting. I saw Rosalie jump twirl in mid air and do a Spiral Tap… too bad I moved because she crashed back first to the canvas and I knew then I had this match where I wanted it.

I picked her up by the hair slung her into the ropes and wait for the rebound and when she did I gave her a back body drop and ran the against and gave her a Hulk Hogan like leg drop across her breasts. I looked at Bella and I mouthed this will be you next time we meet. I picked Rosalie up and I set her up for a piledriver and I nailed her with it and I watched as her body landed on the ground. I got up and picked her up again and set her up for another one.

"Oh come on your going to break her fucking neck." Bella shouted at me.

I shook my head and turned my piledriver into a Stylesclash and I nailed her with that and I moved away to watch her body settle on the ground and crawled toward Rosalie and she was still breathing…that is good that means I did it right, I laid across Rosalie and hooked her leg.

"One! Two! Three!" Bella said then stopped the clock and I looked up and there was only ten minutes left.

(A/N: Graphic scene over.)

"We need to wake her up." I said softly.

Bella nodded her head and kissed Rosalie right on the lips…wow did not see that coming.

"What happened?" Rosalie asked groggily.

"I beat you." I replied.

"Lets get dressed and we shall call it a night." Bella said softly.

Agreed and with that I helped Rosalie redress and she had problems standing up on the leg and I felt bad I tried to say something but Rosalie waved it off.

I looked up to see Bella leaving the room and Rosalie was still out of it.

"You are going to have some competition for this woman Little Swan." I whispered softly.

(A/N: That is the end of this chapter. Next chapter Chris vs. Reshad Evans.)