Disclaimer: I own nothing


"Yes." Her voice didn't waver, and his wouldn't too.

"No." He countered, staring into her eyes, he felt steel forming in his own.

Her face contorted into a deeper frown, before she spoke up once more. "Yes."

He felt his gaze waver for a split-second, before he steeled it once more. "No."

She sensed his wavering spirit, and pushed once more, she advanced slightly from her seat, leaning forward so she stared deeper into his eyes. Her words repeated, but this time, she was more confident. "Yes."

"N-no." He stuttered, unable to look into her eyes anymore. He was losing this, and damn it! He was going to lose badly.

She smirked, before she leaned forward, and stared at his face. Her smirk made him cringe, and he knew he had lost already. "Yes." She said with finality.

He sighed deeply, before he nodded his head grudgingly agreeing with her. "Yes."

She leaned back with a triumphant smile on her face. "Glad you see it my way Shirou." Rin praised with a smile as she hummed a happy tune. Shirou really couldn't help but sigh once more.

What was with her and this situation?

"That took longer than I thought it would." He heard a woman's voice sound from behind him, and he didn't need to think twice to figure out who it was.

"There is no longer or delaying with Shirou, Rider," Rin explained as she stretched and hummed a tune. "He always gives in, you just have to learn that when he says no, you just have to keep pushing until it turns to yes." Rin explained as she stared at Rider, who was behind Shirou and had quietly watched the entire 'argument' with an amused smile.

At least, that was what Shirou imagined her having.

"U-uhm," Another voice, this time, younger than the other one, and much more timid. Though the timid-ness wasn't because she was shy, but because she found the entire situation rather disconcerting. "Tohsaka-senpai, isn't it mean to Senpai to force him into this? He doesn't sound like he wants to be there." She tried to reason, and Shirou had to thank Sakura mentally. Even though it was a lost cause, and it was a weak argument.

"Pfft," Rin sputtered, holding back her disbelief at that sentence. "Why wouldn't he want to do this? He'll be surrounded by beautiful women twenty-four seven, three sixty five." Rin explained, before she froze with wide eyes. She then promptly smacked herself on the forehead.

'Yeah, you and your big mouth Rin.' Shirou thought with a smirk as realization dawned on Rin's face.

"On second thought," Sakura's voice was several degrees colder now, and the room suddenly felt chillier than normal. "Senpai's opinion doesn't matter, because I won't allow him to be there in the first place."

Shirou rubbed the bridge of his nose as he felt a headache come. Really, leave it to Sakura to insult him and defend him in the same sentence. Rin and Sakura really are siblings.

"Look Sakura," Rin begun, trying to placate the angry girl. "This is great opportunity to learn about those cores, and don't forget about the one that made them. She's a revolutionary that combined technology with magic. Heck, she didn't just combine them and made an appliance, she practically built something that neither magic nor technology could do without the other! Think of the possibilities!" Rin reasoned as she looked at the Sakura. Shirou could just imagine the dastardly smile Sakura was giving Rin.

"Oh I can imagine just fine Tohsaka-senpai," Sakura began, and Shirou had to resist smirking as he saw Rin shiver. Have a taste of your own medicine. "I can imagine Senpai being surrounded by women in a bed, all of them giggling as they take his hyper weapon and begin to strok-"

"Sakura!" This time, it was Shirou who sputtered in indignation. He couldn't believe she almost said that! What is wrong with these women?!

Before any of the three could react however, Rider stopped them by sighing rather loudly. They all turned towards the purple haired beauty, before Rider spoke up. "It doesn't matter anyway," She began, her tone exasperated as she stared at all three of them. "Whether Shirou wants to or not, he'll be forced by the government to attend." She explained as she closed her eyes and crossed her arms over her abundant chest.

The gravity of the situation finally dawned on Shirou, before he slumped down and sat back down on the futon. Rider was right; there was no getting out of this. He would have to attend, whether he wanted to or not. For better or for worse.

He wasn't the only one that figured out there was no escape, as Sakura sighed in defeat and slumped on towards the floor herself. Her gaze never leaving the floor as she stared at it impassively, Shirou had to resist moving over towards her and comforting her. Mainly because now wasn't the time, and he needed to sort this out with Rin before anything else.

He turned around, and he was met not with the triumphant smile of Rin, but instead, he was met with scowling lips and worried eyes. She was staring at him as her eyes locked with his, and he couldn't resist sighing. Looks like she didn't really want that kind of situation herself.

"Having second thoughts Rin?" He goaded light-heartedly, and for a few seconds it worked, as Rin huffed and looked away with an annoyed expression on her face. But it didn't last long, as Rin once more adopted a serious look. "It's almost too perfect you know?" She asked, and everyone in the room knew it was rhetorical.

Nonetheless, Shirou answered with a nod of his head. "Nothing we can do about it." He said, surprising the occupants of the room. They all looked up at him, and they found that he had closed his eyes and had his arms crossed on his chest. "Even if I do refuse, 'Bunny-fu-fu' would just drag me into the Academy." Shirou spoke the truth, and everyone found that they couldn't refute that sentence. Of course, calling 'that' woman something as demeaning as 'Bunny-fu-fu' insults her brilliance and genius, but it was an appropriate nickname for her. Add to the fact that she seemed to actually encourage strange nicknames, and you have a Magus probably just a tad below Zelretch himself on the eccentric scale. And that was saying a lot.

Rider smirked as he said those words, her smirk widened even more as she heard the nickname. She stood up and made his way towards the red-haired magus. Shirou looked up to stare at her, before Rider placed a hand on his shoulder. "Whatever happens Shirou, you know we have your back." She spoke, and Shirou couldn't help but smile at her as he reached towards the hand she had on his shoulder.

"Thanks Rider, I know that. You don't have to remind me." He smiled softly at her, before he turned his gaze towards Rin, and then towards Sakura, before finally staring back at Rider. Shirou saw that they all had varying expressions hidden in their eyes, from disappointment coming from Sakura, to apprehension from Rin. Rider had the same look she always had when he was about to do something that could possibly be life-changing. He looked at each woman, before he nodded his head. His mind clear and his path in front of him, all he had to do now was take the first step.

"Don't worry guys," He began, garnering all three women's attention. Shirou could only smile at each of them, before he spoke the most comforting words he could think of. "I'll be back. I always come back." He spoke, and that was enough to comfort each woman.

'Guess there's really no getting out of this.' Shirou thought as he kept the smile on his face. And even though he really wanted to drop it, and just crawl into his room and sleep the day away, he knew that he was needed here most, and that he needed to be strong.

He suppressed a sigh, before he nodded his head. Steel entering his mind, and fire beating through his veins. 'IS Academy, here I come.'

Mechanized Magus


You guys have no idea just how excited I am writing this. And I know it's a short chapter, but it's a prologue. The next chapters will be the regular format of 5 to 12k words.

Anyway, I'm posting this short thing to add hype to it, and hopefully, it will.

Thoughts about it? Are you excited? Are you exasperated? Are you giddy with happiness?

Read and review people, tell me what you think, and wait for the next chapter.

And people, don't go asking questions yet. This is just the prologue, wait for the first 'official' chapter and then ask questions. But to answer some of my readers questions, no. I won't be giving up on my other fics. I just wanted to write this down before my head explodes spontaneously.

C.O.Y.L out, peace!