Wendy never meant to show Hook Peter's weakness, he forced it out of her. To be truthful she still had no idea what it was, peter was very secretive. When Wendy saw Peter drop out of the air she screamed but could not move because a pirate grabbed her. She watched with fear as the fight drained out of Peter's eyes. "Pete!Peter please!" she screamed"don't give up!"Wendy used all her remaining strength to wrestle out of the smelly pirates grip and dropped down on her knees next to him. The pirate was about to snatch her up again but Hook stopped him and said "Wait lets see what his little wendy-bird will do".
Wendy looked to Peter and tried to read his eyes but he refused to look at her in fear of crying. "Peter, I don't know what Hook said to you but you have to know that I love you and I know now that you aren't capable of loving and..."Peter had quickly quickly covered her mouth with his hand and said "that's not true" the hurt glistening in his eyes was unbearable for Wendy. "Peter, this will always be yours no matter what". Then she softly pressed her lips to his. Underneath her Peter turned to stone, so many emotions were running through him and he didn't know which one to listen to. Finally, after a few seconds she felt him loosen up and began to kiss her back. Wendy could have sworn her heart was beating a hundred times a minute and she loved how it felt, she grabbed at his curls wanting more. Peter finally understood what she wanted and pressed his lips to hers urgently.
When they finally pulled apart to catch their breath, Wendy looked around to notice that everyone was gaping at them. Peter however seemed very happy with himself, and a smug grin grew on his face when he thought to himself "she kissed ME not husband". Peter felt himself leaning in for another thimble ( In case you didn't know Wendy told him that a kiss was a thimble and that a thimble was a kiss), but Wendy stopped him. "Peter" she said "we can't". Her was beat red, and she felt as if she were to faint. However Peter noticed as well and held her closely to him. "Well,well,well" said Hook. "It seems as if we have two little love birds, well I'm sorry to ruin your special little moment but Wendy was only kissing you to revive you. Isn't that right little miss Wendy?" Peter quickly scanned over her face to see what if Hook said was true, but Wendy stayed silent.
Wendy's heart was breaking but she knew that she couldn't let herself fall back into his arms, she couldn't have her heart broken by him yet again when he denied her love.