A/N - Wow, I cant believe how many people have read and fav/followed this story,
Thankyou to those who reviewed, I promise you that you'll enjoy the ride!
This chapter we check in with our fav Russian and see what he is up to. Dont forget to review as it makes me write that little bit faster!

Disclaimer - I do not own any of the VA characters, that privilege belongs to the talented Richelle Mead. I am just hanging out at the club with them!

Chapter 3


I looked out to all the occupants of the club, the dance floor full, people enjoying the music, some like our friend Christian enjoying the ladies…. maybe a little too much.
My best friend Ivan elbowed me "Dimitri, my man, relax. We are just looking into a tip that may lead somewhere or nowhere, but that doesn't mean you can't enjoy yourself. Any of these pretty young ladies take your fancy?"
I took a sip of my drink and shook my head. "We are working not picking up….but I'm sure some lucky lady will be waking up to her horror next to you tomorrow!"
"Hey" Ivan yelled, "You know if you don't find anyone, Tasha is always happy to keep you company…anytime!"

He winked and turned to Christian and his new girlfriend "Jeez, guys, just get a room or in the interest of your own survival, maybe some air?"
I laughed as Christian's reply was to flip the bird behind his girlfriend's back, directly at us.
I returned to focusing on the reason we were here tonight.

Flashback – Earlier that day

Stan Alto, our team leader stood at the front of the meeting room.

"Ok, quiet down. Tonight we are setting up surveillance at the club 'Forever 21'. We have had reports that a number of missing girls have frequented this club before their disappearance. These reports also link one Jesse Zeklos in contact with these girls so, tonight Dimitri, Ivan, you boys are going clubbing."

"Orders are to strictly observe Jesse and any other suspicious activity. This club is somewhat known for letting in underage girls, but right now that is not our concern. All of these patrons have the right to be safe no matter their age!"
Stan approached Christian "This club is owned and operated by one Natasha Ozera, am I correct to assume she is a relation?" Christian nodded "Yes Sir, Tasha is my aunt."
Stan paused to think "I'm sorry but I can't allow you to be on this case then, due to the obvious conflict of interest. If this case moves away from this venue then I am happy to bring you back on it."

Christian simply nodded. Stan moved back towards the front as Ivan snidely commented "I'm sure Christians interest will be busy with a certain blonde tonight sir!"
I couldn't help but let a smile sneak through my serious mask. Christian glared at Ivan as he simply returned the gesture with a slap on the back.
Stan cleared his throat staring at the 3 of us "Ok, go home and get ready boys, and at least try to look like you are going to enjoy yourself Dimitri!"

End Flashback

We had only been here for 2 hours, long enough to see one fight between 2 guys, over a girl no doubt, 3 girls escort one of their friends to the bathroom to throw up I'm sure, she really was looking green and my guess was that she couldn't hold her alcohol.

I doubt anyone here could take on Ivan and I with shots of Russian Vodka; another night maybe, we would test this theory. And of course Adrian, Lissa's cousin, bartender and biggest heart breaker, chatting up one of Lissa's friends that I had seen around. The girl with dark long hair sitting next to her, I had definitely not seen before. I was sure however, that Adrian had already made plans for this next conquest.

I turned my focus away from the bar to see none other than Jesse Zeklos in the flesh; I felt my anger starting to rise as he stood there with an evil smirk that I wanted to punch off him. If he really did have anything to do with these girls going missing, I would be the one to take him down.

Jesse stood alone at an empty bar table, he held 2 drinks and his glare straight ahead of him. My curiosity to know why he had more than one drink in hand and no company was answered when he dropped a small tablet into each glass. I was shocked that he had openly spiked these drinks, was he that stupid to do this in front of us? He returned his gaze straight ahead and I had to know whom he had chosen to present these drinks to. I used all my self-control not to go over to him, drag him out of the club and into an alley to teach him a lesson. I grew up close with 3 sisters, my mother and grandmother, and I could not understand how someone could willingly want to harm girls like this. I clenched my fist and felt my nails dig deep into my palms, as my other hand tightened around my glass so hard that I was sure it just might break.

I followed Jesse's gaze back to the direction of the bar and that's when her eyes caught mine. Like a desert princess, beautiful long dark hair running loose down her back, gorgeous eyes, an amazing smile and lips that I could imagine tasting so softly, I released a breath I didn't know I was holding, this was a woman to be worshipped by men not played by boys. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Jesse approach the dark haired beauty and her friend.

Jesse's movement had my full attention and my anger peaked again as he presented the 2 drinks that he had previously spiked, to the girls at the bar.

I grabbed Ivan's arm and without removing my eyes from Jesse and the girls, I harshly whispered, "Come with me and follow my lead!"