The little Winston

By Mary d ace

chapter 1

Dally's prov.

Today I was let out of jail; they say good behavior was why. I would say the little fuckers couldn't take all the problems I was causing. Man good fights good times. As I stepped out of the station door way, I found the Curtis parents waiting in their truck. Mr. and Mrs. Curtis are the parent of my friends, darry, soda, and ponyboy. They were the only people to really help me out and care for me and my sister, who I saw jumping up and down in the back seat. Sighhh. Once Mrs. Curtis spotted me she and the others got out to great me. My sister raven was out and hugging me with in a second, though I pushed her off of me she didn't seem to really mind. Raven knows I had a reputation to keep, exceptionally if I want to keep her safe.

"How are you Dallas? " Mrs. Curtis asks with her motherly tone.

"Just fine. Thanks for coming to get me you didn't have to." Man I'm glad no other greasers were around to hear that.

"Well hopefully you will stay out of jail more than a week." Yeah Mrs. Curtis though not my mom by blood, was one of the only people who care enough to try and keep me out of the hole.

"Well how about we all head home. The boys should be getting back from school and knowing them they'll be hungry. Probably destroy the house too if we're not there."

So off to their house we went. On the way there raven ended up falling asleep on me. Though I don't like kids raven is the only exception. We been through hell and back from the pain of New York to the up's and down's of Tulsa. To think that raven is only seven years old and tougher than most greasers I know.

"She hardly slept while you were gone. Nightmare kept her awake and no matter what any of us did. We couldn't get her to go back to sleep. She keep saying "not without dal here not without brother."

"Thank you for watching raven for me while I was in the slammer."

"It was nothing; you and raven are like family to us son." Mr. Curtis said. even with all the trouble i cause the curtis parents still treat me and raven as their own kids.

i felt movement and looked down only to see that raven had some how cruld up in a ball on my lap. now that i took a closer look at her i could see the dark circles around her eyes. she must have been dreaming about him.she never has been able to get over that terrible night back in new york. I wish everyday that I could somehow change what happened so the pain on rav would be lighter.

as the scenery want by the deeper in thought I want.

so that was chapter 1. I will update the story if I get 5 reviews. if you want me to continue or stop. ideas for the story let me know I the reviews. this is my first outsiders fanfic. so please go easy on me. ps sorry for any grammar or spelling mistakes.