Hello everyone, my name is Little Martian and I am sharing with you a MAJOR plot bunny that I've had for a while. This is the second most popular story idea that I had on my poll on my profile. I was originally going to write the Post-War Zutara, but I needed a break from the world of Royalty.

Instead, I am writing this modern day Zutara fic. If features a mafia-like organized crime institution known as Sozin Corp., a company that runs everything legitimate and illegitimate in the entire world. The geography is the same, so there is the Fire Nation, Earth Kingdom, Water Tribe, and Air Temples, BUT everything's been given a modern flavor.

This story will have bending, Spirits, Magic, and everything. Title and summary are subject to change.

Disclaimer: I do not own Avatar the Last Air bender. I write this only for the enjoyment of myself, and other.


He lifted the curtain just enough to let in some of the fading sunlight into the room. His eyes trained on the single solitary road stretching across the desert sand. He watched each car as it passed, following it with his eyes until it disappeared beyond the horizon and from his line of sight. He coughed; the curtain was as dirty and dusty as the rest of this filthy place. The late afternoon light hit the moldy yellow walls of the cheap motel room, giving everything a sickly color. Zuko frowned at the place he'd landed them for the night. It wasn't the Palace, that's for sure, but it was something to tide them over until nightfall. That was the thing that he hated the most. It was just for one night. Nothing permanent, nothing solid or secure. They'd go from place to place, moving only at night, trying to stay one step ahead of the bloodhound-like-hunters that were tracking them down.

He placed his hands on the windowsill feeling the grit and grime on the wooden surface that had been there since who knows when and grimaced. Focusing, he stared out at the desert landscape, trying to figure out where they would head next. Nothing out there but orange dust and dead grass. Hundreds of miles of land separated many towns in the Southern part of the Earth Kingdom…and the few towns that did exist offered no shelter, no rest. The only rest points were shady motels like this one, and the hotels that did background checks. But they had no choice but to stay in the motels. Even if the Yu-yan Archers weren't hunting them down day and night, they couldn't afford those places anyway. All of their money was gone.

He heard a rat somewhere. This place was disgusting. It was out of the way, along some backwater road, away from prying eyes. This place was better suited for more…unsavory things. Extortion, bribery, prostitution, it didn't matter what. When they'd arrived, Katara nearly dead from exhaustion, he asked the concierge for a room, paid the appropriate amount of money—700 dollars— and was given a room. No questions asked. No names taken. Privacy cost more. There was only the exchange of money and the room key. Even if he had asked for a name, Zuko would have given a fake one.

They couldn't afford to be caught now. They could trust no one but each other.

He'd seen the wanted posters plastered everywhere, blaring his face across the country like an angry red target on his back. They'd been on the run for months now, leaving a trail like a river cutting through a valley. Easily traceable. Easily detected. But for some reason, no one recognized them. Maybe those that had…didn't want to call the Yu-yan. Maybe they had their own secrets to hide. But not everyone was as afraid of the Yu-yan as most of the country was. Sooner or later, someone was going to connect the dots, someone was going to realize that he wasn't some wanderer named Lee as he claimed to be. Someone was going to realize that the girl he was with wasn't named Sapphire like she said she was. All it took was a memory, and that damn wanted poster.

They had to keep moving.

He looked down at his simple undershirt and faded jeans. He looked normal. If it wasn't for the Scar he could walk around like this in public, no problem. But the Scar would be a dead giveaway.

If the Sozin Corporation wanted you dead, they'd find you. No matter what.

The last few rays of the sun faded away, and the sky turned a dusky purple. Zuko's face turned grim. It was time to start moving again. Turning away from the window, the curtain falling back into place, he walked over to the large heart-shaped bed in the middle of the room. Katara's body lay stretched out on the bed, taking up most of the space. Her clothes still lay in the pile by the foot of the bed, where she dropped them at around 3 o'clock this morning before crashing. He didn't get much sleep. 3, maybe 4 hours at most, just enough to keep running, moving, and fighting to stay alive. They'd been lucky so far. They hadn't had to fight anyone yet. He and Katara avoided the major cities, sneaking through forests, walking down empty, dusty roads. He was always planning, always thinking…but he had the strangest feeling that his luck was going to run out soon.

He bent down, picking up the dark jeans and large sweatshirt that she used to cover herself during the day. He looked down at the girl that he had followed literally to the end of the Earth. She looked peaceful, with dark hair falling down her back in dark waves, her eyes closed in a peaceful dream. He'd hate to wake her up, he always did, but it was necessary.

He placed a hand on her shoulder, giving it a little shake. Katara made no movement or acknowledged that she heard him. Spirits, she slept like the dead. "Katara," He whispered softly, hoping for once that he would not have to wake her up the usual way. He tried again, louder. "Katara, we have to leave…now."

Katara's eyes snapped open, glowing a bright blue in the near darkness like a woman possessed. The necklace on her neck glowed brightly as well.

"Zuko." She hissed. Her hand fisted in his shirt, yanking him towards her so their faces were level. Any other interaction like this would have made his heart race, but now was not the time. Katara's face was too serious, and too scared. She took a deep breath. "Something's wrong. I don't know how they found us, but they did. The Yu-yan Archers are here."

"Are we going to die?" Zuko asked her grimly. He'd go down fighting if he had to.

"We can't take all of them." Katara said solemnly. "So, yes. We're going to die."

I know it's weird, but it will get better, I promise. My stories always start out short and not making any sense, but they get better as they go along.

Let me know anything you think is wrong, or you think might happen!

Please read and review! Oh and check out my other story The Palace! (Shameless Self Promotion)