Hello all,
I know, I know, I haven't updated in forever. The reason is that this story wasn't REALLY ready to be uploaded. I just felt like it was something I should do. I hadn't even ironed out the plot yet, and there are so many plotholes its not even funny. So, I'm going to put this story on hiatus while I finish my other story, The Palace, and then when the sequel is almost done, I'm going to upload it again, and this time, it'll be perfect. I promise.
Until then, while The Palace (and its sequel) is going on, I'm going to post the story I should have put up from the begninng. The Winner of the poll on my profile.
This is the summary (subject to change):
Post War Zutara: Power is terrifying, gratifying and satisfying all in the same breath. And as always, with that power comes responsibility—and even more enemies. Zuko carries the fate of the Fire Nation on his shoulders, and he is crumbling beneath the weight of it. Katara believes that he shouldn't have to carry it alone. Unfortunately, others don't agree with her.
Any suggestions or things, elements or pairings that you would like, just drop me a PM or leave a review!
I hope you can forgive me for this inconsistency, and it will never happen again. I hope.
Thank you for all of your support
The new story will be unveiled, January 5th 2015, and that is also when Running for Eternity will go on hiatus.