Hello everyone! Here is the sequel to Star Trek: A Promise to Keep.
A/N: I don't own anything from Star Trek. I only own the rights to Hannah Kirk.
Chapter One
It's been a year and a half since Hannah and the Enterprise stopped Nero from destroying Earth and a year and a half since Hannah finally decided to stop pushing people away from her and she could finally walk into a hospital without feeling the need to bolt away. While on the Enterprise they decided to explore a Class M Planet, Nibiru, the planet resides a less advanced species with an active volcano ready to explode and destroy the planet. Knowing how Spock felt when his planet was destroyed and not being able to save it on time, Hannah felt like she owed it to her Aunt Amanda, may she rest in peace, to save Nibiru. Though Hannah had doubts that this might actually work, she had to at least try.
McCoy and Hannah walked towards the red jungle away from the beach as Sulu, Uhura, and Spock flew the shuttle into the ash cloud. McCoy looked over at Hannah curiously, "Anne, just how are you going to get the natives out of the kill zone?"
Hannah stopped walking for a moment, hesitating before continuing walking along side McCoy, "Uh, I have no idea. But you know me, I'm bound to do something that will cause me to have to run for my life. But aside from my uncertain plan, how are you going to find us a ride out the jungle fast enough?"
McCoy glared at Hannah, "Unlike you, I actually have a plan."
Hannah rolled her eyes before quickly kissing McCoy, "Good luck, Bones."
McCoy smiled softly and nodded as Hannah pulled up the hood of her robes before heading of to sneak into the temple. McCoy shook his head and pulled up his hood as well before venturing off into the jungle.
Hannah sneaked into the temple quietly to see the people of Nibiru bowing down to a scroll. Hannah observed the natives quietly before getting an idea as she eyeballed the scroll. "Why do I have a feeling I'm going to have to run?" Hannah mumbled quietly to herself as she sneaked deeper into the temple making sure that the heavy robes was covering her face and snatched the scroll causing the people to chase after her. She raced into the red jungle and continued to look behind her to see how far the people were. "What the heck is in this scroll?" Hannah asked herself as she ran faster in the red jungle as the people were catching up to her.
Hannah skid to a halt as an animal growled at her ready to attack. Hannah quickly grabbed her phaser and stunned the animal in the chest. Once the animal fell to the ground, McCoy pulled down his hood and glared at his fiancé "Dammit Anne! You just stunned our ride!"
Hannah pulled down her hood from her face, she pushed back her bangs, "Oops…" Hannah said before looking back to see the natives chasing after her. "Bones…run!" Hannah bolted past McCoy, who's eyes widened when he saw the natives getting closer.
McCoy ran after Hannah, "What the hell did you take, Hannah?" McCoy asked as he ran behind Hannah.
"I honestly have no idea, but it seemed important because they were bowing to it." Hannah said jumping over a tree stump. "Kirk to Shuttle One. Locals are out of the kill zone. You're clear. Repeat. Spock, get in there, neutralize the volcano and let's get out of here." Hannah said into her comm.
Up in the volcano ash cloud, the Enterprise shuttle stayed hidden as Spock got dressed in heat resistant armor with the assistance of Uhura. Sulu stood up from where he sat and yelled to his two passengers, "We have to do this now! I told the Captain the shuttle wasn't built for this kind of heat."
Spock nodded at Sulu before talking to his cousin through the com, "Captain, did the indigenous life forms see you?"
"No, Spock, they did not, thankfully." Hannah replied as she ran.
"The Prime Directive clearly states there can be no interference with the internal development of alien civilizations." Spock said informing Hannah of what she already knew.
"I know what it says! Which is why I'm running through this red jungle wearing a disguise! Now drop off your super ice cube and let's go! Kirk out!" Hannah yelled before turning off her comlink.
Spock turned towards Uhura when she informed him that he is ready to go. He knelt down to make sure the cold fusion device is ready before standing up so that Uhura can place the helmet on him as Sulu informed them that the ash was killing the shuttle's coils. Uhura teasingly asked, "You sure you don't want me to go instead?"
Spock missing the teasing tone in his girlfriend's voice, stated, "That would be highly illogical for I am already outfitted…"
"Spock, I was joking. Good luck." Uhura said before sitting back next to Sulu and closing clear doors behind her.
Hannah and McCoy continued running as fast as they could as the natives started to throw spears at them. "They're trying to kill us, Anne!" McCoy yelled as he ducked out of the way as a spear almost hit him.
"It will be okay Bones, just keep running and dodging!" Hannah yelled as she dodged a flying spear that grazed her arm, cutting through her swim suit, causing her to flinch at the pain slightly.
"I'll see you in 90 seconds, Spock." Uhura said through the shuttle's PA before pulling the lever that made Spock fall into the volcano. As Spock made his way into the volcano Sulu spoke into the com.
"We have to pull you up!." Sulu said, and Spock shook his head despite the fact that Sulu can't see.
"Negative, Mr. Sulu. This is our only chance to save this species. If the volcano erupts, the planet dies." Spock said thinking about his own planet that was destroyed over a year ago.
Back in the shuttle Sulu looked over at Uhura and commanded, "Pull him back up. Now!"
Uhura pulled the lever to pull Spock back, but the wire snapped causing Spock to fall faster into the volcano and land on slightly cooled rock. "Spock are you okay?" Uhura said through Spock's comlink in his helmet.
"Surprisingly, I am alive. Stand by." Spock said walking to the fallen cold fusion device.
"Captain, we have to ditch the shuttle, you and Doctor McCoy will have to make it back to the Enterprise on your own." Sulu said from Hannah's comlink.
"Great!" Hannah said sarcastically as she closed the device and clipped in on her hip. Hannah quickly ran a different direct away from the beach causing McCoy to have to run faster to catch up.
"Anne? The beach is the other way!" McCoy yelled as Hannah jumped slightly as she ran and stuck the scroll in a high branch causing the natives to stop running so that they could bow to the scroll.
"Yeah, about that we're not going to the beach!" Hannah said smirking as she ran towards the cliff.
"No, no!" McCoy yelled in realization of what Hannah was talking about. "I hate this, Anne!"
"I know, Bones." Hannah said before jumping off the cliff followed by McCoy, once they landed in the water they quickly took off their robes and swam in their silver swim suit. They quickly swam towards the Enterprise that stayed deep in the water. Once they reached the Enterprise they swam into a hatch and grabbed ahold onto the pole as the water drained from the compartment. Hannah quickly took off her goggles and oxygen mask when the door open revealing Scotty.
"Do you know how ridiculous it is to hide a starship on the bottom of the ocean? We've been down here since last night! The salt water's gonna ruin the…" Scotty said as he continued to ramble.
"Scotty! Where's Spock? Where's my cousin?" Hannah said cutting off Scotty's rant.
Scotty sighed, "He's still in the volcano, Hannah." Hannah quickly ran past Scotty and up towards the bridge followed by Scotty and McCoy.
Once the three of them reached the bridge, Chekov yelled, "Captain on the bridge!"
"Lieutenant, do we have an open channel to Mr. Spock?" Hannah said looking over at Uhura still dressed in her red swim suit.
"The heat's frying his comms, but we still have contact." Uhura said trying to stay strong, Hannah nodded, noticing how frightened Uhura was about Spock's safety.
Hannah reached beside Sulu to talk to Spock, "Spock?"
"I have activated the device, Captain." Spock said through the comm. "When the countdown is complete, the reaction should render the volcano inert."
"Yeah, and that's gonna render him inert!" McCoy said walking to stand next to Hannah.
"Do we have use of the transports?" Hannah asked Chekov.
"Negative, Cap'n." Chekov said looking up.
"Not with these magnetic fields." Sulu said shaking his head.
"I need to beam Spock back to the ship. Give me one way to do it." Hannah said leaving no room for argument.
"Eh, maybe if we had a direct line of sight. If we got closer…" Chekov said before Scotty cut in.
"Hold on, wee man!" Scotty yelled walking towards the Hannah and Chekov. "You're talking about an active volcano! Captain, if that thing erupts, I cannot guarantee we can withstand the heat!"
"I don't know if we can maintain that kind of altitude." Sulu said finding another flaw in Chekov's plan.
"Out shuttle was concealed by the ash cloud, but the Enterprise is too large. If utilized in a rescue effort, it would be revealed to the indigenous species." Spock said through the comm.
"Spock, nobody knows the rules better than you, but there has got to be an exception." Hannah said closing her eyes in frustration, she didn't want to loose another family member, even if that family member was a stubborn, irritating logical person was Spock.
"None. Such action violates the Prime Directive." Spock said, though deep inside he wanted to violate the Prime Directive, he wants live and be with Uhura, be near his cousin Hannah, and the people upon the Enterprise who had become a second family to him.
"Shut up, Spock! We're trying to save you, dammit!" McCoy yelled angrily into the comm.
"Doctor, the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few." Spock said though he was touched that they cared that much about him, they needed to follow the rules.
"Spock, we are talking about your life here! I don't want to have to tell your Father about your death." Hannah yelled frustrated with Spock's fascination of following the rules.
"The rule cannot be broken…" Spock said before the comm complete cut out. Uhura raised her hand to her mouth in shock fearing the worse.
"Spock! Uhura, try to get him back online." Hannah said as she held back tears and looked towards the screen with determination as she fought with what she should do as Sulu started to call out the call down of when the device is ready to detonate. "If Spock were here, and I were there…what would he do?" Hannah asked McCoy quietly knowing that he would give her a truthful answer about what her cousin would do.
McCoy sighed, "He'd let you die…" McCoy was right, Spock would let his cousin die even if McCoy fought like hell to try to change his mind. The fact that Spock would let Hannah die angered McCoy, but it was in Spock's nature to be logical and follow the rules.
"Yeah…" Hannah said agreeing before giving the orders to Sulu to get them out of the water so that they could save Spock. She wasn't about to let her only family die because he was too stubborn to break the rules, over the year and half, their relationship had grown stronger, Spock was not only her cousin, but like a brother and he was her best friend. Friends and family don't leave each other behind. If it meant saving Spock's life, Hannah would be more than happy to break the rules.
Hannah and McCoy raced down to the Transporter Room to see if Spock arrived on the ship safely. "Spock!" Hannah yelled as she stopped in front of him worried. "You all right?"
"Captain, you let them see our ship." Spock said looking down at his cousin in shock.
McCoy sighed in annoyance in both Spock and in himself, he let himself worry about Spock for nothing, "He's fine." McCoy grumbled looked at Hannah who chuckled lightly and shook her head in bewilderment.
"Bridge to Captain Kirk." Uhura said through the comm from the transporter room computer.
"Yes, Lieutenant?" Hannah said walking over to the comm.
"Is Commander Spock on board?"
"Safely and soundly and just as annoying." Hannah said seriously but joked near the end.
"Can you please notify Commander Spock that his device has successfully detonated." Uhura said relieved yet annoyed before shutting down the comm.
"Congratulations Spock." Hannah said smiling, not regretting a single decision she made in saving Spock from the volcano and the decision to save Nibiru. "You just saved the world."
"You violated the Prime Directive, Hannah." Spock said wondering why his cousin would break such a rule to save him.
"They saw our ship, so what? You're alive, the planet is safe." Hannah said shrugging as she smiled as she left the transport room to dry off and change into warmer clothes. McCoy followed her out quietly, "You know Bones, I don't regret it. I don't regret my decision in going back for Spock despite that fact that if the roles were switched he would have let me die."
"You know, you're going to get in trouble when you submit the report." McCoy said already getting a gut feeling that something bad was going to happen once they reach Earth.
Hannah turned to McCoy and leaned in and kissed him softly before pulling back slightly and smirked mischievously, "Maybe…" McCoy rolled his eyes nodding to himself that Hannah will most likely get in trouble when they land on Earth, she is Hannah Kirk after all.