So I originally wanted to post this chapter up on Friday, the day Star Trek Beyond came out, but obviously I wasn't able to. I saw Star Trek Beyond last night and it was awesome, I can't wait for the movie to come out to DVD. Would you all like me to write a third story based on the latest movie for when it comes out on DVD?
A/N: Like always, I do not own Star Trek at all. Just the creation of Hannah Kirk.
Chapter Ten
Hannah found herself in the cornfield near her old home, she looked towards her left to see Jim standing there smiling at her. Hannah felt herself smile as she walked towards her twin brother. "Jim?" Hannah asked once she was in front of the 16-year-old version of her brother.
"Hey sis." Jim said smiling as he hugged his sister. Hannah quickly hugged him back as she started to cry, her brother was here and well but in the middle of the hug she froze.
"I'm dead…aren't I?" Hannah whispered softly as she remembered being in the warp core dying as she looked towards her cousin Spock.
"Not entirely, you're still alive. You're just in a coma." Jim whispered back softly as he pulled away from the hug.
Hannah shook her head, "I don't…I don't understand. I was in the warp core, I got blasted with a lot of radiation. I should be dead."
"Apparently they found a way to save you. You have a lot of people who care for you, Hannah. Even a psychotic murderer like Khan." Jim said as he sat down and laid on his back looking up at the night sky.
Hannah followed suit as she laid beside her brother, "Maybe…but Khan…I'm afraid he was right. We are the same, what if I become a murderer like him? When he killed Pike, I felt ready to go after him and kill him with my bare hands. Him and I…we are so much a like that it frightens me." Hannah said as she stared at the different stars remembering when she and Jim would look at the stars and imagine what it would be like to visit them all. Though Hannah dreamt of seeing the planets without the ties of Starfleet.
Jim scoffed, "You and Khan being the same? Please, you two couldn't be anymore different. Sure you two will both do anything for those you care for, but unlike him, you have a conscience. You didn't give into your dark emotions like Khan did. I've watched over you, Hannah. Not once did you ever give into the darkness whenever something bad happened into your life. You stayed strong and good. I couldn't be anymore proud to call you my sister."
Hannah stayed silent as she enjoyed being in her brother's presence. "I'm sorry that I didn't keep my promise right away."
"It's okay, Hannah, you were hurt and angry. When I made you promise to join Starfleet I didn't expect you to honor it right away. I knew you needed time to heal emotionally. But when you did keep your promise, and you became a great captain. Mom, Dad and I are proud of you. Dad especially." Jim said smiling as he looked over at his sister.
"Really? It should have been you, Jim. You should have lived and became captain instead of me. It was your dream after all." Hannah said looking over at Jim.
"Nah, I probably would have made a crappy captain. Sure it was my dream, but deep down I knew being captain in Starfleet was your dream as well. You were right, by the way, I would have been best friends with Leonard McCoy, or as you call him, Bones." Jim said smirking.
Hannah rolled her eyes and nodded before sighing, "I have to wake up soon, don't I?"
Jim nodded sadly, "Yeah, any second now. Before you wake up, just promise me that you will fix your relationship with McCoy. You two deserve to be happy."
Hannah frowned not sure if she could really keep that promise because she stands by on what she said, Bones deserves better than her. "Sure, I promise." Hannah lied nodding.
Jim looked at her unconvinced but deep down, he knew that Hannah would keep the promise. "I love you sis, we all do." Jim said motioning to the people in the distance. Hannah sat up at looked to see her parents, her Aunt Amanda and Captain Chris Pike, her surrogate father.
Hannah smiled sadly towards them she saw her Aunt Amanda talking faintly, "Sweetheart, tell Spock that I love him and it isn't his fault that I died. And I don't blame you for pushing me away. I love you Hannah."
Hannah cried silently and nodded, she didn't want to leave them. She didn't want to leave her family behind, but she knew that she needed to go back to the world of the living. Pike nodded towards Hannah, "Hannah, I was wrong, you were ready to be Captain of the Enterprise." Hannah smiled towards Pike wanting so desperately to run over to him and hug her surrogate father.
She looked over at her Jim and hugged him tightly before she felt herself being pulled away. Hannah jolted awake gasping for air as she looked around to see herself in a hospital room. "I feel like shit…" Hannah muttered as she tried to push herself up in a sitting position only to be pushed back down.
"Don't strain yourself, Anne." McCoy muttered.
Hannah looked over at McCoy confused wondering if what she dreamt was real or not, "I died…didn't I? Or is this another dream?" Hannah mumbled as she closed her eyes before opening them again.
"You were barely dead." McCoy said as he examined Hannah. "It was the transfusion that really took its toll on your body. You were in a coma for two weeks."
"What transfusion?" Hannah asked raising an eyebrow though she had a feeling that what she dreamt was actually real.
"When you went into the warp core, your cells were heavily irradiated." McCoy said looking down at the woman he loved, happy that she was alive, "We had no choice."
"You used Khan's blood didn't you?" Hannah frowned at the though of someone as evil as Khan's blood flowing through her veins which only made her deep fears stronger.
"Once we caught him, well more like he surrendered, once he found out that you were basically dead, he willingly came back and I was able to synthesize a serum from his superblood. It seems like he had taken a liking to you." McCoy said feeling a little jealous of a guy who was now back to being a popsicle. To lighten up the mood he joked, "Tell me, are you feeling a little homicidal? Power mad? Despotic?"
Hannah didn't find the humor in it because she still felt that she could someday turn out like Khan, so she forced a laugh and said attempted to joke back, "No more than usual." Hannah sighed, "Khan really surrendered because he found out what happened to me? Please tell me someone kicked his ass before he did."
"Oh, Khan had his ass kicked." McCoy said moving around the bed to the other side.
"You saved my life, Spock." Hannah said genuinely smiling at her cousin once she saw him by the doorway.
McCoy looked up and said, "Uhura and I had something to do with it, too, you know."
Hannah ignored McCoy as Spock spoke, "You saved my life, Hannah. And the lives…"
Hannah groaned, "Spock, just…thank you. When I died…I saw Aunt Amanda, she wanted to me to tell you that she loves you and that it wasn't your fault that she died. Now I don't know if what I saw when I was dead was real or not, but it felt real to me. It was…comforting."
Spock stared silently at Hannah as McCoy looked over at her curiously, Spock nodded, "You are welcome, Hannah. Thank you for telling me what my mother had said, though the likely hood of what you saw as real is very slim."
Hannah smiled as she watched Spock walk out of the room leaving her with McCoy. Hannah looked out the window quietly not talking as she brooded over with what her brother had told her in her dream. Should she try and fix her relationship with Bones? Was it really worth it? Yes. It was worth it but as much as she wants to, she knew Bones was right when he said that he didn't know her like he thought he had. She had changed since Pike died and even more when she talked to Khan in those few short times. Before she could think about repairing her relationship with Bones, she needs to fix herself first.
While Hannah was lost in thought, McCoy observed Hannah sadly, he wanted to hug her and comfort her. He thought back to what she told him before she 'died.' He can't believe that Hannah thinks that she isn't worthy of him, because if anything, he didn't deserve her, she is the one that could do so much better than a grumpy man like him. McCoy was about to talk to Hannah before he noticed that she fell asleep. He sighed and leant over and kissed her lips softly whispering that he loved her before leaving the room to do his rounds.
The next couple of days Hannah woke up feeling much better and once she saw a nurse she called the nurse over asking to be discharged. After a few minutes of debating with the nurse, Hannah was finally free to go. Hannah grabbed the clothes that Uhura had dropped off a day ago and quickly dressed in her black pants, knee high black boots followed by a dark blue shirt with her favorite black leather jacket. Hannah decided to leave her light brown hair down as she walked out of the hospital quickly, she ran down the steps outside the hospital.
Hannah found a Starfleet officer and inquired on where Khan and his crew were being stored, once she had the information she soon found herself entering a storage unit with 73 cryo tubes. She walked slowly looking for the one that held the person that felt familiar to her, soon she found herself standing over Khan's frozen body. Hannah placed a pale hand over the glass, "I don't know why you did what you did. You kissed me twice and telling me that you will always have a soft spot for me, you saved me when we were flying through the debris, and you saved me again by donating your blood willingly." Hannah said softly, "I guess in some way, I will always have a soft spot for you as well. When I met you in person, you felt familiar to me and I know why, its because you were right, we are the same, but not completely. I did something that you never done, I never gave into the darkness. Thank you, Khan, for saving me, but despite everything, I hope you never reawaken."
Hannah stared at the frozen Khan for a moment longer before she left the storage unit leaving the Starfleet officers to lock it up securely. Hannah sighed not knowing what do next, the Enterprise won't be fully repaired for a year according to what the Starfleet officer had told her when she was inquiring about Khan.
Not knowing what to do with herself now, she headed over to the bar, a place that always reminded her of home. Hannah entered the establishment and sat at the counter ordering a tall beer. She allowed to drown herself in her thoughts about what had transpired a little over two weeks ago. Her surrogate father, Captain Pike, died, went to Kronos to capture Khan, working along side Khan, torpedoes filled with hundred year old frozen people. Her dying by radiation only to be brought back alive because of Khan's blood. Hannah's not going to end up like him, but what if she did? She felt homicidal when Pike died, he was family. Everything about her pointed towards becoming like Khan and that frightens her even more so now that Khan's blood is coursing through her veins. Lost deep in her endless thoughts, McCoy sat down besides Hannah as he observed her staring intensely at her glass of beer. He spent a good part of the day wondering where Hannah went off too, he wasn't surprised to find her in a bar. McCoy sighed, "If you stare at the glass any more intense, it's going to shatter."
Hannah jumped startled out of her thoughts, "Bones, what are you doing here?"
"I went home to find you not there. Whats going on, Anne? You've been acting different ever since our…fight." McCoy asked softly as he felt regret about the fight they had.
Hannah frowned ignoring the question, "Our fight, you know I almost forgot about that. I stand by what I said, you knew exactly who I was and how I'm like."
"I know, I knew exactly who you were the moment I met you. In that moment, with everything that was going on and the potential danger you were setting yourself up for. I guess I just let the overprotective side of me get the best. I'm sorry for how I acted. I'll try to lessen my worry." McCoy said softly as he looked towards Hannah.
Hannah too emotionally exhausted to talk about their fight even more, she reached over and held onto McCoy's hand, "I'm sorry too and I'll try to be more like Spock and be more 'logical' about how I get into situations and out of them." McCoy laughed and nodded. After a few moments of silence Hannah blurted out, "Khan kissed me, twice."
McCoy sighed sadly and looked away, "Did it mean anything to you?"
Hannah stared at McCoy shocked and disgusted as she gently placed her hand on the side of McCoy's cheek and turned his head back towards her, "Hell no. It meant nothing."
McCoy chuckled lightly as he grasped Hannah's hand and pulled it off his face as he caressed her hand softly, "I'm glad, though I noticed a connection between you two."
"Yeah, there was. But not in the romantic sense. We're the same…" Hannah said as she traced the rim of her glass cup with her free hand.
"Is that what you were thinking about when I came in? Are you worried about being alike too much?"
"Yeah, he told be that he and I are the same, we would do anything for our crew, our family. And he's right, he and I are exactly the same. It frightened me because I fear that someday I will turn into exactly like him. A homicidal, crazy person set out to take over."
"Anne, listen to me. You are not him and he is not you. You two couldn't be anymore different. You are kind, compassionate, loving, you have too much goodness in you, there is not a spot of evil in you." McCoy said turning around and placing two large hands on the sides of her face, staring deeply in her blue eyes. His right hand began to run through her light brown hair that hung freely. "You hear me?"
Hannah nodded, "I kept telling myself that, trying to convince myself. I guess I just needed to hear it from the man I love."
McCoy smiled happily as he leant forward and kissed Hannah softly. "Was that kiss better than the one Khan gave you?" McCoy asked jokingly and seriously.
Hannah laughed, "Much better, it means so much to me."
McCoy smiled, "Oh, by the way. You are worthy to me, I love you too damn much. I'm the one who doesn't deserve you. Sometimes I wonder why you're bothering with me, I'm just a grumpy, angry man."
Hannah shook her head, "I guess we don't deserve each other but both are just too stubborn to leave one another."
"Sounds like us." McCoy said laughing as he singled the bar tender for a drink. After he got his drink he took a sip and tapped Hannah's shoulder, "Hi, my name is Leonard McCoy. I'm the chief medical doctor on the Enterprise. I worry to the point of being overprotective to those that I care about. And I've been wanting to fully introduce myself to you."
Hannah laughed as she shook her head and gave McCoy's hand a light shake, "I'm Hannah Kirk, I'm the Captain of the USS Enterprise. I'm reckless and I would do anything for my crew and that will most likely involve risking my life. And I've been wanting to introduce myself to you too."
McCoy smiled and pulled his fiancee into a kiss, "Let's go home, Anne."
One Year Later:
Hannah Kirk-McCoy stood at the podium ready to give her speech, she lightly cleared her throat, "There will always be those to do us harm. To stop them, we rise awakening the same evil within ourselves. Our first instinct is to seek revenge when those we love are taken from us. But that's not who we are. We are here today rechristen the USS Enterprise, and to honor those who lost their lives nearly one year ago." As Hannah gave off the rest of her speech, she gazed out into the crowd of those she viewed as her family and she is appreciative of the fact that they are willing to spend five years in deep space with her as their Captain. She smiled to herself at the fact that her now husband Leonard McCoy has no choice in the matter.
She imagined her parents, her brother Jim and aunt standing in the crowd smiling proudly. What she wouldn't give to have them still alive and here. But she knows that they will always be there for her in spirit.
The next day, McCoy and Hannah packed up the remainder of their stuff and placed it in their new quarter in the Enterprise. She soon made her way to the bridge and smiled when she saw the newly repaired bridge, "Captain on the bridge." Chekov said with a smile.
Hannah made her way to Sulu who was currently sitting in the Captain's chair. "Enjoying the power of the Captain's chair, Mr. Sulu?" Hannah said with a smile.
"The sound of Captain Sulu does have a certain ring to it." Sulu said with a smile as he stood up.
After getting confirmation that the core was running smoothly, she turned towards McCoy who was giving of the impression of a pouty child, "Bones! Lighten up, it's going to be a fun adventure!" Hannah said punching McCoy in the shoulder lightly. "It's just five years."
McCoy shook his head and glared lightly, "God help me…"
"Mr. Sulu, bring us out." Hannah said as she sat down on the chair.
"Aye Captain." Sulu said with a smile as he pulled the Enterprise into Warp.