Hi! This is a Zombie AU 1d fanfic so plz read and tell me what you think.

Now this is really important:

•Kaai (just read the story) is an Elemental. Can control plants and energy! You know like in Ben 10 Gwen's purple powers sort of thing but not exactly. Her color is just gray/light blue/black kind of color.

•Zayn is the same as Kaai but his colors is dark purple/black. He can create art like color things and stuff. They can also make anything out of nothing. If that makes sense.

•Every Elemental need like a guardian! I call them demons. Their connected like mind reading powers and if one gets hurt the other feels it. Zayn lost his Demon to hunters. Demons can change into a certain type of animal.

•Harry is a Kaai's Demon. He can change into a big wolf larger than a normal car.

Umm... I think that's all so yeah! ENJOY!


Liam's POV.

"Liam! Watch out!" Louis shouted in the back seat. "Ahh!" I shouted, nearly missing a stray zombie. I signed, relieved that we didn't die, yet. I never thought this would happen. A Zombie Apocalypse. It has been a year since it began.

It all started in America. The virus made its way to England and the rest of the world. All of us has lost someone close to us during this messed up time. Louis' mum and sisters made it to the shelters in time. His Dad though didn't make it. I lost my parents a few days after Louis lost his first sister two weeks later, Daisy.

Its only me and Louis now. Niall got bitten a few months ago. We couldn't shoot him so we had to leave him beside the road with a bite mark on his arm. Its was so hard! I hated it.

After Niall, Zayn just stared shutting down. He took the hit of losing Ni, hard. One time Zayn said that he would go search for supplies, alone. That was the last time I saw him. He just never came back so we had to move on.

Harry was the worst. Not only because he was the youngest but because he just left. Didn't say goodbye or anything. He just took his stuff, some water and left. I guess he's been eaten too. Just like Niall and Zayn... Just like everybody else.

"Liam?" I was pulled out of my thoughts when Eleanor called my name. "Yeah?" I asked, glancing at her through the small mirror. (You know. The one on the front by the windshield?) "I think its time we find some shelter. Its getting late and they come out in the dark." I nodded. "Okay keep an eye out guys. We need to find somewhere quick we're running low on gas."

You see me, Lou , Eleanor and Nick are trying to get to one of the shelters in the south. Its a long distance and we're running low on ammo, food, water...everything. I don't even know if were going to make it. I hope so though.

I looked back at the others. Louis was close to falling asleep with his head on the window while El was looking at a picture of her family. Nick was cleaning his rifle and I was driving the Jeep we 'borrowed".

We kept driving for about 30 minutes before we saw a old farm house in the distance just as the sun was starting to set. "Guys.." I said, leaning forward to make sure what I saw was real. I look back at Nick almost smiling. "Yeah, we see it Payne. Just keep going."

By the time we got there it was almost completely dark. As I turned off the engine, a girl with beautiful brown curly hair stepped in front of the house's door, holding a bow while aiming it at us. She kind of looked a lot like Harry but just shorter. She also looked to be in her early 20s. Something behind the window curtains moved and I saw what looked like a small person, hiding but doing a very bad job. For some odd reason I had a feeling that this would go badly wrong!

Kaai's POV.

I was starting to lock up the house for the night when I saw lights of a car coming down the road. I quickly materialized my bow and got an arrow ready. I turned to the door and yelled. "Sweety! I need you to hide."

"W-why?" A broken stuttering voice called back. "There's dangerous people coming. I need you to hide now. Okay?" "Ok-ay..." I heard some shuffling as he moved away.

As soon as the car pulled up in the drive way I could feel his eyes on my back. He was watching. I knew he was looking after me. He always does. Four humans climbed out of the car and I raised my bow pointing at the man with the rifle in his hand. These people would have to kill me if they wanted to take our home away!

Louis' POV.

As we came up to the old looking farm house, I knew that this was going to be hard. Mostly with Nick. He's probably going to try and take the house by force, like he always does.

"What do you want. Your not welcomed here. Go away!" The curly haired girl yelled. She had on a dark green tank top and dark brown skinny jeans with heavy combat boots.

"Please, we have been driving for hours. We're tired and we have no where to go. Please help us..." Liam tried reasoning.

"And why should I help you? You have nothing that I need or want."

"Yes we know but please! We need your help..." Eleanor pleaded really desperate for shelter.

"No! Go away. We don't want you here!" She spat clearly annoyed. Then there was tapping on the window and she turned, looking worried. "What is it?" She whispered. The person opened the window up a bit and whispered something to her. Closing it the moment he or she was done. Staying out of sight.

She took awhile looking at me then back at Liam, confused. She turned back to the person again. "You sure?" The figure nodded fast at her. And I seriously don't know how a person can nod that fast without getting a headache. "Okay.." She mumbled and looked back at us.

She looked at me and asked. "What's your name?" Her voice softer and not so harsh as before. "Umm.." I stuttered. "L-louis. Louis Tomlinson." She must have reconised me because she lowered her bow half way and looked at Liam. "And you?"

"Liam Payne Miss. This is Eleanor and that's Nick" After that she lowered her bow the whole way relaxing, causing me to let out a soft breath that I didn't realized I held.

"Okay." She said. Then the groaning noises began. Her head snapped up looking over us and into the field. We tried seeing what it was but it was too dark outside now. I guess she saw something because she quickly stepped forward and ushered us in, locking the door behind us.

The house inside looked normal. A few picture were on the walls of two old people. Maybe it was the original owners of the house. "Oh and I'm Kaai by the way." She said. While walking to the living room which was to the right. To the left was a staircase that lead upstairs. The kitchen was down the hall. "What a dump." Nick said in disgust. "Well would you rather stay outside with those things?" I sassed at him.

"Shut up Tomlinson." He growled. As we came into the living room something moved out the corner of my eye. It was the person Kaai had talked to. I heard Liam gasp and Nick choking his gun getting ready to shoot at the zombie boy. Everything happened in slow motion. Only one word slipping out of my mouth.


There's a few thing though:

1. I don't know Europe so I just said their heading south!

2. Sorry about Daisy! I needed someone!

3. Don't stop reading bc I have oc in! Plz don't! I just needed someone to fit in with Harry and stuff. (And if you still don't understand about Harry Email me or something then I'll explain it to you.)

4. Plz tell me how it is and if I should continue! Plz!


5. LOVE YOU GUYS! (Not doing a disclaimer bc you know why and its just Kaai whose mine.)

P.S. This is not edited if you wanna help plz tell! Need a beta!

Stay tuned! *wink* ;P
