Hey guys! And girls of course! I'm back! I had the results of my finals and it was a success, so now, I can fully concentrate on writing, reading and tanning. True vacations in other words.
I see you liked my previous chapter so I wote another. Tell me what you think about it! To be honest, it begins to be hard to make interact every characters. Gods...
This one is less isteresting in my opinin, yet, it is necessary. So sory if it bores you a bit
The reviews!
Gold Testament: Good idea! Didn't thought of that one! As for the summon, well... read :)
Pontus True Lord Of The Ocean: This idea wasn't mine. I belongs to Allison daughter of Apollo. I promised her this, and here it is. As for the rapier, well, I triedto think of a weapon fit for a daughter of Aphrodite. It had to be elegant and swift. And also because I'm reading Campione and Erica has a rapier in it...
JustLucky05: I hope you'll like this one too :)
Don't hesitate to review!
"Uncle Poseidon, I humbly ask an audience with you." Prayed the daughter of Hope. A minute passed, and another, and another. And finally, Poseidon arrived, walking out of the sea, smiling widely. Lauren rolled her eyes.
"You're no better than Percy, you show off." Muttered the girl. Poseidon laughed widely, nodding.
"I can't deny it daughter. Now Angel, why did you want to talk about? And what's with the formal summon?" Asked the Sea god after asking the demigods who kneeled to raise. Angel smiled.
"Just for the show." Shrugged Angle with an amused smile. "My friends and I just created another group, like Elveril and your son, but exclusively with girls. Our goal would be to defend Camp and Olympus. We have two patrons, Aphrodite and Hestia. But we lack training. I, personally can't fight, but the others lacks training. And your daughter never had time to properly learn to use her powers. I humbly ask you to help us train. Either you or one of your subject." Poseidon took a pensive face.
"I don't have any objection, but my wife will probably, as well as Triton." Angel rolled her eyes.
"Tell her that they'll have Hestia and Aphrodite on their back if they cause trouble, it should resolve the matter. Poseidon laughed at the idea and decided to take them in a bubble, and led them to Atlantis.
It had been a few weeks since they discovered that Erebus drain his brother. They were training like they never did. Each day, they finished tired and beat up, Fighters Assassin and Hunters alike.
Percy was on his back, next to the campfire, unable to move. Elveril was sat in the fire, trying to regain energy. The rest of the fighters were playing poker when the Hunt came back from a training with the Assassins. Thalia sat next to Percy before laying down too.
"Gods! Is she a demigod or a devil?" Asked the daughter of the sky. Percy chuckled weakly.
"Now you know why we were eager to begin our duties." Thalia laughed and nodded.
"Yeah! I really pity you guys. Oh! By the way! I have to tell you we have to go to camp Half-Blood. And we have to run. Milady is on Olympus, and Khione had to deal with some family thing in the North." Added the lieutenant. Percy groaned.
"No! I'm too tired to move. Elv! Call your girl! I don't care about the family problem. I don't wanna run." Elveril chuckled.
"I can't sorry. She threatened me to freeze my balls if I interrupted her. So no way." Answered Elveril. Percy pouted.
"At least give me some energy. Or water!" Elveril laughed and absorbed the heat in Percy, making him colder, and gaining energy that way, thanks to Khione's blessing. Percy jumped on his feet and yelled to the Fighters to get ready. All groaned and agreed. After a while, the two groups were ready to leave and Elveril yelled.
"Yo Tania! We've got to go! Come on!" A second later, the whole Assassins walked out of the shadow and the beautiful daughter of Death smirked.
"Go without us. We will make our own entrance." Percy chuckled and Ryan sighed.
"Just don't kill anyone okay?" Warned the son of Bellona.
"Can't promise anything." Smirked Tania, making Dan and the Stolls chuckle. Percy made his swords spin before sheathing them on his back.
"Come on! Fighters! We're on the move!" The group began to run in the general direction of the Camp. Thalia sighed and ordered to the Hunt to follow them. And the immortal virgins obeyed.
As they ran, Elveril was making different plans to defend the camp. But he had to ask something to Chiron, an element was unclear for him, so he put his thought aside and focused on sensing magical presence. After half a day of running, Percy frowned at the same time as Elveril. Shay saw this.
"Monsters?" Asked the son of Erebus. Percy nodded sharply. Shay outstretched his arm and called his spear.
"Which way?" Percy looked at the right.
"That way, a large group, at least thirty. Probably Hellhounds." Shay took a thoughtful face and nodded.
"Dan! Troy! With me now!" Shouted Shay. Troy smirked.
"Okay Darky! We're covering you!" Shouted back Troy. The trio separated from the group and ran to the right. After a few minutes, they saw a large pack of Hellhounds. The two archers readied a shot each and aimed to the group of monsters. Said group didn't notice the trio, yet. They all knew it was just a matter of time. Shay dropped his spear and crouched a bit.
"Guys. I'll try something. Be ready to help me if needed, but don't shoot until I say so." Whispered the son of Primordial. Both nodded and Shay crawled toward the pack. And instantly, the biggest of them, which was of the size of a small truck, locked his look on him. He then began to growl.
Shay gulped at the size of the monster. He breathed in and called on his powers. His eyes became black with a circle on pure red. He outstretched his hand and let the power flow. Soon, the growl began to fade in intensity and then stopped. Shay's eyes flashed and the pack scattered. Both sons of Apollo looked shocked.
"What… What the fuck? What did you do?" Asked Dan. Shay rubbed the back of his head nervously.
"Erebus and Nyx created Hellhounds, I simply called on y father's powers to order them to flee." Explained Shay. Troy had a large smile on his face.
"That's so cool!" Shay laughed and the three walked back to the group of Fighters and Hunters. The two sons of the sun told about the event to everyone, making them raise their eyebrows in surprise. Only Elveril had a different reaction, he took a thoughtful face, the same he always used when he planned something.
After a week of running, the two groups saw the edge of the camp. The two groups decided to enter at separate times. The Hunt went in first. Thalia blew in a horn and then walked in, followed by her subordinates. As she passed near the three at the head of the fighters, she launched friendly punches in their shoulder as a goodbye.
A few hours later, spent in talking and joking, the Fighters decided to enter the barrier. Percy looked ahead, at Thalia's pine tree.
"Launch the signal Troy." Ordered the ice-armed demigod. Troy aimed an arrow in the sky and channeled some godly energy in it. It began to glow gold and Troy released the string. The arrow whistled in the sky before exploding in a flash of light, high in the deep blue evening sky. The whole Fighters put on their hood, called on their weapons and walked in the demigod's heaven. As they appeared next to the pine tree, a group of young demigods became excited and pointed in their direction.
"Look! It's the Fighters!" Yelled one. Soon, exclamation of all sort could be heard, making Percy chuckle while it was boosting the Stoll's egos. They soon were surrounded by a crowd of young boys and girls asking questions. This relaxed the whole group, making them forget about the incoming war for a bit until Percy tensed.
He whirled around and unsheathed Blizzard and Riptide, an incoming black arrow, and another. It went on for a minute until he called on his powers to create a wall of ice, effectively stopping the projectiles. And Percy smiled smugly.
"Come on Tania, you've lost this one, admit it." Called out Percy. A second later, a group of people, in black clothes and cloaks on their backs were strange swords, it had no guard, and the blade was long, in a triangle shape, pure black. All the present demigods took out their weapons, ready to defend themselves if the frightening figures attacked. Percy made his wall vanish and Elveril pushed on the ground, dashing for the closest figure. On his face was a smile. He tried to punch but the figure leaned on the side, avoiding it. He did a front flip and tried to kick her downward. The adversary danced to the side. But Elveril spun on his heel and landed a heavy kick on the other dualist. Said dualist blocked with his forearm but was projected a few feet away under the force of the blow.
At this moment, the hooded figure attacked back. And then began a hand to hand combat in wich no one seemed to have the upper hand. Both fighters seemed at equal strength, always deflecting, avoiding or blocking the other's blow. Until Elveril received a powerful uppercut. Sending him on his back. The protector wiped his mouth and smiled.
"Gods you have on Hades of a punch." The figure chuckled and everyone realized it was a girl.
"Your guard improved Elv. But you had a large opening at the bottom." Spoke the young woman.
"Yeah, but usually, it is too hot for anyone to come close. Apart for Kelpy of course." The figure revealed her face and the crowd of demigods, which had increased during the fight, gaped at the sight. A beauty, with pale skin, black hair and black eyes. A regal face, with steely eyes. A Ares guy whistled and Elveril smirked.
"Camp Half-Blood, meet Tania, daughter of Thanatos, our master, the one who taught us the Art of Assassination, and her group of assassins." Everyone took a step back, making the assassins laughed. They revealed their face.
Allan smirked.
"Yo! Don't worry. We are pretty normal. At least most of u. We won't attack you without any reason." Greeted the redhead. The demigods relaxed and a few of them walked to them and began to discuss.
Percy sighed in relief. Elveril looked at him and Shay raised an eyebrow in questioning.
"I feared that it went ill. But it didn't." Explained the son of Poseidon, making the two nod.
Angel was on the side of the training field, looking at her friends training with different mermen.
Allison and Arietta were training in archery with on of them. He was correcting their stance and giving them advices. Allison always answered with sarcastic comments each time, making the trainer roll his eyes. Lacy was training her body. Making exercise to improve her speed and agility, under the command of a mermaid that the daughter of Aphrodite praised for her beautiful hair. Making her blush.
She then looked at Lauren who was sulking in a corner, making er frown. She walked to her and kneeled.
"Hey… What is it? Something happened?" Asked the daughter of Hearth. Lauren looked up and swallowed a sob.
"Tri… Triton." Angel frowned.
What did that upstart god do? Thought the daughter of Hope.
"He… He said I was good for nothing. That I wasn't deserving of being called a child of the sea…" Managed to say the young daughter of Poseidon. Angel sighed and hugged her.
"He is wrong. Don't worry about that. Triton is just jealous and afraid that you take his place as heir. He is just as prideful as Athena." As she said those words, she heard someone clear his throat. She looked up and saw said god, glaring at her.