A/N: SOOOOOOO considering both of my previous fanfics before now were both homestuck, i'm gonna make one for Hetalia...more like a group of them. I love Yandere x reader stories so that's what I'm gonna do. I'll take requests for them, and I'll to my best to come up with good stories for all of them. For my first one I decided to use Prussia. I'm rating this M just in case there's any gore later or anything. ok, let's get to the story!

I don't own Hetalia.

It was an average day for you, you had gotten out of school about 10 minutes prior and you sat in the library around the corner from your school reading a book. You had been almost to the middle of (favorite book) when you checked your watch and sighed. You had made plans with your boyfriend and you were supposed to be at his house soon. you needed to leave early so you could grab a few things from your house. You stood up and walked over to a counter to check your book out along with a few others that you had found to be interesting. Suddenly, someone bumps into you, causing you to fall to the ground and drop all of your books. you looked up to them with a glare.

"Hey! watch it!" You hissed as you stood up.

"I'm so sorry, (y/n)! are you ok!?" A familiar voice asks. you looked up to see your best friend, Gilbert, standing there.

"Oh, hi" You said as you picked up your books, Gilbert helped you by grabbing a few and handing them back to you.

"are you ok?" He asks you.

"Yeah, I'm fine" you sigh.

"Are you going home? I'll walk with you!" He offered.

"Thanks, Gil! I'm going to be visiting Alfred soon, I just need to grab a few things" You say, a smile pulling itself onto your face. you thought of him as a brother, you two had been friends since first grade, when he would drag you around constantly and threaten anyone who would make you cry. Ever since then you'd been close friends. You would hang out constantly. The two of you walked outside the library and began the walk back to your house.

Gilbert's POV

(y/n) was so cute when she smiled at me, I loved it even more when I was the one who put this smile onto her face. I want her to smile like this at me more often, and only me. Unfortunately she's been dating that idiotic American, Alfred. They'd been together for about a month or so. I wanted to make her mine, but she gives all her attention to him. Lately she's been spending more time with him than me and it fills me with rage every time I even hear his name. I shake these thoughts out of my head as I watch (y/n) walk beside me. Her (h/l) (h/c) hair swaying in the slight breeze. I smile as I feel content with the moment, although it would be better if she was mine, and mine only. But she will be soon, she just doesn't know it yet.

"Thanks, Gil! I'll see you soon" she shout as she run inside.

"Yes, very soon, love" I say quietly, I had already come up with a plan to get rid of her annoying boyfriend. I wave as I walk away, already on the path to Alfred's house. I'd like to surprise my lovely (y/n) when she arrives

Your POV

You set your books down on a table and run to your room to change out of your school uniform. you pull on your (f/c) shirt and black skinny jeans as you leave your house and walk to Alfred's house. You arrive quickly and knock on his door. You get no answer. You knock again and get the same response. You try one more time and this time the door opens and a hand shoots out quickly to pull you in and quickly close the door again.

"Alfred?" You ask. All the lights were off and all the blinds were shut so you couldn't see right away.

"No, it's me!" You hear Gilbert's voice. Your eyes begin to adjust and you find that Gilbert is smiling at you in an odd way, you feel slightly scared and like you should run away but you don't know why until the obvious question pops into your head.

"what are you doing in here? Where's Alfred" you ask, slight worried

"He's in the living room, go see for yourself" Gilbert replies with a grin. you do so and walk into Alfred's living room to find that he's on the couch. You smile as you run over to him until you get in front of him and turn on a light. his body is carelessly lied on the couch, he's covered in blood, and there are stab wounds covering several parts of his body. You immediately look up to Gilbert.

"You didn't do this, did you?" you ask, scared. Your eyes fill with tears as Gilbert just smiles and walks over to you.

"Of course I did! He was in the way. I can't let you be with someone else." He says in a cheerful tone.

"Y-you're a monster!" You stutter out as you immediately jump up and try sprinting to the door, unfortunately for you, Gilbert's faster and he grabs your wrist, pulling you back.

"I'm sorry, but I can't let you leave! I just got my hands on you!" Gilbert smirks and wraps an arm around your waist tightly, pulling you closer to him. he then holds up a cloth to your face, waiting for you to inhale. Being the stubborn girl that you are, you struggle quite a bit and refuse to inhale as long as possible.

"Stop resisting and just breath!" Gilbert growls, eventually you're forced to give in, you drift into unconsciousness. the last thing you hear is Gilbert chuckling and saying "You're all mine now"

-time skip-

You awaken in a dark room, lying on the ground, you look around as your memories of what happened flood back into your mind and your eyes fill with tears. you lift your hands to your face to wipe the tears away to find that they're bound together. You try pulling your hands appart and begin to panic. You hear a creaking sound from a door and a light turns on to reveal you're in what seems to be a cellar.

"You're awake!" Gilbert says happily as he walks towards you.

"L-Let me g-go!" you stutter as you prop yourself up on your elbows

"Why would I ever do that?" Gilbert asks as he kneels down next to you.

"Gil, please!" You beg, tears spilling onto your cheeks. Gilbert wipes your face and caresses your cheek with his hand. You look up to him as he leans closer to you and gently kisses you. you make no response to the kiss until he stops.

"You're mine forever (y/n), no one else can have you"

A/n: I'll be posting this on my quotev as well, just so you know :p