I apologize that it took me so long to post the next chapter! There was school, work, writers block, gym time, friends making me have a life, and senior year stuff that i've been busy with, lol. I hope you enjoy chapter 13!

"Hmmm, maybe we're suposta take a left than a right… Well maybe if you did not go and get yourself distracted, we would have found Akane and Tohru by now! Shut up ya damn rat, I'll find her here real soon!" Emi stood on top of a large building and peered into the sunset. Ema switched over and said, "We do not have long, Chiyo will send the hunting dogs after us as well!" Emi made an annoyed face and said, "Nah, she ain't gonna risk loosin Tohru just to catch the weakest member of the family." There was silence as the two souls looked into the lowering sun. One eye was a glowing violet while the other was a shimmering sky blue. Emi and Ema needed no words to be able to communicate to one another. Unlike Tohru and Akane, Emi and Ema had been communicating with each other since the day Emi was born. Ema's voice was the very first voice that Emi had heard. The first to comfort her through Chiyo's torture and those tough days of isolation. Even though they were the weakest of all the other members, they had the strongest and most docile bond with each other.

"Neh, Ema, Tohru'll be okay right?" Emi asked with slight despair laced into her words. Ema knew that whatever answer she would give the young girl, her feelings of doubt and fear would not change.

"Aside from Tohru, I am more fearful for Akane. It has been too long since we have last met…" Ema started to worry as well, but she needed to stay positive or else they would succumb to Chiyo's darkness.

"Well it has also been a long time for me as well. I bet she don't remember when we met that fateful day."

"Probably not, she was young after all. And what happened after that was just too horrific for her child mind to remember back then."

"Yeah, that's why we need to make sure that she doesn't remember, we did promise Katsuya-nii and Kyoko-nee to never talk about it…"

"Then why dont we just give up on meeting Akane for now and protect them from a distance…"

"Your right, we definitely need to protect Tohru, but I don' really wanna stay away from her…."

"Well we need to… And you mean to protect Akane right?"

"What? No way, I'll only protect Tohru."

"Well I shall only protect Akane!"

"How dare you! Tohru is far more important that Akane!"

"No! Akane is more important!"

"No! Tohru is!"






*Several hours later at Shigure's house*

"Tohru, welcome back!" Shigure called out as Tohru came walking up to the front door, wipping her tears of joy off her cheeks.

"Thank you!" Tohru said as she walked through the doors. Kyo and Yuki silently walked behind them and all three teenagers followed Shigure to the dining table.

"I didn't know when you would get back, so I ordered takeout. Plus, it arrived only a few moments before you guys did!" Shigure chimed in a very cheerful tone. All three of the teenagers smiled and sat down in their respective seats. As soon as they picked up their chopsticks to take a bite, they heard a slam come from the front door.

"Dammit! I can't believe that ya lost all of our damn money!" A strangely familiar voice rang from the entranceway.

"Goodness! It is not my fault that you cannot carry your bag properly!" The voices were growing closer at a very fast rate.

"It's ur fault ya damn rat! Ur the one that was in control durrin the jog back here! I'm starvin now cause of you!" The flap above the kitchen entrance way swayed slightly as Emi and Ema walked into the kitchen. The four at the table sat in shock. Before any words could be exchanged, Emi walked to the table and started to scarf the food. Shigure stood up in anger and started to yell at Emi.

"How dare you barge in and ea-!" Emi stopped Shigure halfway by knocking him out. She looked over to where Tohru was sitting and could only stare. Tohru didn't understand why, but she could not move her eyes away. In a swift movement, Emi swept down toward the floor, got on her knees, and grabbed ahold of Tohru's hand.

"Tohru! Finally we meet! Akane it has been too long dear!" Tohru could only sit with a shocked expression spread across her face. Emi didn't mind and continued to say, "Tohru! Akane! We love you!" The whole room fell into a deep awkward silence.

Alright, there is chapter 13! Sorry if it is as crappy as I think it is, but I had to study everything all over again to get the story's information all correct, lol. Well please review and let me know what you think of chapter 13!

p.s. I am still busy with everything from the beginning so im not too sure when the next update will be. Hopefully it will be sooner rather than later! Again I apologize for the long wait for update.