Proverbs 11:13
"A gossip betrays a confidence, but a trustworthy person keeps a secret."
A girl tells her best friend a secret she is ashamed of,
because she can't hold it any longer.
The best friend acts sympathetic,
but as soon as the girl goes,
She gets out her phone,
She texts her group of friends,
The girls confidence is out.
School the next day is hell for the girl.
She thought the other girl was her best friend,
Now it's all been trashed.
Her secret is out.
People stare,
they mock, whisper, tease.
She hurts.
She hides it.
Until she gets home.
Then she cries silently into her pillow.
She goes back to school.
She ignores everyone.
Including her "best friend."
Another girl,
One she knows is mocked.
Because she mocked her herself,
Walks up to me, and takes her hand.
She says, "Come with me."
And so they walk.
Into a room with a small stage, 2 screens, and lots of kids.
The girl holding the trembling girls hands ignores everyone standing there.
She takes her to a woman with kind eyes and a loving heart.
She says. "Tell her. She won't judge, or tell."
She waits, holding the trembling hand reassuring me.
And so the girl shaking does.
The woman prays for her.
She hugs her.
Her secret stays safe.
The best friend gets expelled, and has to go to an alternative school
The girl who shook, cried, and wept has 2 new trustworthy friends.
Her secret stays safe.
The best friend apologizes 3 years later.
The girl forgives her.
They are friends again, just not as close.
God has won.
AN- Have any of you had secrets meant to be secrets spilled by a "friend"? How did you feel? Were you made fun of for it?