As Luna and herself walked through wonderland, she noticed that the grass had made way to form a green dirt road. And no longer were there upside trees, stairs, and keys. They had stepped into a forest of gigantic mushrooms with blotches of colorful paints and exquisite designs decorating their caps.
The sky had also turned a light pink with purple clouds. Sometimes she would see a creature that looked like some familiar animal, but there was always a detail that seemed to make it its own species.
And as they continued deeper into this mushroom forest, a grey mist (that appeared more as smoke but slightly thinner) that smelt of burnt tobacco began to cloud around them. In the distance Luna could here the sound of an electric guitar being strummed in upbeat. As she got closer to the sound the mist grew thicker.
The mushrooms also became smaller-some Luna could even climb upon. The sound was very loud now, matter fact, Luna had been so distracted by the sound that she forgot about her other self and had let go of her hand. She searched around, thinking she was close by, but she could not see her anywhere.
"Odd indeed." A silky voice said. Luna saw three black mushrooms positioned in a triangular formation. And sitting on those mushrooms were three men.
One had short platinum hair and mischievous squint eyes.
The second one, directly across from the first, had slicked back brown hair and harvest yellow eyes, with a milky peach tang to his skin.
The third was sitting before them, and his hair was a pure blood red, and his eyes a mysterious yet all-knowing smoky grey, and his skin a sickly pale with the only lively color being the dark dot on his forehead.
They all wore long dark swirly patterned kimonos that seemed to stretch beyond their height, giving them a caterpillar look. And they were all smoking heavily from a hookah. The third one, with the red hair, was strumming the guitar that Luna heard, while the hookah's pipe was secured in his mouth.
"What is Odd, Aizen?" the one with the mischievous squint eyes said, as if odd was a living thing.
"But what is normal?" Luna ignored the man and looked to the other one with slicked brown hair.
"You and your word play, Gin," he said,
"Normal is not even a word."
"Yes it is." Luna conveyed causing the two men to look down at her with smug grins.
"Its simple, whatever is not odd, is normal." The man with platinum hair chuckled,
"And who gave you the right to intrude on our conversation, little one?" Luna slightly recoiled not expecting to here such rude words.
"You're looking for something aren't you?" the man with harvest yellow eyes asked and Luna nodded.
"Well if anyone knows all things it's the Oh Great One Genkaku." Luna looked to the man with the smoky grey eyes, who still played his guitar in an upbeat tone.
"One pill makes you larger" the man named Gin sang in his silky voice,
"And one pill makes you small" the man named Aizen jumped in,
"And the one that mother gives you, do nothing at all." Luna walked up to the red-haired man and stared at him straight in the eyes, though he did not even spare her a glance. The man didn't seem remotely aware that she was there.
"Hello." Luna greeted quite harshly, she did not like the lack of this man's attention.
And he still ignored her.
"You have to be more polite than that if you want him to at least look at you." Gin said casually, inhaling more of the substance in his hookah. Luna did not want to be polite to someone so rude, but she did need answers.
"Excuse me," she said softly, but still no reaction.
"Try calling him Oh Great One, he loves that." Said Aizen. Luna sighed,
"If you could spare a moment of your time Oh Great One." And the man's eyes instantly locked onto her eyes and he stopped strumming his guitar.
"I'm listening." He said in such a deep, rotund, smoky voice that made Luna shiver in unease.
"I…I'm looking for the white rabbit." She said. And the man began to strum his guitar again,
"Well, which one?" Luna lifted her brow in confusion. There was more than just one man with rabbit ears? And she never had the chance to talk to him so she didn't know where he came from or even his real name.
"There's four white rabbits little one," Gin said,
"The white rabbit of the hearts, the white rabbit of the spades, the white rabbit of the cloves,-"
"And the white rabbit of the diamonds." Aizen finished.
"Let me ask a different question," the one named Genkaku spoke.
"Where do you think it is?" well I wouldn't be here if I knew, Luna thought. But she did think hard for his question. The white rabbit kept yelling that he was late, and it would be his head.
"Wherever he is, he's late." Aizen exhaled a large cloud of smoke,
"So you want to know where the rabbit of the hearts is."
"I wouldn't go down that path deary." Gin said.
"Stop interfering you twits!" Genkaku bellowed and the other two were automatically silenced, drowning themselves in more smoke.
"You don't know where you are, so if you don't know where you're going, how do you expect to find the white rabbit of the hearts? This is a big world Luna." Luna stepped back a little; she did not remember ever mentioning her name to either of these men.
"You look like a Luna." Genkaku answered, as if he were reading her mind.
"I don't know how, but he's the one that led me here, even if it was unintentional." The red-haired man suddenly chuckled darkly.
"The white rabbit of the hearts is not so much of a fool that he'd allow some outsider to roam around in wonderland. He knew you were following him; he led you here on purpose. So answer this question. Why are you here?
"I don't know," Luna snapped.
"I was bored, I didn't expect to fall into some odd place that has no sense of logic and conception!"
"One pill makes you larger," Gin begun to sing again,
"And one pill makes you small. And the one that mother gives you-"
"-Do nothing at all." Aizen sang along.
"Go ask Alice," Genkaku joined,
"When she's ten feet tall. And if you go. Chasing rabbits~and you know you're going to fall-"
"Stop it!" Luna never felt so angry in her five years of life!
"Stop it Stop it Stop it! Forget I ever bothered you!"
"Oh, now this is truly an Odd." Gin laughed at her expression.
"Why are you trying to act mature little one, there's nothing wrong with being a silly child."
"But I am a silly child, I'm not being mature! You're the ones acting immature! All I want to do is find the white rabbit of the hearts and all you're doing is making fun of me, singing, and asking me difficult questions!"
…There was a silence...
And now Luna felt embarrassed of her outburst. She hid her face in her thick curls and stared at the ground.
"…I'm sorry." Genkaku stopped strumming his guitar and placed a large hand on Luna's head.
"There's a tea party going on not too far from here. Luna, why don't you go join them." Luna nodded and walked pass the Oh Great One's mushroom, continuing down the green dirt path.