Summary: Hiro takes care of Shuichi after Yuki ditches. Will their friendship become more?...
Disclaimer: I don't own "Gravitation", or information fro : / / w w w . tripadvisor Restaurant_Review- – – Reviews-Elephant_kitchen-Mitaka_Tokyo_Prefecture_Kanto .
A/N: This wasn't supposed to be a multi-chapter, but well that's how it went.
Chap 1: "Not alone"
Yawning, Hiroshi did his best to keep his heavy-lidded eyes open. This was difficult because darkness still hung outside, but more so because the night before was very fun, and very long. Turning his cellphone the right way.
"Shu I have no idea what you're say-"
"Hiroooheheheshidhesadhesaiiiid" The remainder of that minute was filled by sobbing.
"Shu maybe if you put Yuki on I-"
A heavy gasp "Yukiiiiiiiii", and the sobs escalated.
Now he was awake. "He put you out again, didn't he? I thought that was done with months ago he-"
"Eightmoooooonths butbutbut n-now he'sgooooooone"
"Come on Shu, I bet he just went away for a book signing"
"Nn-n-n-n nu-uuuh"
His grip tightened on the plastic phone, "Shu just at least breathe so I know what he did".
With a shaky voice he murmured "H-he s-said he wasn't coming back, a-and gave me a l-letter. It only says "Goodbye"... Hiro I don't know how, b-but I think it's for real this time."
Jarred to full wakefulness Hiroshi asked "Where are you Shu?"
"I-I'm not sure"
Highly worried the redhead instructed, "Just look around. Do you see the name of any store, restaurant, anything?"
Wiping wet eyes with his oversized shirt sleeve, Shuichi looked around "Um Elephant kitchen".
"Okay Shu stay right there, and I'll come get you."
"O-okay Hiro", he plopped down onto the chilly sidewalk.
Hanging up Hiroshi jumped to his laptop. "I think I know, but gotta be sure... Shimorenjaku, Mitaka 181-0013, Tokyo Prefecture, got it."
He donned the first clothes and shoes he saw. As a second thought grabbed a jacket, then quickly rushed out to his car.
Sunlight slowly crept across Tokyo streets and buildings. Bfolks on their way to work, or stores slowed their pace to gawk, and chatter.
"Oh my Shindou-Shuichi"
"Isn't that the pop-star- what's-his-name?"
"Can I have an autograph?"
"Is he dead?"
"Looks like somebody had bad luck, get it?"
"Probably a publicity stunt"
"Another star taken down by drugs"
The twenty-year-old took no notice of the growing crowd.
Amongst the zooming traffic suddenly a set of wheels screeched to a halt nearby.
"That's the guitarist"
Hiro weaved through the bystanders. "Excuse me- I need to- get- through." Reaching his friend at last, he extended a hand.
"Come on Shu"
Silently the offered hand was grasped. An unfamiliar face peered up at him; tear-stained, colorless cheeks beneath despairing dark violet eyes.
Wrapping his jacket over his friend in pajamas, Hiroshi brought them safely past prying eyes to his car.
End of chap 1
Let me know what you think, reviews are greatly appreciated.