* Let me recap for those who don't want to go and read they orginial story that got cancelled. Levy and Gajeel are sent on a mission to recive a scroll for the Master. At some point Gajeel tells Levy to read it before they get back and well, they end up getting gender-bent. Neither is happy with the other about this and after a while they get used to it. Its now been 2 weeks and Mirajane sent them to the other side of town to recive the liquor that she ordered. Gizelle (Gajeel) and Levin (Levy) go in to a bar, get drunk, and forget about what they were supposed to be. So Mirajane comes to find them. And she is not happy. *
"Ohhhhhh shit!" Gizelle whispered. She quickly looked over to where Levin was dancing with that other chick and got up and went over to them. "Hey Giant we fucking gotta got the hell outta here now!" Gizelle bascily whispered screamed at Levin.
Levin looked drunkly at the girl screaming at him. "O-oh! H-h-hey th-there ho-hot st-stuff! Whats wrong?!", suttered a drunk Levin. Gizelle blushed big time but grab Levin's arm and pulled him towards the back entrince of the bar. They made their escape in time to evade the wrath of Mirajane!
The cold night air hit them like a huge gust of wind. Knocking them out of them drunken mind state. Both now only feeling slightly buzzed. Gizelle tripped over a piece of trash, Levin saw Gizelle about to fall and snapped into action. He caught her arm and pulled her to him. Which put them face to face and chest to chest.
And also forced Levin aganist the wall. His hands on the small of her back while hers where gripping his shoulders tightly. Both panting and stareing into the others' eyes. Levin was the first to move, leaning down and pressin his lips passionately against hers.
To say Gizelle was stunned is a lie. More like shocked! But those female horomones kicked in fast and she kissed back with that same passion! HIs hands slowly slide down to grip her ass. Thus earning him a sexy mona/gasp from the woman in his arms. He lifted her up and her legs immedately wrapped around his waist. Bringing their sexes to the same height. Levin spun around where Gizelle was now pressed into the wall. Both started grindding against the other.
The clearing of a throat was heard, surprising the couple msking them turn towards the sound.
"Well well. What do we have here!?", someone said evily.
Like and give feedback for the next chapter please! Do not hate own the lengths of my chapters either. i have nom way of knowing right now how many words there are within them! XD Love you all!