AN: This is a very important chapter, as this is the last chapter of Visions. As some of you may know, I first wrote the story Visions when I first joined this lovely website in 2012 and this is a much better rewrite because I used to be an absolutely terrible writer (in fact, there's a very good chance I may rewrite Visions again in 4 years time, because I may then decide that this is retelling is rubbish). Either way, this is an important story, and as the final chapter, this is an important chapter.

That is why I would like you all to know, that I wrote this very important chapter, whilst on a plane, sitting in between two of my older brothers, with both of them poking me constantly and going "Nikki, what you writing? Nikki, what you doing? Nikki, who's Luke? Nikki, what you writing? Nikki? Nikki? Nikki?" I am not exaggerating when I say that my brother's did this for the entire plane ride with no breaks apart from to ask the airline host for some beer (which I ended up paying for and they now owe me £6 each). My Mother did politely request that they stop but my brothers are 25 and 27 so they don't exactly have to do what she says.

That being said, I hope you like this very important chapter, which was incredibly hard to write, because of said older brothers, who I can personally guarantee will faced my wrath once we'd landed.


Chapter Thirteen

Flora stood rather still as she quickly realised what was occuring. It was another, and most likely, her final vision. She knew from what Dimitri Allen, her indirect murderer, had said, this was most probably it now, for Flora Reinhold. She would witness this vision, and that either shortly or immediately after, she would die.

It wasn't time to focus on that right now, for there was something far more important for her to focus on than her own life; Luke's.

Unlike her previous vision, in which she had seen Luke being kidnapped in his sleep from the spare room at the Professor's, Luke was now awake. He was walking behind Dimitri Allen. Wait, no... He wasn't... He was being dragged. Forcefully. Dimitri Allen, the scientist who had been in every way possible madly in love with the Professor's late lover, had his hand grasping on tightly to the teenage boy's wrist. Luke had never been a particularly strong boy; he was fast and nimble, but he lacked arm strength. Even Flora could beat him at arm-wrestling and neither was she particularly strong. And so, not much work was needed in kidnapping him.

"Get off me! Get off me!" Luke shouted in distress, failing in trying to escape from the scientist's tight hold.

Sadly, Flora doubted anyone would hear him. This street seemed to be deserted. The street seemed to be a populated area, but even in the dark Flora could see that the houses that stood were in a bad state. She wouldn't be surprised if the houses were baron. Or, if the houses were filled with occupants, Flora (who honestly did hate to stereotype, generalise or assume) doubted that someone who took such little care in their home would be the type to come and see what the shouts were about. In an area like this, that was filled with overflowing trash cans and had rude words spray-painted on the paths, Flora wondered whether neighbours would be used to shouts at night and so could easily block through the noise and sleep through it.

Either way, it appeared that nobody would be coming to Luke's rescue.

Dimitri, who was only holding onto Luke with one hand, used his free hand to take a key out of his jacket pocket and unlock the door to one of the houses. Upon opening the door, he more or less through Luke inside. Flora had yet to hear a single sound from Dimitri. He hadn't sighed or made a sound that would indicate his struggle of keeping ahold of Luke; he hadn't even spoken. However, once Luke was inside the house, Dimitri pulled the door to, presumably so as to prevent Luke from making an escape attempt, and stared out.

He squinted through the darkness and he scanned the horizon, as if he was looking for someone. Of course, no one was there. Technically, not even Flora was... Unless, Dimitri knew she was watching. After all, he was the one who had cursed her with these visions and her sickness in the first place. She knew from his conversation with her that night he came to the hospital that he knew nothing of what her vision's entailed, hence why he was so desperate to question her, but what if he'd found out since then? He was a very accomplished scientist, after all. The man had assisted in the construction of a time machine (though the time machine had indeed exploded, it did indeed complete the task of sending a person to the future) so she couldn't exactly put anything past him.

Flora knew it was silly, but she couldn't help wonder if Dimitri was looking to see if he could see any sign whatsoever of Flora watching him. Of course, it was much more likely that Dimitri was just confirming that nobody had seen him. After all, it was completely impossible to tell that Flora was there and she was sure that Dimitri could figure that out for himself, as he was the one who'd given them to her in the first place, whether that was his original intention or not.

Flora felt like a ghost whilst she witnessed her visions. She couldn't touch a thing and nothing could touch her. She couldn't feel the wind, or the sun, or the cold. It was like she was watching a film, only slightly more immersive. She couldn't move anything, she couldn't be touched by anything in her visions, she was merely looking at a glimpse in the future, as if it were a dream. But it wasn't a dream; it was a living nightmare. Luke had truly been kidnapped by Dimitri Allen and Flora knew that she would not be around to save him much longer.

Dimitri closed the door and disappeared inside the house, and Flora realised that if she didn't act now, she would never have another chance.

She began to explore the street, which was what the Professor did every time he begun a new investigation and had no leads. Whose advise was there better to follow? Flora did not even know which area of London this was... Was this street even in London? She couldn't know for sure, but putting the facts together... Yes, it had to be. Luke had been in his pyjamas as Dimitri pulled him down the street and he had not looked dirty. He'd been taken at one point during this night which was yet to happen, and this was where he had been- or would be- taken. Flora wasn't quite sure on tenses, but she supposed they didn't really matter. What mattered was finding out where Luke would be taken too. Maybe then, she could leave a sign to the Professor. Maybe, just maybe, she would have the time. She couldn't be sure, but hope was all she had left.

She really didn't mind dying, as long as she didn't so in vain. As long as she could help in making sure Luke was safe once she was gone, she could die happy.

And there it was. A street sign. And as soon as Flora had read the letters, the vision crumbled into pieces around her and faded into a blur. Flora barely noticed the moment of darkness between the vision and consciousness and she awoke to the bright lights of the hospital.

Her chest was tight. Her limbs were light with numbness. Her mind was adrift. She had but seconds, but that was all she needed.


The Professor returned to Flora's ward after leaving to allow Luke to say his goodbye to the terrifying sound of a heart monitor. It was going off at an alarming rate. Every half a second.

Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep.

"Flora!" The Professor cried, his face went pale and he ran to her bedside.

Her eyes were open. Wide and strained. She appeared to be fighting to stay awake. The Professor took her hand and he felt her finger tips stretch, as she used up what was left of her energy to hold his hand back. Her face was paler than the Professor's had gone and she opened her mouth, which was dry with dehydration.

Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep.

"Kerning... Kerning Drive," Flora said, her words badly articulated as she forced out words with a weak breath. "Luke's there."

"No, no," The Professor shook his head, turning to where Luke stood, terrified, his back against the wall of the ward. "Luke's here. It's okay. Luke's here, too. So am I. We're all here for you."

Beep. Beep. Beep.

"Stay safe, Luke..." Flora said without the energy to turn her head.

Beep. Beep.

"Flora! Flora, dear!" The Professor's words were frantic. Helpless. He knew this moment was to come, but now it had and he had never been so unprepared for a goodbye. All the other times had been so unexpected; he had thought this would be easier. But he had known! He had time. Why couldn't he have done something in that time?


The pillows and mattress of the hospital bed seemed to sink along with Flora's last exhale. It was if she had become heavier without the air in her lungs. The two gentlemen looked down, trembling. They took off their hats from their heads and held them close to their chest. They had no words.


AN: And that, ladies, gentleman and or whoever else you may be, is the end of Visions.

The sequel, Spirits, is being posted now (This only applies if you've read as soon as I've uploaded) so there is no need to worry your little heads about when you'll be able to find out what happens to Luke, because we all now how sporadic my updates can be. However, of course you'll have to wait until the end of Spirits to find out what happens to Luke and I'm even considering making this into a trilogy and writing a third story, which if is written, will be called Ghosts.

I hope you have enjoyed this fic and I hope you will all come and join me with the story of Spirits. As this is the final chapter, a final review would make me very happy indeed.

See you soon, chicks!
