A/N: "It was supposed to be a oneshot," I cried softly to myself as I finished signing the contract pledging my soul to Checkmating Hell.
"I'm gonna sleep for six years," Yang declared, stumbling into the dark room and climbing up onto her bed with all the grace of a drunken gorilla.
"Ditto," Ruby muttered from behind her, dragging her feet as she moved with uncharacteristic slowness before collapsing onto Weiss's bed unceremoniously.
"I think it's fair to say that we've earned some rest," Blake added as she entered behind her teammates, carrying a bruised and exhausted Weiss in her arms. The heiress murmured a noise of agreement into her girlfriend's chest, opening her eyes just enough to notice the shadow of their leader, flopped facedown on her bed covers.
"Ruby, that's my bed," she grumbled.
"Mmrrr agnna eepn blay sed neeway," came the muffled reply as Ruby spoke directly into the sheets.
"Didn't quite catch that," said Blake, feline ears twitching in amusement.
She lifted her face just high enough to allow her mouth to move unobstructed. "You're gonna sleep in Blake's bed anyway," she clarified, "don't make me climb up." With that, she faceplanted back onto the covers.
Weiss gave only a soft groan of acknowledgement, too tired to argue as she turned back into Blake's embrace. Her face came to rest in the crook of her neck, nuzzling into the waves of black hair as a soft sigh sent a slight chill across warm skin. "You didn't have to carry me," she whispered as Blake sat down on her own bed and made no motion to release Weiss, one hand moving to rub lazy circles into her shoulder blades.
"I didn't hear you complaining when I brought you up the stairs," Blake teased before pressing a gentle kiss to Weiss's forehead.
Weiss hid a smile at the remark, recalling the early days of first semester, when Blake had taken every possible measure to ensure as little physical contact as possible with the three of them. Time and trust had both changed that, but even at the start of their relationship, her touches had still seemed hesitant, calculated. Weiss most certainly had not complained when warm hands found their way to her back as Blake crouched beside her, eyes cast up, ears and head cocked in a wordless request.
But she would be damned if she let anyone think that she wasn't capable, even for a moment. "I can walk, you know," she replied primly, the words holding no real weight to them as her eyes slid shut with contentment.
Blake's hand traveled south, gently massaging tight knots in the muscles of Weiss's back. "You took a lot of hits in that last fight," she fussed.
"We all did," Weiss reminded her. She lifted a hand to Blake's cheek, prompting a pair of golden eyes to meet hers, glowing beacons in the shadows. There was just enough light to make out the dark circles under her eyes, the subtle lines of exhaustion etched into her face. "You need to rest."
"We all do," Blake agreed, eyes sliding shut as she leaned into Weiss's touch, the corners of her lips twitching upwards just slightly.
Yang's voice came filtering down from above, "Yeah, so how's about you lovebirds shut the fuck up."
"Hush, Yang," Weiss clipped, "I got trampled by that Ursa because you attacked too soon."
"Keep telling yourself that, princess," Yang lobbed back, a loud yawn accompanying her next words, "He was going for your ass, anyway."
"Ahwe scuss tattic sinna ornin," Ruby interjected.
"Lift your head, Ruby," said Blake with a smirk.
"Can we discuss tactics in the morning?" she tried again.
"Please," Weiss agreed, fingers moving from Blake's cheek to her hair, then to the soft ears that were so rarely covered by a bow anymore. That particular touch was a more recent allowance, one Weiss still approached with some hesitance, more out of respect than any personal misgivings. They were a part of Blake, and loving Blake meant loving every part of her. Any lingering reluctance fell away when she felt her girlfriend's entire body relax, tension exiting via a delighted shiver and a soft sigh. A low purr rumbled from her chest, earning a pleased grin from her girlfriend as she leaned against the hand that continued to draw calming circles into her back.
They sat like that for several minutes before Weiss stretched out on the bed, kicking off her boots and letting them fall carelessly to the floor as she leaned back, tugging gently on Blake's wrist to guide her down onto the bed beside her.
"Do you want to change into pajamas?" Blake asked.
"Mmm," Weiss closed her eyes, wrapping one arm around her girlfriend and letting her free hand move back up to Blake's ears, continuing right where she had left off. "I don't want to move."
"Wow. You must be tired. Sleeping in your dress?" Blake mused, peering down at Weiss in mock horror.
"Contrary to popular belief, it's not actually the end of the world," Weiss replied, the end of her sentence punctuated with a loud yawn.
"Who are you, and what have you done with Weiss Schnee?" Blake lowered her head down to the pillow, tilting it to give Weiss's wandering fingers easier access.
Blake began purring again, and Weiss shifted downwards to press her face against Blake's chest, humming appreciatively as the sound surrounded her. Her muscles still ached from the abuse of the day, pain covering her like a blanket, but she felt far removed from the stresses of the mission while wrapped in her girlfriend's warm embrace.
The purring was so loud that she almost missed the sound of her scroll vibrating on the bedside table.
"Is that you?" Blake asked, ears twitching as she lifted her head, much to Weiss's displeasure.
"Who the hell would be messaging me at two in the morning?" she muttered, spine cracking audibly as she threw out a hand to grab the device that was lighting up. She pulled the scroll to her face, blinking in the harsh white light and squinting to read in the darkness.
"Oh, fuck," she swore ineloquently, sitting bolt upright on the bed and staring down at the scroll with wide eyes.
"Hmm?" Blake sat up beside her, brow furrowing in concern at the sudden outburst. "What's wrong?"
Weiss read the lines again and again, as if trying to convince herself that they weren't real. "It's my father," she finally whispered once she was quite certain that she wasn't imagining things, "he's coming to visit."
"Shit, are you serious?" Yang's voice filtered down again, this time accompanied by a waterfall of blonde hair as she leaned over the side of the bed to give Weiss an upside-down stare.
"He'll be here by tomorrow afternoon," she confirmed with dread. "Or, well, this afternoon, technically. He's in Vale for a business deal."
"Uz ee nobout us?"
Ruby popped up off the bed, peering through the gloom to look at her teammates with concern. "Does he know about us?" The implication behind the question was clear as both sisters turned wary gazes to Blake, whose face was cast in shadow, impossible to read.
Weiss shook her head. "Only your names. Unless he's done his own research," she said with a sigh. "He doesn't ask me for details, usually. Just…checks up on me to ensure I'm not disgracing the family too horribly."
Silence filled the room for a long moment, strained and awkward.
"Should I wear my bow?" Blake asked with a voice devoid of emotion.
Weiss was shaking her head before she could finish the question. "I could never ask you to do that."
Blake watched her girlfriend closely, searching for the words she wouldn't say. "It'll be easier if I do, won't it?"
Silence returned. Weiss pressed her lips into a thin line.
"I'll take that as a yes."
Weiss turned to Blake, face twisted into a pained expression. "You said you wouldn't hide anymore. I don't want you to feel like you have to."
A smile forced itself onto Blake's features. "It's not a big deal," she reassured, "I wore it all of first year, I can certainly have it on for a day."
"I'm so sorry –" Weiss started, but Blake pressed a finger to her lips and shook her head.
"You have nothing to apologize for." She looked past Weiss, meeting Yang's upside-down gaze and Ruby's expression of mild terror. "As for the two of you, be on your best behavior. Ruby, you should probably cut down on the sugar intake by at least half. Yang, no lewd jokes. And go easy on the puns."
"Cool it around the Ice King. Got it," Yang said as she withdrew.
Ruby sighed at the instruction. "Maaan, you sound like Weiss."
"I'm saying it so that she doesn't have to," Blake said firmly, one hand wrapping around her girlfriend's shoulder. Weiss was staring at the scroll again, looking as if she might throw up on it. Blake slid a hand up her back, pressed a soft kiss to her cheek, laying gentle touches to remind the heiress that she was safe and loved. She relaxed only slightly, letting the scroll slip from her grip as she fell back onto the bed with a weary sigh.
"It's going to be okay," Blake whispered, pulling Weiss back into her arms, gently turning her face until blue eyes met gold. Their lips met briefly in a soft, chaste kiss, calling Weiss back from the worried storm of her thoughts. "For now, just get some sleep. You'll need it."