Hello, all! We all know (or at least, I hope you know) that Benedict Cumberbatch was Khan in Star Trek: Into Darkness. And you should also know that he plays the titular character in Sherlock on BBC. In this story, Khan is really Sherlock, and John is one of the genetically engineered humans in the cryotubes.


John Watson woke up in a cryotube in the year 2260, about 250 years after he went in. Immediately, his life is turned upside down, with green-bleeding Vulcans and warp-capable starships. But Dr. John Watson is a highly-trained medical professional no matter what time period he is in, and he tests his skills on the Enterprise. He makes an unlikely friend along the way- Dr. Leonard "Bones" McCoy. (In which John's medical ingenuity is played up and he is generally a BAMF.)

1. There will be no Johnlock or Spirk in this story. I have nothing against the pairings, or gay people, but I think that their relationships are just really epic friendships.

2. I would love some story ideas! I created this story because I wanted a story like this, but all the ones out there are not very well-written, or involve Khan/Molly.

3. I will try to update every week, give or take a few days.

With that said, I hope you enjoy this story, please leave a review, and check out my profile!

Dr. McCoy was dumbfounded, an unusual and uncommon occurrence for the medical genius. He was top of his class at the Academy, and had planned to serve in a high-tech research lab where his talents could be fully appreciated. But then that whole Narada shitstorm happened, and he found himself as CMO of the flagship, in the one place he hated- space. It was fully of darkness and disease, he had always said that, and yet there McCoy was. He followed James T. Kirk to the stars.

It couldn't be said, however, that he had never looked back. During those first few months of missions, not a day passed when he didn't contemplate what could've been. That all passed when he realized that goddamnit he had grown attached to life on the Enterprise. For all the McCoy grumped and grouched about life on "a glorified tin can", he really loved it. Before starting his commission, he worried about his skills getting rusty without a challenge, but he was wrong. The doctor definitely got challenged, between disarming photon torpedoes and waking up 300 year old men, to using genetically-engineered superblood to bringing a man back from death, McCoy was challenged, all right.

But for all his knowledge and intuition, Dr. Leonard McCoy has absolutely no goddamned idea how one of Khan's crew members was waking up all on it's own.

James T. Kirk was up to his eyeballs in paperwork. While he was on medical leave, it piled up. Spock did his best to complete a lot of it, but most of the forms and memos could only be done by Kirk himself. So naturally, when Bones commed him ("Jim, get your ass over to Sickbay!"), he jumped at the chance to take a break. The Captain walked the halls of his ship confidently, nodding in acknowledgement at his crew's shows of deference. Jim walked the line of professionalism and childish actions, but now that he had the lives of over 400 people under his command, he was generally more professional. For instance, before he was a cadet, if he was shown respect, Jim probably would've laughed in their face and done something stupid and childish. Now, no. He entered Sickbay with a straight face, even though he was dying to know what Bones had called him down for. Bones immediately looked up from the cryotube he was huddled over at the swoosh of the door opening. "Jim, come here and take a look at this." he tersely ordered. "Yes, Captain." Jim jokingly said, but McCoy was too occupied with his work to pay attention.

Jim looked at the cryotube, but couldn't see anything out of the ordinary. "What is i- oh!' Kirk saw the frozen man's eyes move under his eyelids and his face twitch. "What the hell? I thought he was supposed to be asleep!"

"He was, that's our problem." Bone's face was a mixture of frustration and confusion. "I've got no clue why or how our 300 year old friend here is waking up."

"Can we stop it?"

The CMO shook his head. "Until I know what's causing it, I can't stop it. The only option we've got right now, and the best one, is to thaw him out. We can't have him waking up in the ice."

Jim nodded. "Do you want a Security detail here for that? In case he's like Khan, I mean."

"Couldn't hurt." came the distracted reply. McCoy's attention had already shifted back to cryotube. Jim grinned inwardly in spite of the serious situation. It was amusing to see his friend like this, completely focused on his work, and ignoring anything else. It was one of those slightly annoying yet endearing qualities about his best friend. "Then again," Jim thought. "It's not like I don't have any of those." He lifted his communicator to his lips and commed Lt. Cmdr. Giotto, his Security Chief. "Giotto, I need you to send a Security team up to Sickbay." Giotto's confused reply came through the communicator. "Right away sir, but may I ask why? Do we need to go on a Yellow or Red Alert?"

'No, nothing like that. One of the men in the cryotubes is waking up, and we want to be prepared in case he is... violent." Jim was going to say "evil" but figured that might sound juvenile. "Kirk out." he finished.

The next person Jim commed was Spock. He figured that his First Officer would definitely want to be present when the man woke up and was out of the ice, if not for his position then for the fact that he was a scientist at heart (or rather, mind). "Spock here." the man in question answered. "Spock, it's me. Listen, we've got a situation in Sickbay." Jim explained what was happening. "Captain, may I inquire as to why we have a cryotube on the ship in the first place?"

He opened his mouth to give Spock the answer, then realized he didn't have one. "Hold on a sec, Spock."

Jim turned to Bones. "Why do we have this guy on the Enterprise, Bones?'

"Huh?" came the informative and helpful reply. Jim repeated the question.

Bones looked sheepish. "This one's got a pretty nasty scar on his left shoulder. We wanted to check it out, have a first-hand glimpse at how they did things back in the 21st century."

"You catch that, Spock?"

"Indeed I did, Captain."

Jim nodded, then realized that Spock couldn't see him. "Meet me here ASAP, OK?"

Spock sounded confused. "ASAP, Captain?"

Jim grinned."As Soon As Possible."

"I see."

He knew that was Spock-Talk for "I don't get it, but to avoid sounding stupid, I'm going to pretend I do and change the subject."

"I shall be there in approximately 3.2 minutes, Captain. Spock out."

Bones looked up at Jim in exasperation. "I swear, one day I'm gonna time that bastard."

Jim just smiled and rolled his eyes.

"You do that Bones."

Approximately 3.2 minutes later, Spock walked through the Sickbay pneumatic doors, the Security team not too far behind him. Spock immediately went over to Dr. McCoy and Captain Kirk and assessed the situation. The Captain was watching McCoy intently as the good doctor worked, huddled over a cryotube and occasionally muttering to himself. The Security crew set themselves up around the room, arms crossed and phasers holstered, yet in reach. Spock gave them an approving nod. He knew that they would be ready to defend the Captain if the need arose. Spock had overseen Security's training. He knew that they had been trained at the Academy, but it was Spock's duty as First Officer to ensure the safety of the Captain at all times, and he wanted to make sure they were prepared. The Captain, after all, didn't exactly like being smothered, something Spock could understand, but it was annoying (no, not annoying, annoyance is an emotion) it created undue stress for Spock if the Captain did not place himself out of harm's way.

For that reason, Spock placed himself by his Captain's side.

McCoy let out a sigh. "There, the cryogenic sequence should thaw him out."

Spock raised an eyebrow. "Should, doctor?"

The CMO glared at him. "This is ancient technology, we haven't used cryotubes for centuries! Even if I did know exactly how to use it, the cryotube could malfunction due to age."

Spock nodded in acknowledgement of the doctor's words. "How long should the process take?"

Dr. McCoy thought for a moment. "If I had to guess, I'd say 10 minutes, give or take."

Spock, the Captain, and Dr. McCoy watched silently as the cryotube's internal temperature climbed, and as the ice clouding the man's face melted away.

He wondered if this genetically-engineered man would be as cruel and ruthless as Khan had been. He hoped not, for then they would have a big problem. ANd how would this man deal with being out of his time? He had been frozen 300 years ago, and Earth had taken many "leaps forward", as humans said. They didn't know how Khan had reacted to being told the same information. The last time the Enterprise had "tangled" with a genetically-engineered human, James T. Kirk had died. And Spock swore to himself he would never let that happen again. There would be no superblood to save his Captain then. Spock thought back to that horrible day.

Spock tore through the halls ignoring his crewmates exclamations. Usually he would frown on such a breach of etiquette and protocol, but today he did not care. Something had happened to James T. Kirk, and it was nothing good, Spock was sure of it. He skidded to a stop by the warp core, where Mr. Scott was waiting for him with a grim and sorrowful face. Fear and anxiety rose in Spock's throat, but he repelled it. Vulcans did not have emotions.

Thawing complete.

The sound of the computer's monotonous voice startled Spock out of his musings, and he turned his attention to the doctor.

With only slight hesitation, McCoy pressed the button to open the cryotube as Spock and the Captain watched with bated breath. The cryotube's top hatch opened and a panel slid slowly out with a man on it. The man in question had blond/grey hair and a set face. He had, like McCoy explained, a horrific scar on his left shoulder. Spock hypothesised that it was a primitive gunshot wound. He was wearing only grey pants that were, miraculously, dry. The cryotube's heating sensors, he supposed.

The man woke up slowly. A flicker of movement behind his eyelid here, a twitch of a finger there. Then, his eyelashes fluttered open. The man's eyes were blue, but not as brilliant as the Captain's. McCoy immediately shoved a tricorder in his face. The man drew back, surprised, but the CMO didn't let that bother him.

"Wh-where am I? Who are all of you?"

Jim answered promptly. "You are aboard the starship Enterprise. I am Captain James T. Kirk, and this is my First Officer Spock, and my Chief Medical Officer Dr. McCoy."

The man blinked, incredulity in evident in his British accent. "A starship? Just how long was I in that cryotube?"

"300 years." Spock answered with absolutely no tact. That Vulcan is as smart as hell, Kirk thought. But he has absolutely no idea what to do in social situations dealing with emotions.

"My god." the 300 year old said, face slack in shock. "Three... Three hundred years."

Jim felt really awkward, which surprised him. Usually he was the smooth tongued one, the charming one, the diplomatic one. Spock didn't understand humans enough to successfully navigate most social situations with them, and Bones, well, Bones was really grumpy. So when it was Bones to answer the man in front of them, it would be safe to say that Kirk was more than a little shocked.

"Yeah." His best friend said with uncharacteristic gentleness. He patted the man's shoulder, a comforting gesture.

The genetically engineered super human swallowed and visible composed himself. He took a shaky breath in. "So... Earth has changed a lot then, yeah?"

This time, Kirk nodded.

"Hang on." the man said suddenly. "You never explained the whole spaceship thing."

Spock's turn. "Over the past three centuries, Earth has developed warp technology, enabling them to travel millions of light years in less than a second. Vulcan, my people, made First Contact with humanity on April 5, 2063, and since then our two species have formed an alliance and founded the United Federation of Planets."

This time, the man was not surprised. "I've heard so many crazy things today already, you could tell me that you bleed green and I wouldn't even blink."

"I do bleed green."

True to his word, the un-named man didn't blink, he just nodded wearily.

Jim decided to step in before the conversation got even more weird. "I've got a question of my own. Who are you? What's your name?"

"My name," the man said. "Is John Watson."

So, how'd you like it? Was anybody OOC? Did I get the POV's right? Is the story too boring? Anything you liked, or thought I could improve on, I would like to hear. Just a minute or two of your time helps make me a better writer and helps me write a better story!

Thank you for reading all the way to the end. It means a lot to me.