Alright guys second fanfic lets see how this goes..
I own no chracters they r owned by Kishimoto i only own the plot line.
Tentens POV
I was leaning against the wall!,tears streaming down my face. I had on a red t shirt reaching above mid thigh and my leg bindings and hair out of their traditional buns and my curly browm hair sitting past her shoulders.
"Why did i do it?" "Why did i tell him?" I said speaking to no one but myself. "I told myself a hundred times that i wouldnt tell anyone but i told HIM! Darn adrenalin kick? When he hugged me,i thought he felt the same as i did. Then i couldnt hide my feelings from him any longer...and his reaction HIS REACTION! Oh if only i can turn back it undone."
Oh Kami im stupid...
Nejis POV
I was leaning against my wall wearing just my traditional Hyuga pants my hand on my face.
"Why did i do it? Why did i react as i did? I promised myself to never make her cry. She just stood there and stared at me as tears ran down her beautiful chocked face she just had to open her heart for me and i smashed it into peices. Why did i say the things i said even though i felt the same for her?"
Oh Kami im stupid...
well thats the first chapter i know its short but hey makes you think of what happened so please review fav and like please!