Tentens POV

The day after what happened i didnt go to our training grounds. Theres no way i could not after that fiasco! Ill just train somewhere else yah! But no im not meeting with Neji again not after he broke my heart with those words that keep repeating in my head.

We can not be together.

We are not right for each other.

Nejis POV

Its been like this for weeks i would wait for Tenten In our training groundsat our usual time but she never came. And it made my heart clench. I didnt know my words had such an affect on the Weapons Mistress. I missed her gracefulness in our spars and the way her bangs would get stuck on to her sweaty face but most of all her smile. Her smile the one that makes me feel free. I have to get her back. I cant lose her!

Tentens POV

I was about to go make me some lunch when i heard a gentle knock on my door. My heart stopped. Was it Neji? I opened the door. THANK KAMI! It was Hinata.

"Hinata? Oh come in!" I said

"Thank you Tenten-chan" she replied.

"So what brings you here?"

"Well i dont mean to pry in your business" she started off quiet. "But i have noticed you stopped training with Neji-nii-san." She stated rather innocently.

Should i tell Hinata she is one of my best friends. I sighed and told her the story.

"Tenten-chan dont take nii-san's words to heart." She had a knowing smile on her face. What did she know that i didnt?

"Well thanks for talking with me Tenten-chan ill see you later." And then she walked off back to the Hyuga Manor.

I started back to cooking lunch and as i was half way done eating there was a knock on the door again. I thought maybe Hinata had come back or maybe it was one of the other girls who noticed i havent been training with Neji. When i opened the door i was greeted by somone in a interesting way.

Wow felt like i havent uodated in a while anyways enjoy that cliffie and keep reviewing! Your reviews ket me know how to make it better or to know if u like it!