for my crush

There are things about you, little one
That light me up from the inside.
The smile in your eyes
When you look at me with my hair a mess
And my face bare -
You make me feel beautiful then.

When you lean in
So I can hear you in this crowded bar,
Your hand on the inside of my knee.
You tell me that my skin is
Soft there, but softer still
On my inner thigh -
Your hand moving slowly
Up my skirt to find what you seek.

At night, when I feel your eyes
On me from across the room,
Sitting in that chair, your
Fingers stroking your lip as you see me.
When you beckon me to come to you,
And I do.
Standing there in front of you
In my little black nightie,
Your hands spanning my waist and
Pulling me closer to you.
I can feel your breath then,
Through the fabric that covers me,
As you slowly, so slowly,
Slide that fabric over my hips.
You take me there, on that chair -
Your arms wrapped around me;
My legs wrapped around you.

There are things, little one,
That light me up from the inside.
Your eyes, your smile, your curls.
The tickle of your beard against my neck.
The feeling of your heartbeat
Against my lips.
When your voice is the last
I hear at night
- a whisper -
- a prayer -
Spoken in a language so beautiful
That for a moment
I believe you are an angel
Sent straight from heaven.
To me.