Okay gonna try something new! Don't get mad because I haven't updated my other story in a while! Its kinda hard! This is going to be a Roy Harper (Red Arrow) X OC. Because there just isn't enough of these out there. I DON'T OWN JUSTICE LEAGUE! JUST THE CHARACTERS I CREATE! Well, lets get this going! Just figured out how to check my spelling! That is so awesome! YEA!

"Dammit! Just who the hell is this chick!" yelled an irritated Roy Harper. Staring at the information on the screen about their new "contact" they had made during the last mission.

Name: Neko

Age: Unknown

Height: Unknown

Weight: Unknown

Hair color: Black

Eye color: Crimson Red

Race: Unknown

Occupation: Unknown

Skill: Hand-to-hand combat, long distance sniper, swords, knife throwing

Extra: Wears a kuboko cat mask. Southern. Well toned body. Extremely dangerous.

"Hey! It's not our fault that we don't know anything about this Neko chick then you do Red Arrow! This is all we have on her at this moment because this is the first time we have ever heard of her!" yelled back a slightly insulted Cyborg.

"Cy has a point Roy. We know nothing about her cause we never seen her before now. Your just mad because she kicked your ass and you landed 1 hit on her!" said an amused Robin.

"Shut up! I didn't mean to hit her there!" shouted an embarrassed Roy.

"Wait? Where you even hit her?" asked Cyborg. Which caused Roy's face to turn as red as his hair.

"He hit her in the boob! And man, did that piss her off!" laughed Robin. Cyborg soon joined him in laughing. By the time they stopped, Roy had left.

"Well, we should get back to work now." said Cy. Both said goodbye and went back to doing what they were supposed to be doing.

~~~ Meanwhile else where ~~~

A raven haired girl slammed the door to her house and locked the door with all three locks that were on it.

"Who the hell does he think he is! That Red Arrow is an ass!" getting out of her gear and changing into black yoga pants and a black sports bra (both had a red flower design on them). She went into her kitchen and put some food out for her beloved pets Raggs (male Egyptian mow) and Holly (black and white female cockerspanler).

"Holly! Raggs! Feeding time babies!" she called out. In ran Raggs and Holly who both started eating happily. She grab a bottle of water out of the fridge and went to the basement (training room) to let of some steam.

"Ugg" punch "that" punch " RED" punch "ARROW" punch. She stopped punching the bag and rested her head on it. "Why! Why the fuck am I attracted to him! I mean... yea... he's smoking hot and fine as hell but! He's one of them! A good-guy! I'm losing it!" she said and finished it with one hell of as punch that sent the punching bag to the wall, sand going everywhere.

"God fucking dammit! What the fuck! Why the hell does this keep happening' to me! Third time this month!" she shouted angrily. she went and got a spare and put it up and cleaned up the mess from the old one.

"Damn. Already 2, I reckon I should haul my ass up to bed now!" she laughed and went up to her bathroom, stripped down, started the shower and got in.

She let the hot water run over her tired body, enjoying the way it relaxed her tensed muscles. She grab her vanilla scented shampoo and rubbed some into her hair and onto her body. When she got to her lower regions she let out a low moan. She slowly rubbed her hidden nub with her right hand while her left went up and pinched her nipple causing her to moan out again. Her back hit the side of the shower while she worked herself over the edge. When she fell over that edge the name on her lips were that of Red Arrow.

After coming down from her high she realized what she had done and quickly finished her shower and got out. Grabbing a towel and drying off she stopped to look at herself in the mirror.

Her long raven black hair (that reached all the way down to her ass and could cover her 38D sized chest) was dripping went. Her red eyes were dull and were gaining their blue hue back causing them to turn purple, with loneliness and misery. Her eyes swept over her toned muscular body noting how her skin looked pale under her natural tan she always had and all the new bruise that the sported on her right boob. She picked up a brush and started brushing out her long hair and once done she put it in a sideways french braided.

She pulled on her matching black lacy bra and underwear and walked out into her room. The room was dark but the light coming in from the window let you see what was in the room. The walls were painted midnight blue as was the ceiling. Both had glow-in-the-dark stars on them which glowed softly in the dark room. Since it was the master bedroom it was fairly large. The king sized bed was cover in a black bedspread that had blue dragon designs on it as well did the pillows. In front of the bed was a 40 in flat screen tv on the wall. That had an X-Box 360 and an X-Box One on the entertainment table below it. Opposite the side of the room where the bed was placed was a large dresser. She walked over to the dresser and pulled out a pair of black booty shorts and a blue tank top. She went over to the bed and fell face first into it and fell asleep almost immediately.