Ok. I have been working my ass off on this one at school during different classes. Therefore, I really hope you enjoy and review! I have all the way to chapter 5 written out, just gotta type it now! Chapter 3! Still do not own any of the JL (wish I did in some way but I do not) and I only own the plot and any OC I decide to create for this story.

Neko's POV


I grunted as I dragged in the bags from my shopping trip. They are quit heavy and around 15 of 'em. But I probably shouldn't have grab all of 'em (I didn't wanna have to make more than one trip) in my first round. I placed all of 'em on the center island counter table.

"Woof! Woof! WOOF!"

And there's my baby Holly. Here she comes running to me jumping up and down. I sit down on the floor and she instantly gets in my lap and starts licking my face all over. Then she stops after about 5 seconds and tilts her head at me. That's when I notice she's sniffing me.

"Oh. Guess you smell Roy on me." I nervously laugh out. Which caused her to look up at me with a weird look.


Great and there's the cat. I look down at him, with a questioning look.


Well ain't that just awesome! He must smell Roy on me too.

"CAT! I know! Just stop! I know I have some other person's smell on me. But come on! I know this person. Its only Roy."


"What? Is this about Roy's scent?"

"Meow!" he responds with a nod from his head.

"Smelt it before?"

"Meow!" he responds with another nod.

"Weird…you shouldn't have ever smelt it before."

With that he runs off to somewhere else in the house. I look down at Holy and shrug.

"I wonder what gotten in to him." I wonder out loud.


I had just finished putting away everything that I had bought today and I looked out the window to find the sun setting. Which is a beautiful site to behold.

'Damn sunsets sure are beautiful!' I thought to myself. I go grab my camera and take a picture of the beautiful setting.

'I should really give my bubba a call. It's been like what how long now…like forever! But then again, he does have a very important job, what with being a_'


My train of thought was cut off by my cell phone going off. I pull out my cell to see that an unknown number has texted me. I open my phone to see the Deviantart page I was on and click on the little cloud in the upper right hand corner of the screen. It read:


Hey Eve! It's Roy.

'Oh yea! I forgot I gave him my number!' I thought. I decided to text back to the hunk.

(Bold is Eve and underlined is Roy)

Oh! Hey Roy! Did ya need something?

Nooooo…just felt like putting the number to the test.

To see if I gave ya a fake one?

Yeah… it's happened to me before…. sooooo, yea…you no.

Now, why would anybody do such a thing to such a cutie-pie like you sug?

I bite my lip as I hit send on that text. A blush crosses my face at the thought of flirting with such a sexy man that was Roy Harper.

Idk. Some people are just like that I guess.

Good thing I'm not some people! XD

Well, you sure are something else that's for sure!

And what does that mean sug?

Well what I'm trying to say is …. that… your not like most people…I mean that in a good way. In a amazing way.

Why think ya sug!

I'm really touched by that. I'm usually seen as the odd ball, the weird one, the black sheep, and you see where I'm going with this.



I really want to know more about you. You seem… how do I put this….

My heart skips a beat!

I seem what sug?

Well being honest…. You seem like your going to end up being very important to me in the future.

And my heart skips a beat again.

I know how you feel sug. Cause I feel the same!

That's good. So would you like to go on a date with me? ;-)

Why I would love to sug! :-D When and where?

Movies on Friday 7pm? That good with you?

Perfect! I can't wait sug! XD

Neither can I, well goodnight beautiful! ;-*

Goodnight hot stuff! XD

I ended up squealing for a good 5 minutes after that. I had gotten a date with a really fascinating fella, and I couldn't help but be very electrified!

"Hopefully I want have any bonds on that day." I thought out loud to myself.

"Being a hired executioner really sucks sometime!" I groan out and flop onto my bed.