With not hide nor hair of him appearing yet set she gets to work tracking the GPS on his cell. The last few locations he had stopped at should be traceable. And unless he disabled his GPS, or discarded the phone, it could tell her where he was now.

OF COURSE. At some point the GPS had been disabled. The check in service she was using traced the cell towers that he had been connected to for a given length of time. They confirmed that he had gone to his cover job this morning, stopped off for gas on his noon break, and than nothing. His signal disappears after that. OFF THE GRID. Of course he wouldn't make this easy on her. She sets up a few programs to trace his last in and outbound calls if there were any. Even scanning for Wifi calls that wouldn't normally show up connected to his network. This would take a while.

She laughs at the absurdity of it all. How different her life is now, and yet how similar it still is to her old life back at the foundry. Still hacking for a living with a phony day job. Still madly In love with a man whose morals, sanity, and communication skills were questionable. At that revelation, some long repressed nagging thoughts resurfaced. What if it was A.R.G.U.S.? What if it was the one man who knew enough about his weaknesses to kill him? What if he went off the grid and didn't want to be found? What if he was pulling away from her again? This time for good.

He knew that he was a danger to her. He would never elaborate on it, there were some things they would never talk about. She knew Oliver though. Oliver most likely thought that Slade was still out there, posing a danger to him. After all he had come back from the dead once before.

Wasn't that why they had concocted this elaborate escape plan of theirs? 'This will minimize the casualties.' he had said. Diggle, Roy, and the others would be safe because they wouldn't try to go looking for them. That's why she went along with it so easily. It wasn't just the attraction she felt or pity for him that made her an accessory to such deception. She didn't want anyone to get hurt, and she couldn't make Oliver actually choose. So they faked their own death. Felicity first, killed by the madman during the aftermath of injecting him with the cure. He would follow soon after. In a more dramatic flourish, of course. She would go for Oliver and the threat an unstable Slade Wilson had posed to the world. She stayed for herself. She went meaning to save him. He was the one who had saved her in the end.

What's wrong with fooling everyone in to believing I am dead if it meant protecting everyone that I cared for in starling and coast city that might get between Oliver and Slade?

She had made the right choice. That she was confident of that. She had picked HIM over everything and everyone else that night, after all. She would never regret doing so. Still, she couldn't help but wonder if there had been any other option than to fake their death and run. Although he swore to her that he had gotten everything what he wanted out of this now, she knew it had to hurt to be quiet about it. His pride was suffering, before time and familiarity complicated things. Before love was deep. When they left that night, it was never how she assumed it would play out at their first meeting. After he gave her the option there was no other choice in her mind. He didn't try to convince her. She convinced herself. .

In exchange for everything he was working towards, He got the girl with the glasses. But the danger was far from gone. One day he his foe would reappear. Oliver would fight bravely and Slade would kill him. If Oliver was lucky Slade would die in the process. She knew even after all of her training she was powerless to stop that battle. More than knew it, she felt it in her bones.

It dawned on her that he wasn't helping her get stronger so she could fight by his side, but so she could survive his death.

Lost in her maudlin reverie, the blinking light that should alert her to the newly received text message on her android goes unnoticed.