
Tris POV

My life going in the right direction now. I have my family, the one I didn't realize I had. We survived the fight, and now we rest. We don't have to remember, but chose to remember what has happened.

My mother taught me about true sacrifice. Sometime our bravery is our selflessness.

Chapter 2

Tris POV

Two weeks later...

The city is far from different but far from the same as it was before the war. Amar and George followed us to the city. When we got back though we found Tori in the hospital, she was in a coma. I hope she wakes up, the people from Erudite said she has a 50/50 chance of surviving. The new counsel is made up of one leader from each faction, so the isn't a favored faction. Our factions went back to the ways of the manifestos. Dauntless went back to standing up for the one who couldn't stand up. In our new society they released the memory serum in the factionless section and now they belong to Abnegation, living selfless. Now they're giving back to the people who gave so much to them. The memory serum had some other serum that made their brain believe that they were raised to be selfless, somehow they made is strong enough for the divergent member. That scare me though is strong enough for all divergent? Would it affect me, the death serum didn't even affect me though.

"Hey." Caleb came up behind me taking me out of my thoughts.
"Hey. What's up?"
"Umm. They were going through David's office, not knowing who he was, and found this box of letters. I haven't read them yet, I was going to let you go through them first, you were always closer to mom than I was. I figure that's what the letters are about."
He hands me a box, then leaves.
"It was good to see you again." I shout back at him before he's to far gone.

Caleb's been so distant ever since I went into the weapons lab. He will barely look me in the eye. I know he was supposed to go into the lab but I believe I save his life even though I don't want to tell him that because he would be responsible for taking me to my death and the for letting me go to me my death. Would he be able to live with himself? I know I wouldn't be able to live my life. I also believe that I would try forgive myself because know matter how many people forgive me for doings I wouldn't be able to live with myself until forgave myself. As Johanna told me: to be Amity is not only to forgive other but to forgive yourself.

The counsel meeting is later today and Tobias has to go because Dauntless elected him as a leader. Uriah, Peter, Amar, and myself were elected as leaders. I still really cautious around Peter, just because he took the memory serum I will never forget what he did to me.

"Hey Tris. I'm going to leave now. Will you be okay?"
"Yeah I'll be fine. I might go see Christina."
"Okay. I love you, bye" With that he leaves.

Christina's apartment is right down the hall from mine, so I don't have to walk very far. Just as I'm about to knock on her door she come outside.
"Oh hey Tris. How are you?"
"I doing okay. How are you?"
"Good, everything is finally getting to where in thought I would be after initiation. But for now I'm going to the training room. Wanna come?"
"Sure why not."
The training room is down a series of hallways.

/\\\/\\\ /\\\/\\\ /\\\/\\\ /\\\/\\\ /\\\/\\\ /\\\

When I open the door to the training room the aroma hits me in the face. The scent of sweat, blood, and the memories I've had in this room. The time Tobias, Four at the time, had to throw knives at me. When Tobias walk out of the training room when I had to fight Peter. The time when I beat Molly and I didn't feel that bad about it. This is the same place I stood up for my friend who betrayed me. When I told Eric what he really was, a bully, and how bullying was an act of cowardice. Once I'm back in reality, I walk over to the punching bags. I just start punching it.

"Are you okay, Tris?" Christina asks me with caution in her voice.


I look at my hands. I've done so much damage to them. They are cracked like the glass in my fear landscape, the blood on my hands is a deep crimson, the bruises on hands makes the blood look even darker. Now I see why Christina asked that. I feel like I've punched everything from these past few months out. From the point where the simulation started, when I killed Will, when my parents died, getting Tobias out of the sim, to when we went to the Bureau. Now I feel like I'm where I was supposed to be a few months ago. Except Will and my parent are supposed to be here and Caleb isn't supposed to hate me. Marlene and Lynn shouldn't be dead either. Shauna shouldn't be paralyzed. This war has hurt so many people and caused so much guilt. It's not fair.

Someone comes up behind me and stops my hand from hitting the punching bag again, my natural reaction is to elbow them. I jab my elbow back right where their stomach is, but the person stops my elbow.

"You know, you really need to work on surprising people with your next move." The voice says into my ear, I automatically know who it is: Tobias.

"Haha. You are the only person who knows that I would do that because you taught me."

"True, but I also know nobody should be punching bag that hard without tape on their hands."

"Sorry I was letting off some anger from these past few months."

"Can you guys save it for later, so we could go to lunch?" Christina interrupts us.

"Yeah. We'll be there in a minute, I'm going to clean up Tris' hands."

"How was the meeting?"

"I'll tell you later."

AN: Thank you to everyone who review telling me I should keep going. It really means a lot. I will be continuing this story, I won't be updating often until the summer.