Summary: Jacks father died when he was six. But he left something behind. Now twelve years later, Jack is about to find out what. (Jack/a D-con) You are going to find out in later chapters.
Jack wasn't sure when this whole mess started. Was it when his mom presented him with a book on his eighteenth birthday? When he met as-big-as-a-house alien robots? Was it when his father died under mysterious circumstances on his sixth birthday? Or was it even earlier? At his birth?
He didn't know. All he knew was his mother acting weird since his eighteenth birthday. She gave him this book with a nine-pointed star on the front. She told him to open it when he felt he needed answers.
Jack didn't understand what she meant then. Until now.
When Jack got up one week after his birthday, he felt weird. His whole body tignled as if each and every nerve was set alight. His back felt heavy and he felt an odd sense of strength like he could make everything he touched crumble.
Jack stood and made his way to the bathroom half asleep. There was a grinding noise as if he dragged something behind him but Jack wrote it off to the fact that he wasn't fully awake yet and paid it no further mind.
However, when he washed his face he started and looked at his hands. He had felt something scratchy as he trailed his fingers over his face.
He had to hold in a startled cry, as he looked at his fingers. On the end of each finger, there was a long claw. They where black and sharp and looked absolutely deadly. He seached through the bath drawers franticly and thanked ever diety he knew, that at least the weird mutation of his fingernails happened on a Saturday.
After more frantic searching he held up his prize triumphantly. Scissors. His triumph deflated quikly however, when he tried and failed to cut the claws. The scissors broke, his claws stayed. Jack cursed.
Well, he thought at least I can hide them. He dragged his hand across his face and started anew. His eyes had changed, too. Instead of the usual brown(1) his orbs looked amber now. Almost golden.
Now wary because of the changes he began to examine his body to look for other changes. Obviously he became taller. Not much but taller none the less. And apparently his toes had claws too.
But he noticed the biggest change when he craned his neck to look at his back. Attached to his shoulderblades there where BIG scaled wings and his spine continued into a long scaled and jagged tail.
This time he couldn't hold in his scream. They where not ugly or anything it was just the fact that he had them at all, that freaked him out. Alarmed from his scream, Arcee activated her holoform, ran up the stairs to the bathroom an barged in.
When Arcee saw Jacks state, she stopped dead in her tracks.
"Jack! What happened to you?" she asked
"I don't know. I just woke up like this." Jack said, still a little shaken.
"I am going to call Ratchet so he can transport you to base. It wouldn't do you any good if any human saw you like this on me." Jack nodded
Arcee was silent for a few seconds "Put some cloths on. I informed Ratchet and he will be there in a few minutes." Jack nodded again an stumbled into his room.
There he faced a whole new problem: nothing fit him anymore. Since it was a warm day he decided to wear no t-shirt and shorts. He had to wear it so the backside was facing forward and knot the cord around his tail so the shorts stayed on but in the end he could wear them without ruining them by cutting a hole in it.
He decided to put something over his torso after all and pulled a poncho over his head. It would slide up everytime his wings moved but at least his chest and stomach was covered.
Jacks gaze roamed around his room and stayed on the mysterious book his mother gave him. She said he should open it should he need answers and he decided to put it in his backpack. If he was going to find out anything, he would do so with his friends, he decided.
(1) I don't know if you noticed, but on some pictures Jacks eyes are brown and on some they are blue. So I decided in this story they where brown.