Jack still sat on the examination table indian style and tried to figure out wich part of his body was his wings and tail and how to move them.

He already managed to spread out his wings and fold them in. Next came slow flapping up and down and back and forward.

His tail still moven uncontrolable though. It twitched and lashed out randomly. But Jack had to concentrate at his new limbs one at the time. Because his wings were the biggest appendages he tried to control them first.

One hour later Raf and Miko came in with Bumblebee and Bulkhead. Five minutes later the ground bridge opened and Optimus came back from patrol.

Miko and Raf chatted animatedly with each other and their guardians and Optimus came over to Ratchet immediately who sat on a console next to examination table Jack sat on.

When Optimus saw Jack he stopped dead in his tracks. "Ratchet" the medic, who had analyzed the results of his scans on Jack jumped and turned around looking at him questioningly. "What happened to Jack?" Hearing his name Jack opened his eyes, stood and folded his wings behind his back.

"That's what I was trying to find out before you so rudely interrupted my analyzes" Ratchet deadpanned. "So far it appears to be an inactive gene that suddenly activated. I also noticed stronger electrical energy in his body than it would be usual on a human." Jack frowned.

"How strong?" he asked. "Well, let's just say you might short out a few electrical devices accidentally in the near future. So hands off my tools or I will throw my favourite wrench at you", Ratchet said threatingly and Jack put his hands up in surrender.

Hearing Optimus asking about Jack the remaining two kids came over, their guardians hot on their heels. Raf blinked and pulled his glasses up his nose, Bulkheads mouth fell open, Bumblebee beeped alarmed and took a step back taking Raf with him.

But the strongest reaction was Miko's. When she noticed his changes she squealed with joy and jumped forward. "Dude! You have wings! This is so awesome! Can you fly with them? They look so dragony! Does that mean you can also breathe fire and abduct princesses? Oh I want to touch them!" With this flood of words Miko was all over Jack trying to touch his wings. "Watch out Miko. I still can't control my-" too late. Startled from his impact with Miko his tail lashed out in an attempt to obtain equilibrium and accidently smacked her across the table. "-tail. Sorry Miko." She groaned, shook her head and stood. "Wow. Ouch", she said.

"What happened?" Raf asked coyly from his place on 'bee's schoulder. "Well… apparently I am able to form a symbiotic bond with dragons. For the wings and tail? It is obviously used to look appealing to the dragons. I don't know if I can fly with them. The wings I mean" Jack answered.

"And you know that from where?" Miko asked and Jack picked up the book laying to his feet and held it up. "My mom gave it to me on my eighteenth birthday one week ago" Now Miko seemed to be upset.

"It was your birthday one week ago? Why didn't you tell me?!"

"Yeah. Well-" Jack got saved from Miko's wrath, when the alarms went off.

"Scrap! Decepticons! Why now of all times?!" cursed Ratchet and went to the console. Optimus went in front on the groundbridge. "Arcee, Bumblebee, Bulkhead lets roll out" he said over his shoulder and named Autobots went to flank or in Bulkheads case stand behind him. Ratchet went to the groundbridge controls.

When the groundbridge opened and the 'bots went through Miko leaped over to the green vortex to follow them. "Miko, no!" Jack exclaimed and leaped from the examination table only for his wings to fold out to glide towards her. He couldn't reach her until they both went through the bridge, wich closed behind them. Just my luck Jack thought annoyed. Well at least I now know that I can glide if nothing else.

He looked around and spotted the Autobots already fighting with Knock Out, Breakdown and a around a dozend Vehicons. Jack francticly looked around for Miko and spotted her behind some boulders taking pictures. Typical Miko. His blood seemed to freeze however, when he spotted Starscream appearing behind Miko grabbing her. She screamed.

"Well lookie what I found! If that isn't one of the annoying Autobot's pets." he snarled and held her at eye level. "Whatever shall I do with you?" he asked in mock wonder. Jack charged at Starscream knowing full well that he would be to late to save Miko from whatever fate Starscream wanted to bestow upon her.

Suddenly he felt a rush of energie surge through his body and saw the world vanish for a second. When he could see again, he was directly in front of Starscream about as high as his shoulders. Instictively his wings spread out to save him from a very high fall.

Jack didn't think. He hadn't enough time for that but acted on impulse. With one flap of his wings he was in front of one of Starscreams wings who luckily was to focused on Miko to notice his approach. He rose both hands over his head fingers spread out claws bent and struck as hard as he was able to. The impact left eight nice long deep bleeding gashes on the seekers wing and he screeched in pain letting go of Miko.

Jack swooped down to catch her. When he got her, he closed his eyes and concentrated. To base, to base come on, do it again, to base- And the world around him vanished again for a second.

The fighters stopped for a moment to stare at the spot where Jack and Miko were falling towarts the ground and vanished in a pulse of outgoing waves not a second ago. Then they stared at each other and started fighting again this time more heatedly.

At base a pulse of ingoing waves was the only thing to warn Ratchet of the incoming two humans. Jack and Miko fell on the ground rolling over each other until they came to a stop Miko atop of him.

"Ow! Miko! Kindly get of my wing please. They're very sensitive!" Jack groaned and tried to wiggle free of Mikos weight upon him. Luckily Miko finally got off him. He was able to sit and flexed his wings.

"Urgh. What just happened?" Miko asked. Ratchet came towards them. "I am looking forward to an explanation, too" he said. Both of them gazed at Jack.

Nervously Jack rubbed the back of his neck. "Well... I sort of transported us back to base. How I have no clue. I might find something about this in the book though" He stood and walked over to the examination table and flapped his wings francticly to get up. When he finally reached the edge he went over to the book. After retrieving it he glided back down and landed next to Miko.

After browsing through the book for ten minutes Jack looked up at them. "Well apparently there are special different abilities every dragonlord has. There is for example the ability of telepathy or telekinese. By forming a symbiotic bond, the dragon also recieves the ability their respective dragonlord has. So my ability obviously is teleporting and when I form a symbiotic bond with the dragon he will be able to teleport, too. I can only form a symbiotic bond when a dragon expresses an interest in me"

"Cool" Miko said. "But how do you meet a dragon? It's not like they are wandering around in the open for everyone to see"

"That's true. I guess if one of them is interested, they will show themselves so I will just have to wait" Jack said. Not knowing how soon he would meet one...

AN: Again: If you find any spelling or grammar mistakes feel free to contact me. I won't bite your head off. I am glad for any kind of improvement. :)
