Im sooooooooooooo sooooorry that i haven't updated sooner, but I had a really bad case of the writers block, and suddenly it lifted at 11 at night, im so tired. So please dont hate on me for not updating sooner, i tried to make this chapter longer for ya guys!
So I hope you enjoy chapter 2!
'Gotta find Natsu, fast!' All the members thought as they ran off.
*With Natsu*
"Haah, man what bad luck Happy. Firstly, you left me on that train, and we ended up going three stations past the one we were supposed to get off at. Then when we finally did get off the train, we ended up in a tiny town surrounded by a forest. And lastly, the train that we got off of was the last train there for the day, so now we have to walk! What bad luck…" Natsu let out a large sigh.
"Aye sir, very bad luck… But we could've stayed the night at the small town ya know." Happy said as he lifted his paw while making a point.
"No way. That town was really creepy, and something didn't smell right about it." Natsu clenched his nose like he could still smell the town.
"So how long till we can get back?"
"I don't know buddy, looks like maybe a quarter of a day's walk from here. We should set up camp here, and then start walking again in the mornin." Natsu stopped and dropped his bad in the middle of a small clearing.
"Aye sir…" Happy tiredly responded as he flopped down onto the bag. The small exceed stretched as he said, "Goooodnight Natsu." Natsu smiled and patted the top of Happy's head.
"G'night." Natsu stretched as he too laid his head down on the bag. His eyes felt heavy as he closed them and entered a deep sleep. When he entered a dream, it was pitch black. Then a known smell came to Natsu's nose. "Zeref…" Natsu trailed off as he tried to look around for the dark mage.
"Ah, what a good nose, just like a dragon." The dark mage said as his appearance started to form. Natsu glared at him, but that only made a small smile grow on Zeref's face.
"What do you want?" Natsu spat out while starting to get angry.
"Do you not wish to see me Natsu?" Zeref asked as he made a fake confused face.
"You threaten to destroy all humanity, and my family members included, so I'd rather not see you." Natsu responded with hate laced in his words.
"Well this is just a mere projection like at the guild meeting, so I don't kill everything off before I get my message through. But what if I told you that you could put an end to that planned destruction?" Natsu looked shocked as he quickly looked back up at Zeref.
"What do you mean?! How could I stop it?!" Natsu's words were now desperate to find an end to Zeref's plan.
"Make a deal with me."
"What deal?"
"Simple, give yourself to me, and I will stop my plan to destroy all of humanity."
"Give myself to you? As in become your slave?"
"In some aspects, yes."
"What if I told you no?"
"Hmm, well than I will take you by force, and kill every single Fairy Tail member in front of your eyes, and slowly break you." As Zeref spoke, he slid a hand under Natsu's chin and tilted it up. He could see the hate start to cloud over Natsu's eyes. Zeref chuckled and continued to speak, "Either way, you will become mine. Whether your flame is still vibrantly strong and wild, or weak and controlled. In my opinion I would rather have it vibrant and strong, like the way you are now." Natsu glared at him, and smacked Zeref's hand away. It didn't affect Zeref at all, he just continued to smile. "You have until night-fall tomorrow to decide, before I come to acquire you. And you will become mine, no matter what." Natsu looked down in hate as Zeref started to disappear.
"Dammit!" Natsu mumbled out as he clenched his hands in anger. It felt like an eternity in the darkness of his dream before he woke up.
"Na-… Nats-… Natsu! C'mon, it's already noon, let's get walking again, I'm hungry!" Happy yelled at the groggy fire mage, as he rubbed his eyes.
"A-Aye sir…" Natsu said as he started to trail off.
"Haha, Natsu you sound like me!" Happy laughed as he wrapped his tail around Natsu's stomach, and started to fly off.
Later on in the day Natsu awoke to the delicious smell of freshly cooked food. His eyes groggily open and started to look around to determine where he was. As he looked around he figured out that he was in a restaurant by all the waiters and customers around. Sitting up from his laying position, Natsu looked around to find Happy. After a few minutes of his eyes searching, there was happy, happily talking to all the workers who were on break. Natsu tried to call out to his little blue buddy, but found that is throat was sore, and his vocal chords didn't want to cooperate with his will. Luckily Happy looked behind his shoulder to check on Natsu, and when he noticed that he was awake; he quickly flew over to him and gave him a huge hug.
"Yay, your finally awake now Natsu!" Happy yelled out with happy tears streaming down his face. Natsu wanted to say something back, but instead put a hand to his throat indicating that his throat was dry. Happy rushed and got him a cup of water. After Natsu gulped the whole glass down, he had his very first question.
"How long have I been asleep for?" Natsu asked as he slightly feared the answer.
"Hmm, let's see, it took us about six hours to fly to our original destination, then a couple more we have been sitting in this dinner waiting for you to wake up. I'm surprised that you haven't woken up sooner since there have been all kinds of food surrounding you, you even at the food in your sleep, but never woke up." Happy cheerfully responded, but was curious as to why Natsu had the look of shock on his face.
"Happy. What time is it now?" Natsu asked, with dread laced in his voice.
"I'd say that it is now about eight thirty at night."
"That means I only have an hour left, how could've I have slept for so long?!" Natsu yelled out as he started to scratch his head.
"Natsu, what's wrong?" Happy was starting to get very worried about his partner, his best friend. Natsu looked up at him with slight shock and started to get out of the booth. Happy followed him as he walked out the restaurant's main doors.
"C'mon, I have to get you to safety." Natsu started to walk a little faster and Happy was getting more worried.
"What do you mean, why do I have to get to safety?"
"Happy I can't tell you right now bu-!" Before Natsu could finish a voice that he reconized yelled out his name.
"Natsu!" It was Lucy that yelled out his name, but he could see that behind her was Master, Erza, Gray and Wendy. "Natsu!" Lucy called out again, making sure that Natsu would not run away.
"Natsu, have you heard anything yet?" Master asked as he tried to grab Natsu's arm, but it was forcibly pushed back. As the night started to turn dark, magic circles started to surround Natsu's body and two forms with wings started to materialize out of a pink light, and the other out of a purple light. No one could see any definite properties in their appearance, but the two light balls took the form of females with large wings, and the purple light have a swaying tail. Everyone stood in awe, but also in shock as they started to talk.
"Natsu-san, have you made your choice?" The pink figure asked as she held out her hands as if they were balances. Natsu looked at his guild mates, who were all screaming 'No!' Then he looked over at the extremely worried, and extremely confused Happy. Natsu pulled him into a tight hug, and kissed him on his forehead.
"I love you buddy." Natsu said as he threw Happy into Lucy's arms and looked at the pink figure and said, "Yes, I have made my choice. I will agree to go willingly."
"As you say." The pink figure said as she dropped her left hand, and held out her right hand to activate the magic circles around Natsu. There was so much noise from the spells activation that no one could hear anything. But before Natsu disappeared with the figures, Lucy read his lips when he said something to them. What she read brought tears to her eyes.
Natsu had said, "I'll be fine, don't look for me. I love you all, please stay safe."
I know im the writer and shouldnt be affected, but by the end of this i was literly in tears, waaah why'd i have to do that to Natsu and the guiiiiild? ... Oh yeah, for the sake of the plot, lol. X3
Well I hope taht you enjoyed chapter 2!
Till next time! XD
p.s. Please comment if u'd like, it could help break my stupid writers block... (T~T)/