Hello again, lovely viewers of mine! I give to you another chapter of Luffy's story! Sorry about the cliffhanger from last chapter *cough*not*cough*! And I didn't expect this story to get so popular in such a short amount of time!

Straw hats plus Ace and Sabo: JUST GET TO THE STORY ALREADY!

AAAHHHHH! OKAY, OKAY! HERE *throws chapter at you and goes to hide in a dark, deep cave* I am going to hide until those guys cool down….. I think I might have made them mad at me from the last chapter…

Straw hats and Ace and Sabo: Phonenix does not own one piece or us.

Ace looked at chopper in disbelief. "W-why does he have something like that?"

Chopper sighed. "I honestly don't know. But, what I do know is that this particular illness can only be cured by a very rare herb found at one island only. We must get there as soon as possible."

Ace audibly gulped at that. He knew that Chopper was right. If they didn't get that herb soon, well, he didn't even want to think about what could happen. "Why don't you go tell the crew about Luffy has and about the herb."

Chopper nodded and went outside to tell everybody, while Ace stayed with Luffy. Chopper walked outside and saw everybody waiting anxiously to hear about what is wrong with Luffy. Sighing chopper thought 'even if we need to go to an Island completely out of our way, there's absolutely no way that the crew will refuse.' He looked at everyone with a serious face and explained to them what is going on and what island they need to go to.

By the end of it, they looked at him with fiery determination burning in their eyes.

"We all owe him our lives. There's no way that anyone of us won't do whatever we need to to get him better" Zoro said, speaking for everyone.

"Yeah, for once I agree with the morimo. You just let me know if there is anything, anything at all, that I can cook to make him better." Said Sanji. He may not like his male crewmates, but that mean he won't make damn well sure that they get what they need food wise as long as he's the chief.

"Ussop, turn this ship North-by-Northwest! Franky! Make sure you do everything possible to get us there as fast as possible without using a coup de burst! We don't want to risk making our captains condition worse with fast movement!" Nami ordered.

"Hai, Nami/Nami-sis" replied Franky and Ussop.

Everyone continued to do what they could. Unfortunately, it would still be a quite a while before they would reach the island, or, at least, that's according to what Nami had said, and nobody would question her. She is, after all, the navigator of the crew.


Ace hadn't moved from his spot next to Luffy. He was currently thinking about the many times that he himself had gotten sick. After the loss of Sabo, Luffy had taken it upon himself to take care of him whenever he got sick, which, mind you, wasn't very often. But even so, it did happen, and it was always Luffy that made sure he got better as soon as possible. Despite what many people had thought Luffy was actually pretty good at taking care of the sick and injured. Sabo had taught him a few things before he, well, you know. And now that its Luffy who's sick, Ace can finally start repaying the debt.

He was so into his mental monologue that he didn't notice a blonde stranger come in and take a seat on the other side of Luffy's bed. "He's certainly grown, hasn't he? Too bad it's not a happy reunion, huh?"

Ace briefly looked up at the stranger….. He blinked a few times before smiling sadly "yeah. I'm sure he'd be happy to see you again, Sabo." He said this while thinking 'I'm going to kill that bastard the first chance I get when we're alone!'

*falls down dramatically* that's it, I can't write anymore today!

Ace and Robin: but you haven't even told the reviewers or us what Luffy has. Or what Island their going too.

I know! The island will be revealed next chapter. But, I've decided to be evil and not reveal what Luffy has until later on in the story. OH! Before I forget. Why has nobody voted in my poll?! I know you viewers have accounts and have seen my profile!

Zoro/Ace: because it's stupid and nobody cares about that kind of stuff.

SHUT UP YOU! Okay, I've decided!

Everyone nervously" on what?

Until I see that I've gotten some votes in my poll, I won't post another chapter!

Straw hats:*gasp and look at the viewers* YOU HEARD HER, GO VOTE ON HER PROFILE POLL!

*giggles* until next time, please leave a review!