Tenten's POv
I was walking to school the next day when I ran into something that felt like a brick wall. I looked up to see Neji.
"Oh good, he's always fun to see." I thought sarcastically. I picked myself up and brushed off my clothes and started to walk off.
"Tenten, wait." Neji grabs my arm and twirls me to face him. I glares at him. I could see him move his eyes around, a habit I knew when he was nervous. But what could he be nervous about?
"I-I apologize for last night, I shouldn't have done it." He struggled with his words. Neji never struggles or stutters.
"It's fine." I mutter and try to get away.
"No! It's not." He argues. I look at him confused. "It's also not just about last night. I'm sorry about eighth grade, I'm sorry I hurt your feelings, I'm sorry I treat you terribly now." I stand in shock as he keeps going. What he says next wants to make tears come to my eyes.
"I'm sorry I pushed away my best friend and the best thing I ever had." I stare at him in shock. I know I shouldn't forgive him so quickly, but I have been waiting for the day I can hug him again and tell him everything. So I did, and he happily embraced me back.
Neji's POV
I can't believe this, she agrees to be my friend again? After everything I did? I felt her hug me and I couldn't help but do the same. Tenten, my friend, crush and best thing that has ever happened to me ever, I won't loose you again.
For the first time in three years we walked to school together without tearing at each other's throats.
I guess it was obvious in school our change because when we walked in everyone gave us strange looks including the guys.
"See you later." I tell her. She happily nods and runs off to find her group.
"So are you and Tenten a item?" Naruto cheekily asks.
"N-No! We're nothing more than friends." I say quickly. I wish we were an item though.
"Hn. Hyuga if I recall back in eight grade you crushed her feelings and hated each other since. What made her come back to you so willingly?" He asks, somewhat suspicious.
"I don't know." I lie. No way I'm telling them I apologized and got all sappy.
Tentens POV
I happily walk over to the girls sitting around the halls until class started.
"Hey girls!" I chirp happily.
"Hey Ten, so is it just me or were you and Neji Hyuga walking to school together?" Temari asks.
"You seen right!"
"Wow! So you guys made up after three years? What did he do to get you to agree quickly?" Sakura asks.
"Well he apologized for kissing me last nig-"
"HE KISSDD YOU?" Ino screams.
"Shhhh! Ino I don't need fan girls after me! Anyways he apologized for everything and said I was the best thing he's had." I blush a little recalling what happened.
"I think Hyuga has a little crush on our Tennie!" Ino teases. I blush even more.
"Don't be silly Ino.! He maid that clear that day." I say sadly.
"T-Tenten, you never r-really told us what happened between you and nii-san that day?" Hinata shyly says. I knew that was her non pushy way of asking.
"Well it's about time I told you guys."
Today was it! Today is the day I tell my best friend that I love him! I quickly rushed to school in hopes to meet him early.
"Neji!" I call out. He turned to see me and kept walking.
'What's up with him?' I thought. He wouldn't talk to me all day. Finally when it was break time I caught up with him.
"Ummm Neji? Well I uh-"
"Spit it out Tenten." He snapped, which made me even more nervous.
"Neji, I love you." I blush. He didn't say anything or portray any emotion in his eyes. I saw him smirk.
"Hn. You think I love someone like you?" My heart shatters. More people start gathering around. "To be honest I never liked you that much." He says coldly. I felt tears well up in my eyes. I let me bangs cover them so he wouldn't see.
"YOU JERK!" I screamed, punching him on that perfect cheek. The punch sent him to the ground and I quickly ran out of the break area. When I was running I saw a fangirl of Neji's.
"Ha! I knew he'd never like a tomboy like you." She says evilly. She starts to laugh and I just run by her.
End of flashback
"What a jerk!" Sakura spats. "He needed to do more than just apologize. He needs to serve you hand and foot for that!" I giggle at the thought of Neji being my servant.
"You know this strangely sounds like how you and Sasuke got together Sakura." Temari points out.
"That's true! So Tenten you may have a boyfriend soon." Sakura winks. I blush. They all started to get up and head to their classes.
"Oh, by the way girls." They all stop and look at me. "I have been accepted into Sound High!" They all look at me in shock.
"Wow that's like the best school in the Fire Country!" Temari exclaims.
"Yah, I have to fill in the application and turn it in by the end of December if I want to start next semester. I just don't know if I want to leave you guys." I say a little sad. I feel a pair of hands on my shoulders.
"T-Tenten, don't worry about us if you want to go. If you don't that's fine too! We will support you in anyway"Hinata says. I couldn't help but hug her and the other girls joined in.
"Besides it's September! We have three months before you decide." Ino says.
Yay! A long chapter! So how was it? Leave a review and don't forget to check up on Nejiten SD for a new chapter Monday! Until then see ya later!