This is my first fanfiction, a crossover no less. If you hate this, cool, if you don't, that's even better. It's out for people who want to read it. Also, I don't own AOT or OHSHC. It's called fanfiction for a reason.
Prologue, or Authors POV
"Mikasa Ootori ... what are we going to do with you," Haruhi Fujioka said with a laugh.
The two 8 year old girls had been swimming in the waters of Ishugami for over three hours, debating the most useless things they could come up with. That's what friends do, after all. And Haruhi's only friend was Mikasa. The youngest Ootori female, the only one besides Fuyumi, was kept secret from the society. It had something to do with protecting children from the media. It was a reasonable explanation, but it left her with lower class friends. Alas, it wasn't a problem as Mikasa were more like twins than friends. As Rita Ootori couldn't really hide her pregnancy, the rest of the Japanese upper class believed she had a miscarriage, gave birth to a stillborn if you will.
"What? I think my macaroni tasted just fine!" Mikasa argued, trying to look serious, but rather, seriously failing at the task.
"Yeah, if you think black noodles are appetizing! How did you even manage to burn them anyway? It's MACARONI!" Haruhi questions, unable to stop her flow of laughter.
"It wasn't burnt, just...crispy!"
"Yeah, all right, sure." the commoner sarcastically stated, stretching the 'sure' out for a good three seconds, gaining a laugh from her only best friend.
Anyone who would have looked out onto the blue waters, would see the best of friends having the time of their lives. Exuberant atmosphere's can never last long though...For a dreadful incident was sure to pass this ecstatic party, leaving the two hurt. And it happened, one afternoon, when the inseparable duo was 9 years of age, the chocolate eyed friend received a phone call that she never would have imagined. A mere phone call that changed her life forever, and it's important you know it wasn't a happy phone call. Through this phone call, she could only understand two words of Mrs. Rita Ootori's sobbing voice, among other undecipherable speaking.
"She's gone"
The youngest Ootori child, two years younger than the older boy Kyoya, was gone. Disappeared. Vanished off the face of the Earth. As if her mother really had a miscarriage. It broke little Haruhi's tiny heart, but you would be lying if you said she wasn't independent. She did start cooking, cleaning, and shopping after her own mother died of cancer when she was five. Yes, she would pull through. Quite successfully too. Embracing her knowledge and love of school to make her MIA friend, and transgender father proud. It does one no good to dwell on the past
As for Mikasa, well, that's a different story. A story that begins with a puddle, and most of all, giant flesh eating creatures and a boy named Eren Jaeger.
(Mikasa's pov)
All I remember was walking home from Haruhi's house when I tripped and fell into a puddle. And yeah, I know, real smooth, right? The next thing I knew, I was not embarrassing myself, face down in a puddle anymore, but in a forest. None of it looked familiar, so I tried to find something that might, like a road. Though, the only road that could be spotted, was a dirt road with no clear tire tracks, but what looked to be carriage tracks. Determined to find my location, I headed what felt like South on the dirt path.
After I had been walking for nearly an hour (I checked the watch Haruhi's dad gave me for Christmas every few minutes), thinking about my dear friend Haruhi and close brother, Kyoya, I came across a small cottage, standing alone. Being the desperate and an impatient child I am, I took no chances and ran to knock on the door. A young couple answered.
"Hello-" The women looked like she was about to say something but stopped short when she saw my dirty pair of jeans, sweatshirt, and tennis shoes. Her face then took on a worried expression.
"You better come inside," I took no hesitation to step foot into the warm looking house, taking the risk of strangers doing horrible things to me.
"You're from the 21st century, aren't you?" the man speaks up, taking a seat at the small table.
"Well, duh. " I replied, confused of my mind. "Aren't we in the 21 century?" I asked, looking to the ceiling made of wood. The entire structure of the house was made of wood actually.
"Goodness gracious, this is not good," the woman exclaimed, putting a hand to her forehead and pacing the room. I'm lost for words, what's going on?
"I'm Akio Ackerman, and this is my wife, Chiyoko," the man says. "You are?" I pause.
"Mikasa Ootori," The unrecognizable voice that comes out is small but strong, and it takes me a second to realize that it was my voice.
"Okay Mikasa, this is the year 456?" Akio looks to his wife for conformation. She nods. "So yeah, this is the year 456. We haven't yet discovered if we are in the same year when we left, the future, or the past. We have discovered were in Germany although it has many different cultures. But we have yet to see one of Japanese origin besides us. Any way, how do I explain this...Have you ever read dystopian books? Like, um... The the City of Ember or the Hunger Games?" Akio explains all at once.
"Kind of, yeah, I mean, my mom would read them to me, but what does that have to do with anything?"
"Well, what we're living right now, this world, it's what most people would call a dystopian world. It has the technology and appearance of the 1800, even though it should have progressed. It was designed to be perfect but something went wrong. In this case, man eating giants, called titans. So the king, built 3 walls called Wall Maria, Wall Rose, and Wall Sina. These walls have been standing for hundreds of years."
"How do you know all this? Why are you telling me this? " I wonder aloud. This seems to be some pretty serious and crazy stuff to tell someone my age.
"Well," Chiyoko and Akio glance at each other as if having a silent conversation through brief eye contact. "Well, the same thing happened to us 5 years ago. We were walking down the streets of Japan when suddenly we fell in a hole, and we kind of ended up like Alice, falling down in the rabbit hole. Then we somehow ended up here, asked some questions and figured the rest out on our own." There's a pause where all three are silent.
"Do you know what you're going to do? People will get suspicious of a strange and young girl wandering the streets of Wall Maria." Chiyoko asked, concerned.
I sit and think. While lost in my thoughts I realize I probably will never see my magnificent mother, my father, my oni-sans, nee- san, and OH MY GOSH! I will probably never see Haruhi again! I can't believe that I will never see her. No more trips to the beach, no more flamboyant afternoons, or laugh filled slumber parties. No friend will be leftover from this disaster.
Holding back tears, I reply with a simple I don't know in response. A simple even can really change ones life.
"Well, we could let you stay here, and live with us? We have been studying on how to get back to 21st century. We're pretty close to finding out how to get back. Once we figure it out, you're invited to come with us," Akio quietly commented.
All I can do is nod an easy yes before I collapse from the unimaginable distress.
From then on, Mikasa was no longer called Ootori, but Ackerman. Where she lived each day in silence, for she feared, if she spoke, all her secrets would flow out like a river. She worked herself to the bone, putting all her energy to research her strange disappearance from Japan. To discover how and why, the inseparable duo was separated. Mikasa lived this way, with the people that had quickly turned from strangers to family, until Chiyoko and Akio were brutally murdered before her very eyes. Dropping all hope on returning to the families rightful time.
Okay, if you have already read this, I'm just combining some chapters and editing. Read and review please! It means a lot to me. I know it's short, but just bare with me, okay?