So, this is just my take on what happens post 5x20 with Spoby. Hope you enjoy!

Spencer started gathering the minced beef, vegetables and various other ingredients she needed to make her grandma's Spaghetti Bolognese. She'd been eating takeout and ready meals all week; not to mention she couldn't remember the last time she'd not been stressed out this much. She wanted some classic home comfort food, and her grandma's recipes always guaranteed that. Eating her food always brought back happy memories for her, from a time when Melissa and her actually got along and A didn't exist.

An unexpected knock on the door surprised her out of her thoughts, and she peeped through the glass to see who it was. She was simultaneously happy and equally anxious about seeing him.


The only thing she could picture every time she thought about Toby these days was how she had cheated on him. Or did she? Johnny was the one who had kissed her, but she never stopped him. Was it because it surprised her, or because she wanted him to kiss her? Regardless, she hadn't had a good night's sleep since it happened. She had been avoiding all his calls, texts and messages since, and with every passing day she didn't talk to him about it, she felt guiltier and guiltier.

And true, it was highly unlikely to happen again considering Jonny didn't live here anymore, but that didn't mean she could just forget about it and not tell her boyfriend.

Her boyfriend - her wonderful, sweet, boyfriend whose main focus the past two years was about keeping herself and her friends safe. No one else had ever gone through so much for her, and she was grateful for him everyday.

Spencer took a deep breath to calm her jittery nerves, and opened the door.

Toby gave her a small smile. "Hey,"

She lifted her face muscles in what she hoped translated as a smile and invited him inside.

"Hey, yourself,"

Toby placed a package on the kitchen counter and Spencer briefly wondered what it was until he said: "You've been avoiding all my calls and texts...are you mad at me?"

"No," Spencer vigorously shook her head. "I wasn't mad at you...I just needed some space."

"Well, you should be. Spencer, I'm so sorry that since this whole police thing, I haven't been the best boyfriend to you - at all. I've been so occupied with being a police officer, that I've been neglecting you...even though I did all this for you in the first place. I love you, Spencer. And I never want you to feel like you can't tell me anything. Which is why I've quit,"

If possible, Spencer felt even guiltier. He'd quit his job over her, and she officially felt like the worst girlfriend in the world.

"Toby," She said, her voice slightly raised."Why would you do that? I know the only reason you joined is -"

"To help you and your friends, Spencer. But it also means I have to have a certain degree of loyalty to the police force. And if that sometimes means that I can't tell you all the information you need to stay safe? It isn't worth it. It isn't worth losing you over. I've been doing a lot of thinking about us these past few days, and there isn't anything I could say or do to make you realise how much you mean to me. I never want to lose you, Spence. Which is why I bought you this,"

Spencer felt frozen as Toby took out a small red velvet box from the package, and kneeled down and opened it.

There was a ring inside. It was the most beautiful ring she'd ever seen. It was platinum; the heart had a blue topaz in it and the crown had small diamonds in it. The blue topaz exactly matched the colour of Toby's eyes.

No. No, this couldn't be happening. How could he propose to her? Firstly, she had barely finished high school…and secondly; and most importantly, she still hadn't told him about Jonny kissing her! Spencer felt her heart beat quicken, and her eyes widen. She felt like everything was in slow motion, but at the same time like everything was going so fast that she could barely comprehend it.

"Spencer, this isn't a proposal, don't worry," He said, looking at her reaction. Spencer felt herself relax slightly at this.

"This is a Claddagh ring. It's traditionally Irish, but I thought it fit us perfectly. The hands represent friendship, the heart represents love, and the crown represents loyalty," Toby took a deep breath and continued. "Spencer, I vow to always be your best friend, to always love and cherish you, and to always remain unwaveringly loyal to you - no matter what the cost,"

Spencer felt the pit in her stomach grow larger and larger, and she felt tears escaping her eyes at what he said. Loyalty. But she wasn't loyal to him. How, how could she possibly deserve someone as beautiful and perfect as him?

"Spencer, by giving you this ring I promise you that one day you will be my wife and we'll be spending the rest of our lives together. But for now...will you accept this ring as a seal of my friendship, loyalty, and eternal love for you?"

Spencer felt herself nodding her head, and saying a whispered "Yes,", as Toby gently took her left hand and placed the ring on her ring finger.

Toby smiled up at her, nothing but adoration for her in his eyes. He stood up, gently kissed her, and then hugged her tightly.

Toby couldn't remember a time he was happier.

A couple of hours later, they had just finished having the Spaghetti Bolognese.

"Are you okay? You've been quiet all evening," Toby asked Spencer, concerned.

All Spencer had been able to think about since Toby had given her the ring was about the kiss between herself and Jonny. She knew she wouldn't be able to think straight until she confessed, so she made a decision to do it then and there. Toby had to know. He had to. Otherwise, the kiss between her and Jonny would taint everything between her and Toby, and she didn't want to be worrying about another thing when she already had so much on her plate.

"No. No, Toby it's not. I have to tell you something,"

"Okay," Toby nodded, looking worried.

"Toby the night you arrested Jonny...he kissed me," she whispered.

"What?" Toby asked, hardly believing what he was hearing. No, she had to be kidding, right?

"Toby, I'm so sorry," She said, a steady stream of tears running from her eyes. "I'm so sorry, believe me, and if I could take it back I would…but, he kissed me, and I didn't try to stop it, and...and now I feel like the worst person alive," she said, looking at him pleadingly.

"Why didn't you stop it?" Was the only thing Toby could think of to say.

"I don't know," She said softly, avoiding eye contact with him, and tracing her finger along the kitchen countertop.

"Did you like it?" He asked, almost accusingly.

"I don't know," She whispered. "But Toby...the way he kissed me in no way compares to the way you make me feel when you kiss me. When you kiss feels like our first time. I feel like I have butterflies in my stomach, and I feel like no matter how long we've been dating, or how much you kiss can never compare. No one ever compares to you. I love you...and I hope you can find some way to forgive me."

She tentatively touched his hand with hers, but he pushed it away.

"I'm sorry, Spence. I love you too...but I need some time to think. I need some space."

Spencer simply nodded.

"I'll call you later, alright?" Toby added.

And he left.

Later that night, Spencer as took off the ring and placed it in her bedside drawer, she noticed the inside of the ring was engraved with something.

One word.


I did some research on promise rings and stuff for this story, and I came across these rings called Claddagh rings. As soon as I read about it, I knew it was perfect for Spoby.

If you're wondering what the ring I described looked like, just type in "blue topaz claddagh ring" into Google images, and a whole tonne of them come up. I tried a bunch of ways to post a link to the specific one I described, but unfortunately fanfiction doesn't let you do that :/.

Also, this is a two-shot; so the next chapter should be uploaded soon!

Please do review and let me know what you think...doesn't it suck we don't see Spoby again until 5x24? :/

Hope you guys had a great weekend!

-Renesmee27 xo