AN- ok so this will be a drabble of a AU that will slowly be expanded, with the center focus on my character Jin Kariya/Eugene Currier.
AU idea- Eugene tags along with Ran Tao, and ends up staying in soul society for centuries, never knowing what happened to the rest of the bounts. –hint, they died-
Miss Ran Tao was beautiful.
That was Eugene first thought, no wait 2nd, as he gazed with childish adoration at her during the 2nd class of the 134 day of their creation of the tunnel.
Miss Ran Tao also seemed troubled.
Eugene could guess that much, the way she kept looking at the hidden entrances as if someone were to bust in and kill them all.
-That would happen later, after the both of them were gone-
He fiddled with the toy that was given to him a few days ago, a marble, so shiny and wonderful to look at. There wasn't a lot of kids his age so he only stayed around Miss Ran, who was also his teacher, thought she was a teacher for everyone, even the adults.
Anyways, today lessons were about Math, and he really didn't pay much attention, secretly marveling at his new toy before class was over and everyone went back to making home a better place to live.
They did not.
His head slowly looks up from his marble to miss Ran Tao, it was weird for her to call him by his given name, but he didn't mind because it made him feel this really special feeling inside but-
"Yes Miss Tao?"
She still look troubled, and said something.
The next day, his meager belongings –so little- and his precious marble were tucked away and he was holding miss Ran Tao hand as a scary looking gate appeared and both of them went in. He looked back once, and saw a lot of sad faces, but why were they sad? They'll come back, right.
Of course they will.
Hint, they won't.