This my first attempt at True Blood fanfiction I do not own True Blood. This story is AU my Original Character is a mutant from the Xmen universe but not enough to make it a true cross-over story. I'm writing this story from my cellphone so please forgive me for any mistakes. ...looking for a beta reader.
I'm a mutant on the run it seems like everyone is after me these days.
Oh, how I longed for the days when Mutant wasn't a household name. For when a time that I didn't have to live in constant fear of being caught by the government.
I ran my fingers through my long raven locks.
I was hot as hell in Texas even at night. I believe I'm in Dallas but I'm not sure it has definitely changed a lot in the last fifty years.
A few years ago vampires had made themselves know to the humans or"came out of the coffin".I thought that it would take the heat off the mutant community but if anything it made it worse people fear the unknown it was a universal truth.
I am the oldest living mutant as far as I know I've lived for several centuries among humans.
I can't remember the sound of my mother's voice or her motherly touch.
What I do remember I was part of a nomadic tribe somewhere in what is now Asia and I was called Ayla.
I was trained to be healer as was my mother and my mother's mother. I was a very fast learner and became a powerful healer. I gain the respect of my people and eventually all the neighboring tribes.
But after several years people began to notice that I wasn't aging and I frightened them and when my tribe was struck with a strange illness that killed the young and the very old they blamed me and they ostracized me leaving with just the clothes on my back in the middle of a brutal winter.
I've been on my own ever since and I watched the world slowly changing around me.
When I found out that Vampires where real I was surprised bit not totally shocked really it explained a lot.
My mutation was simple I was immortal I didn't have any special powers per se. I didn't get sick and wounds healed almost instantly. I wasn't super strong or smart, I could read minds or anything llike that. I was just really fucking old.
This is the day that my life gets interesting. I should have minded my own business but five against one just didn't set well with me.
If I had known that it was a vampire I might have just walked away but I didn't.
That day my life changed I didn't save the vampire but I became a victim of The Fellowship of the Sun.
They knocked me out or did they shoot me, I'm really not sure; everything happened so fast. As my vision blurred with my own blood the first vampire that I knew for certain was in fact a vampire into a rather large pile of goo.
When I woke up I was in the dark it took several moments for my eyes to adjust.
When I did I cursed under my breath it was a cage or jail of some sort and I wasn't alone.
Sitting across from me on the other side of the cell was a young man sitting Indian style he was shirtless and covered in tattoos they looked vaguely familiar to me but I couldn't place where I saw them before.
"Well fuck a duck!" I cursed under my breath as I dusted myself off and cracked the vertebrae in my neck.
Taking quick stock of my situation I knew that I was in fact royal fucked.
Yeah, I could survive anything these stupidly misguided asshats could throw at me.
But if enough damage to my body was inflicted I would lose consciousness and that was not a option not again never again.
So I did the only sensible thing and sat down in front of the young man or vampire and waited for him to snap out of his trance.
I reached into my pocket and retrieved my last piece of double bubble gum it wasn't my favorite flavor but it would do in a pinch.
I had to think my way out of this. Chances were pretty good I was in a underground bunker lets face it there is always a underground bunker.
And crazy like minded people always flocked together yeah I was out numberend. I was going to need help to get out of this mess.
I began to examine the young man in the cell with me. He was inhumanly pale you could see his blue veins under his translucent skin and I haven't seen him take a single breath.
He was most definitely a vampire but would he help me out of here? Why was he here and why hasn't he tried to escape.
It must still be daylight outside, I quickly reasoned but not for much longer.
I sighed and leaned against the locked cell door. I was more than a little shocked when the cell door came open it made absolutely no sense.
Why would they not lock the cell door weren't they afraid that the vampire would try to escape or kill them.
Thinking about this whole shitastic situation made my head hurt so turned around to go back to my seat and someone turned the lights blinding me.
As soon as my eyes adjusted to the harsh artificial lights I turned around.
The only way out was a stairway going up and someone was stomping down them. Who ever it was; was very angry and that had me worried.
"Time to prep you for dinner." A goon said with a chuckle grabbing me by the back of my shirt.
I tried to fight back but it was useless but it didn't stop me from trying. I fought like a wild animal when I saw the rather large hunting knife gleaming in his free hand.
I was dinner! that thought terrified me. It was a unknown factor would it hurt. Before I think to much about it the man started to car into my flesh like I was a piece of meat.
I was proud that I somehow managed not to scream my blood ran down my body in great rivers pooling around my feet.
My vision began to blur with my rapid blood loss. He tossed me like a limp ragdoll back into the cell.
"Better than you deserve you mutated whore. " The goon said stalking into another doorway.
Healing was always the same it hurt, I laid still as my body knitted itself back together.
For the first time I felt a presence in the room with me.
I slowly cracked open my eyes, squinting in the harsh light.
He was kneeling beside me, the vampire was saying something to me but all I could hear was my own heart beating rapidly.
He touched my cold lips with a finger it took me a moment to realize what he was doing and I tried to stop him but it was to late.
Instantly I felt like my skin was on fire and dowsed with ice water all at once.
Moments later I was on my feet in a defensive stance as far away from the Vampire as I could.
He just stood there looking at me with his head tilted to one side his eyes shined with curiosity.
The tension in the room dissipated with the sound of a woman's screams.
He was gone in a blur, I could only guess he was running towards the screaming.
I followed right on his heels but I must have moved faster than I thought or maybe his blood did something freaky to me.
I was overwhelmed with panic and fear oh yeah I definitely didn't like this feeling.
I was light headed and dizzy everything was fuzzy around the edges brightly shaped blobs of color were dancing around me making me nauseous.
Before I could stop myself I was vomiting on the floor my whole was shaking. "Why am I so cold." I wonder then everything went black.
I woke to the smell of blood and the vision of a raven haired child laying in a pool of it.
I couldn't no I wouldn't let another human died.I pricked my finger so I could give her a drop of my blood. One very small drop of my blood would heal her completely.
I scooped up her light body and offered my blood to her to my surprise she fought me. With the amount of blood on the ground around her, she should be dead or unconscious at the best.
I managed to get her to consume a small drop of my blood by smearing it upon her lips. I stepped back and watched her lick her lips with her berry red tongue.
Her reaction to my blood was unsuspected, it looked as if she was having a seizure this has never happened before.
In another room I heard a woman screaming in terror I sped off in search for the girl.
It was the human called Gabe trying to have his way with a young blond girl. He was a despicable human, I ended his miserable existence with no remorse. I let his limp body fall to the ground.
This child knew him and was sent to this place to rescue him by his should have known better.
My mystery girl sped into the room with a vampiric speed that she shouldn't have. She vibrated violently then emptied her stomach contents onto the ground. She began to loose her footing I rushed to her and caught her before she hit the ground.
She was unconscious and feverish and now I felt responsible for her.
I was mad at myself and my son when he arrived but I wouldn't show any weakness around my protege. "You are a fool for sending humans after me." I told my son.
"I had no choice, these savages...they seek to destroy you." Eric said quickly.
"I am aware of what they have planned." I said to the room. "This one betrayed you." I told Eric stealing a glance at my prize.
"How long has it been since you fed?" Eric asked out of concern. "I require very little blood anymore." I told my dutiful son.
A alarm goes off some where in the church snapping me into action. "Save the humans." I told Eric, handing him my precious package careful not to disturb her too much.
"I am not leaving your side until you are..." Eric began to tell me but I cut him off. "I can take care of myself." I told my son briskly.
"Come on! We have to go." The woman called Sookie said. I don't know what it was about her that made me like her. Maybe it was her innocence or maybe it's the delicious smell coming off her in waves.
"Spill no blood on your way out, and Eric she is mine, keep her safe. GO!" I went to go end this madness knowing my son would keep what was mine safe from harm.
Please leave me a review let me know what think they fuel me and make me want to write faster. Thank you .*enjoy*