It was a bright sunny day in Konoha and Team Guy was doing some 'training' at the beach.

"I don't see how volleyball can be considered training." Stated a obviously annoyed Neji.

"Volleyball helps display the youthfulness of teamwork Neji!" Lee yelled.

"Well done Lee!" Gai encouraged is student with tears running down his face. "Now go get changed you three!"

Lee came out wearing green swimming trunks (what a shocker!). Girls were actually staring at him, he may be a fool but all that training sure puts muscle on him. Neji came out in black trunks and bandages covering his curse mark, girls stared at him as well. When Tenten came out she had a rosy blush covering her cheeks. She recently had to get rid of her red bikini because she had grown in bust size. She is now sporting a turquoise bikini top and bottom with a pink summer wrap tied at the left corner of her waist, as well as her hair tied into two braids.

Neji could not take his eyes off the girl in front of him as well as other men on the beach. This caused protectiveness and anger to come over Neji. Little did he know Tenten was staring at his bare chest.

"Tenten your youth has blossomed! Now let's start the game!" Guy said.

Guy and Lee hit the ball over really hard and the ball was coming at breakneck speed. Tenten quickly dived and hit it in the air enough for Neji. Neji quickly does a spike causing them a point.

This time is was their turn to serve. Tenten served it over and Gai and Lee both hit it over together with bone crushing force. Neji looks over to see it heading for Tenten so he quickly got in front of her and used Kaiten, sending the ball up and protecting her.

"Thanks Neji!"

"There you go my students! Use your youth! Ready Lee?"

"I'm ready to use my youthfulness to win the battle." He shouts. Tenten and Neji sweat drop.

By the end of the game Tenten and Neji won 13-12.

Tenten went to the snack shack not to far from her team to get a piece of watermelon. On her way back she was stopped by a male.

"Hey hot stuff why don't you come with me." Tenten politely turned him down but he roughly grabbed her arm. "I don't take no for an answer." Tenten was about to seriously give this guy a beating when she heard a deep masculine voice say-

"What are you doing to my girlfriend?" Tenten looked to see Neji. 'Wait, girlfriend?' She thought.

"Prove to me she's your girlfriend and I'll back off." The male said cockily. Neji smirked and grabbed Tenten around her waist he then bent down and kissed her. She gasped and Neji took this opportunity to slip his tongue in, rubbing it against hers. When they stopped the male already left.

"N-Neji..." Tenten stuttered, her cheeks cherry red. "W-what was that for?" Neji looked at her and smirked.

"As I said, You're my girlfriend." Tenten was a little angry. This man took her first kiss! Even though he's her crush he shouldn't have done it. Tenten took her hand and slapped Neji across the face. He held his red cheek.

"What was that for? I help you and you slap me?" He growls.

"You can't just claim me as your girlfriend! You could've just pecked me on the cheek or done something else." Tenten seen Neji give a smirkz

"That was your first kiss wasn't it?" He asks. Tenten cheeks are cherry red.

"N-no." Neji smirk grows wider.

"Then why are you flustered over the question?" He asks. Tenten stays silent and looks down. Neji lifts up her chin and holds her head between his hands.

"Tenten, will you please be my girlfriend?" It's very rare for Neji to say please. Tenten smiles knowing he's genuinely asking her.

She sighs. "Yes, I would love to be your girlfriend." She sees Neji's eyes light up for a moment and then she's in a embrace. Tenten smirks in her head, payback for earlier 'I'm dominating this kiss.' She thinks. She pulls from his warm arms.

She gets on her tiptoes and kisses him forcing Neji's mouth open for her tongue. Neji greatly complies and continues to kiss her. Soon he figured out she was trying to dominate him so he backed her up to the tree behind her and pinned her there. He got as close as possible and started kissing her again, his tongue wrestling with hers. He was about to start for her neck when they were interrupted.

"Neji! Tenten!" Lee shouted, looking at them wide eyed. "Guy-sensei, Neji and Tenten have finally found their youthful love for each other!"

"Yosh! Let us run 500 laps around the beach to celebrate!" Guy challenged Lee. They then took off around the beach running their 500 laps.

"You know, I wouldn't mind coming to the beach more often." Neji told Tenten, lightly smiling.

"Me either." She then link her fingers with his watching the beautiful sunset behind the waters.

So, hope you guys liked this one-shot! I wrote this in February but i decided to post this in March! Hope you favorite this!