Warnings: Very short chapter.
Megan Morse vividly remembers the first time she laid her eyes on Conner Kent.
He looked awkward, panicked and like he didn't belong in such a frivolous little coffee shop, especially wearing that tight-fitting, leather jacket and motorcycle boots.
And she couldn't help but find it all too endearing. She will be forever grateful to the hostess that tried her hardest to make him stay.
He was definitely handsome, with his dark, unruly locks and strong jawline, but it was his beautiful icy orbs that had won her over. They were an intense shade of azure, so rich that she found herself drowning in a deep pool of sapphires. Only then does she remember how to breathe when he shifts his gaze away.
Disappointment consumed her and she didn't know whether it was because he was no longer looking at her, or because she realized that she had to leave.
She ruefully grabbed her things and offered him a small smile as she headed out the door, and is pleased when he smiles in return.
A few days later while reading her book, she glances up and notices him sitting by the window. She hides a silly grin behind her book, and after re-reading the same line over and over, she comes to the conclusion that she can no longer concentrate with the handsome mystery man only sitting a few feet away from her.
Megan takes a sip of her latte and almost spits it out when she sees him striding towards her. She bites down on her lower lip as she feels her heart begin to beat erratically inside her chest, only to be disappointed when he goes up to her and walks away.
She blinks several times and tilts her head dumbfoundingly. Maybe he took a better look and decided that he didn't like what he saw.
That did not do much for her confidence.
A couple of weeks after that mortifying incident, she had yet to see him and came to the sad conclusion that she wouldn't see him again. However, she was gladly mistaken when she saw him talking to an older woman (perhaps a sister?).
To her horror, she came over towards her and greeted her with a warm smile.
"So, see that guy over there? He's been tongue-tied the minute you walked into this café. He's not from around here, maybe you should try to show him around."
The woman threw her a wink, leaving her feeling even more flustered, and saw her whispering something in his ear before walking out of the coffee shop.
Megan just wanted to shrink and disappear. As if she had a shot with him, he was so-
"Sorry about my mom. She can be a bit much at times," he apologizes in a deep, smooth tone. She didn't even notice when he arrived at her table.
The calm tone in his voice helps her gain the confidence to give him a radiant smile.
"Oh it's quite alright. You're the guy from before…right?" she inquired kindly, closing her book in front of her.
"Yes, I'm Conner. Conner Kent," he tells her, offering his hand to her.
Megan gladly accepts and says, "Nice to meet you Conner, I'm Megan Morse."
"Well Megan, how would you like to show me around then?"
A/N: I just wanted to give you guys a brief look on what Megan was thinking, and didn't want to overdo it. Wasn't really going to continue this, but of course I started binge-watching YJ and got inspired to write some more! I'm half-way through the next chapter and I'm currently looking for a beta for this story if anyone is interested!