(A/N: Matthias Stormcrow bringing you a newer version, a retelling if you will of A Hybrid's Love. As usual I don't own Twilight just Serge and the other Original Characters set to appear. I am open to outside Original Characters appearing created by my readers all I ask is that you add in a complete description of each character. So without further ado here we go.)

Chronicles of the Hybrid: Serge Belakhova By: Matthias Stormcrow

Summery: My name is Serge Belakhova. Come with me on my journey as I encounter foes, make friends, build a family dynasty and finally find the one thing I never thought was in the cards for me: a mate's love.

Prologue: The birth of Serge (Mystery POV)

Five months five long months of watching my good friend Sasha Belakhova scream in agony. My sisters and I have been living with Sasha every since she became pregnant. We are at her beck and call the entire time good thing we don't need sleep. We don't need sleep because we are Vampires.

Vampires…well nobody really knows where the First Vampire came from not even The Volturi know that. Who are the Volturi you might ask well the Volturi are a group of powerful Vampires and their main purpose is to secure our race's secret from Humans. Vampires need blood to survive now depending on our food source will change out eye color: Red for humans, Gold for Animals and Black for starving vampires.

My sisters and I know Sasha knows about us. At first we were going to kill her but two things stopped us: First the Volturi Ring on her finger that only the three Kings have and they give them two their mates and only two Kings have: Aro and Marcus now there is Three the third being Caius and Sasha has Caius's Ring on her Finger. The second thing that stopped us was a fast heartbeat like a hummingbird…that was when we knew she was pregnant.

Hence the reason why all four of us are where we are now one of my sisters are standing near the window keeping watch another making the new baby a blanket and me while I am sitting on Sasha's cot with her head on my lap and my left hand on her stomach soothing the baby and my other hand on her head messaging her scalp.

"Mmm that is so good my friend you have the hands of a Goddess." Sasha moaned out.

"Good to know. What do you think your having?" I asked.

"I would like to think a boy but a girl is fine to. As for names I was thinking Serge for a boy and Anastasia for a girl." Sasha replied.

"Serge can you hear me?" I asked her tummy.

A few seconds later a pair of kicks answered.

"Ow." Sasha whispered.

"Shh young Serge settle down before you hurt your mommy." I whispered.

I did not expect what came next. The kicking stopped…he heard me.

"What?" Sasha asked concerned.

"He heard me. Little Serge heard me." I said softly.

I smiled. I knew then this boy Serge was going to be something special.

Three months later

It's been three months and Sasha looks about ready to give birth. She is currently draining an elk of blood that I caught for her. We had discovered about a month and a half ago that little Serge had been slowly but surely draining Sasha of energy and it was then that I figured out that little Serge at this stage of development was becoming more Vampire then Human.

"My little Serge. I can't wait till he comes." Sasha said happily after drinking blood of a black bear.

It seems Serge also has fondness for the blood of carnivores they keep him full for longer then herbivores. On a diet of just Herbivores means we would have to get Sasha to drink blood every day on a diet of carnivores however she drinks blood once every week. The reason why Sasha needs less blood if she keeps to a carnivores only diet is because herbivores don't all the nutrients young Serge needs where as a carnivore will. (A/N: made that up sounded good.)

"Do you think I will live through the birth?" Sasha asked me softly.

I honestly didn't think so seeing as Serge is much stronger then we told Sasha. I know it and my sisters know it question is do we tell Sasha.

"N-Yes. I give you my word. We will change you into a Vampire because you will not survive this a Human." I told her truthfully.

"Thank you my friend." Sasha said then groaned.

I held her as she fell to her knees and vomited blood…I knew what that meant.

"Sisters he is coming. Somebody get a blanket." I said as I watched in rapt attention as sickening crack echoed in the cabin.

I saw Sasha slump back onto the cot and she looked to be unconscious good thing because young Serge was literally ripping his way out of her. I was fascinated and in awe as first his head, fingers, neck, arms and shoulders shows as he much to our amazement was climbing out of his mother when he was all the way out he bit Sasha and she started screaming and I expected Serge to start screaming but instead he turned to my sisters and me.

"Uppy me hungy." He said clear as a bell.

"Did he just talk?" My sisters asked at the same time.

I nodded.

"Come little Serge lets get you washed up." I said as I picked him up.

He snuggled into my chest and I smiled. I knew then that I would protect him just like he is of my blood and he is. I am the grandmother of Sasha Belakhova my name is Tatiana Belakhova and Serge is my great Grandson.

"Come little one time to feed. Katrina, Irena keep an eye on Sasha. Time to feed Serge." I replied with a smile before walking out of the cabin and into the forest.

I was running full out with Serge cooing on my back and giggling. I adored the sound and I stopped in the middle of the forest and I took Serge off my back and began spinning him around and he laughed then went stalk still as a tree branch broke.

"If you are looking for a meal I suggest you leave because I will end you if you come closer." I said loud and clear.

Out came nine Newborn Vampires and a mature Vampire. The Newborns growled and Serge to his credit just stared at them.

"Ah Tatiana. It's been awhile." The vampire replied.

"Leave now. Last warning." I growled.

"Tatiana my old friend. I don't want to hurt you so guest give me my breakfast and I will let you live." The Vampire replied with a small smile.

"And this is my last warning leave my son alone or we will kill you and your pathetic weasels." Another voice called from the woods.

All of us looked to the East and out came The Volturi led by Caius Volturi Sasha's mate and Serge's Father.

"My Lord Caius. So good to see you again." I said as I curtsied.

"You will not take my snack from me. Kill them, kill the witch and bring my snack to me alive." She snarled out.

Caius smirked. Stupid idiots had no idea who they were messing with.

"Jane." Caius said softly.

Out came a little Vampire about five feet two inches tall with a wicked smirk on her face.

"Pain." Was all she said.

Within minutes the Vampire collapsed.

"Felix, Demitri, Afton. Kill them all. Alec bring me my son." Caius said with smile.

All around us I could fear Vampires being ripped apart and Alec walked up to me.

"May I?" Alec asked.

I nodded and Alec took Serge from me and Serge was watching the battles going on around us. I watched as Alec carried Serge to Caius.

"Hey little one." Caius cooed at him.

"Hello." Serge answered softly.

"I'm sorry." Caius said softly.

Oh no. No. No please don't tell me he is going to. I watched as Caius concentrated and Serge's eyes rolled into the back of his head and he fell asleep.

"Why? He is just a child. Why did you do that? He needs his father." I said beginning to get angry.

"Its not time yet." Caius replied.

I shook my head.

"I disagree. You're making a mistake." I argued back.

"No I am not. He is not ready for his future, his destiny or his mate." Caius replied.

Wait…mate. He will have a mate.

"How." I whispered.

I felt a hand on my shoulder I looked up to see Lord Caius right in front of me.

"His future was written long ago. We found out about this future when we first came into power in fact us coming power is what started it all. As much as I hate to admit it but there will be a war involving our kind one side a mysterious foe and on the other we were being lead into battle by Serge. Nothing can stop these events and we were warned not to try and if we do it will result in our extinction was all the seer told us before he died." Caius said before handing Serge back to me.

"Look after him. He fate of the world and everybody in it will rest on his if he dies your death won't be quick and it won't be painless. This I can promise you." Caius replied.

The Volturi left and I looked around to see ashes. I turned around held Serge close to me and sobbed into his shoulder.

"He is just a child. What did he do to deserve this." I whimpered out rocking us back and forth.

(Caius POV)

I watched from the trees as Tatiana Belakhova held Serge to her and she cried. I turned to Felix.

"You watch serge from the shadows if any threats come kill them quickly and quietly. Can I entrust you with this task." I asked Felix.

"Yes my master." Felix replied.

We left Felix to his task knowing it would be a long time before I saw Serge again.

(A/N: That is the end of this chapter. I figured I would give you all a list of characters set to appear in the story. Some names may seem familiar to you for those of you who read the pervious version along with their powers in the story.

Not in any particular order:

Serge- has visions and can create Fire from his hands.

Bella- Mental Shield.

Jasper- Empathic.

Emmett- retained newborn strength.

Rosalie- No power (A/N: unless somebody has a cool idea for a power for Rose.)

Alice- Visions.

Esme- Heals through physical contact can switch on and off.

Carlisle- no power.

Edward- Mind reader.

James- Tracker can detect the difference between vampires through scent.

Laurent- no power.

Victoria- Escape artist.

Tanya- Can talk mind to mind with other vampires/Hybrids depending on her bonds with them.

Kate- Can send shocks to Vampires through touch.

Irena- No power per say just artistically gifted

Adam (O.C.)- Physical Shield

Danielle (O.C.)- Telekinetic.

Chris (O.C.)- no power.

Jillian (O.C.)- Control of the weather.

Ashley (O.C.)- no power.

Christy (O.C.)- Changes her own and others appearance.

Vivian (O.C.)- Teleporter.

Aro- can read every though a mind has with one touch.

Marcus- can read bonds between people.

Caius- can erase memories.

Sasha- can create fire from outside heat sources.

Didyme- no power.

Sulpicia- no power.

Natalie (O.C.)- no power.

Felix- no power.

Demitri- perfect tracker can find anybody except mental shields.

Jane- can cause the illusion of pain to anybody within line of sight.

Alec- can cut of vampire senses with in eye sight.

Heidi- Allure can draw people in using her scent.

Corin- No power

Afton- no power
















And any O.C. characters my readers give me if they want to. So please leave a review and tell me what you think.)