(A\N: I like to thank everybody who reviewed. I have decided that Vasilii will have a larger role in this story so his gift will be the ability to block his scent so I hope you will know how I plan to introduce him to Serge in real time. On with story.)
Chapter 2: First encounter (Serge POV)
We had been on the road for a few weeks now and at first I was homesick but all I had to do to cancel that sickness was remember my vision and I became angry again. Several times Felix would ask why I was so angry and I told him my visions because now being alone like I am now I need to be able to trust somebody. His reaction was now what I expected.
"Holy shit. You have visions. When did they start?" Felix asked.
"The day before I left home." I replied.
"Oh. Do you miss your home?" Felix asked.
I looked right into his red eyes. He kills Humans, as do I. I gave up on Animals because I was getting tired of my clothes being a mess after I am done hunting and Humans well humans fill me up a lot better I am healthier more energetic and I have Felix to thank for that.
Over the last few weeks Felix has kind of taken me under his tutelage and we have been developing a bit of a friendship. He is a nice guy. I know that he works with the Volturi and that he was on a furlough from his job as a guard and that he is enjoying traveling with me. I have told him everything about me from the time I was born till now but I couldn't help but feel like I am missing something but I put it aside in my mind.
"You know how to fight?" Felix asked.
"Not really. I know the basics but that is about it. Tatiana Belakhova my grandmother taught me." I replied.
"Tatiana Belakhova is your grandmother." Felix said softly.
"Yeah." I replied.
"God help us then." Felix said softly.
I tilted my head.
"Oh I guess you don't know. Belakhova Vampires have been known to be one of the most difficult Vampires in the world: they're stubborn, hard headed, prideful and more often then not reckless when thrown into kill-or-be killed situations. But yet you seem to be the somewhat opposite." Felix said. "Who is your father?"
"Truth be told I do not know. I have asked and asked and asked and never got an answer. I don't know my father. Is he really ashamed of me is that why I never met him? Or is it me?" I asked.
It became ominously quiet and I looked at Felix and he was stock still then growled.
"Six vampires are coming we have to go." Felix said and then threw me on his back and we were off.
We were running full out and I noticed the trees were starting to thin out…not good. Felix lightly took me off his back.
"I need you to run north and keep running there is an old cabin that belongs to a good friend of mine named Garrett tell him Felix Volturi sent you then tell him your name and he should help you out of respect for me and your family. Now run! Go!" Felix shouted and I ran.
(Felix POV)
I saw young Prince Belakhova run off as fast as he could and I hoped Garrett would help him because Garrett is not to fond of my coven or his family.
"Good luck little buddy." I said.
I turned around and I saw the six Vampires come out of the bush.
"Felix Volturi. Where is it." The leader snarled.
"Time for talking is over. You are not getting him. Over my dead body James." I snarled out.
"Josef, Victoria, Laurent, Andrew find it and destroy it. We cannot allow it to live and get stronger. Now find it!" James roared out.
Four of them left that left James and Bruno and with that I charged and the battle was on.
(Serge POV)
I ran as fast as I could but I could and then I heard four vampires running behind me I glanced back to see them gaining on me fast.
"Victoria leap." One of them males shouted.
I felt rather then heard her land seeing as she landed on me and I threw my arms to absorb the impact. I crashed to the ground and she rolled off me. I tried getting up I felt one of them kick my arm and that was soon followed by a sickening crack as my arm broke.
I screamed and rolled onto my back cradling my arm. Using my good arm I tried pulling myself away from the monsters who I knew now were trying to kill me. I saw the red haired vampire go to grab me and lifted me in the air by my throat choking the life out of me.
My feet are dangling off the ground and I am trying to get this crazy schmuck off me.
"L-Let me g-go." I said helpless.
This was not something I was used to being over powered. I found myself wishing I had not of left home. Home where my overprotective family were probably freaking out that I never came back or that they probably assumed I was dead and now or soon I was going to be. Now I know how a real infant feels.
"I would let him go if I were you." a voice echoed around the trees.
"No I will not do that. This thing deserves to die. Die before he ruins our world." The woman replied squeezing me tighter.
"You have any idea who you're fucking with." The voice replied.
"A nobody. This is none of your business nomad now fuck off." Another vampire replied.
"*Sigh You do realize the level of hell you will bring to your rag-tag little coven if don't let him go right now because when they find out you will wish they killed you quickly because the circle of hell they send you to will seem like heaven when they are done abusing you, tormenting you, burning you. His family know how to reduce a vampire bad enough to make them feel like a lonely human again." The voice added.
"Come out and fight coward." She snarled.
"Be careful what you wish for slag because you just might get it." The voice snarled.
Out came a vampire about six foot four inches tall, short brown hair plus beard and moustache, dark brown jacket, a red ribbon tying his hair into a ponytail.
"Who are you?" She snarled.
"My name is Garrett but you will not live to take back your words slime." Garrett snarled back.
I was thrown clear as Garrett kicked the hand that was holding me and I collided with a tree headfirst. Wow that hurt. I struggled to sit up my vision was a little blurry but I could still see that out of three that were chasing me the red head chick left leaving the other two with Garrett who was easily taking them apart…I wish I had skills like that.
I watched in fascination as one by one they both died swiftly. The sight in front of me amazed me. When he was done he walked toward me and sat down in front of me.
"You. What do you want and who sent you Belakhova runt." He snarled.
"Felix sent me. I-I want to learn how to fight like you." I replied.
"What makes you think I will teach you. What makes you think I will not kill you? I hate your family their hard-headed and useless." He snarled back.
That made me angry.
"Their not useless." I argued back.
"They are. They should be put down like dogs." He snarled back.
"Stop it!" I snarled back.
"Awe poor wittle Dhampire got his feelings hurt. You are useless just like your family." He taunted.
I could feel the rage I constantly struggle with bubble over.
"Ahh!" I shouted as a rush of raw power exploded out of me.
(Unknown entity POV)
I looked at him and he was slowly backing away astonishment clear on his face.
"You can call me names, hurt me, beat me but you will not insult my family. I will not stand for that." I said calmly replied.
"Y-You are a…the legend was real." He whispered as I started to lose consciousness.
"Take care of this poor boy. He has nobody he can really trust. He is not ready. If he becomes overburdened again I will come back. Help him, train him under your tutelage he will be ready." I said.
Then I slipped quietly back in my cage.
(Serge POV)
What happened? Last thing I remember was that I was angry and…Garrett where is Garrett?
"Whoa easy there little fella. Your okay and your safe." Garrett said softly. "You got some spunk young one I will give you that. You changed my mind. I will train you but rest assured it will be the hardest and longest four years of your life are you up for the task soldier?" He asked politely.
I nodded.
"I can't hear you." He replied.
"Sir yes sir." I replied standing straight.
(A/N: That is the end of another chapter. Next chapter takes four years later just giving you all a heads up.)