Chapter 11: Revelations
Backyard June 12 1991 1900h
Harry and Sara were sitting next to each other at the table while the party was winding down, they had just graduated from fifth grade and were talking about what they wanted to do next. "I hope I placed high enough on the test to get into BHMA" worried Sara. Sara and Harry had taken the placement test when they applied for the school, and only the top 100 would be accepted.
"If I get in and you don't, I'll go to JFK with you, I am not leaving my best friend" said Harry. Sara hugged Harry tightly in gratitude, something she had been doing more recently Harry thought. "Let's not worry about it right now, we won't find out until July 31st and we can't do anything to change the outcome."
Sara smiled and said, "You're right, and no matter what we will both be going to the same school."
While this was happening, on the other side of the yard Matt and Rob were talking. "We need to tell him soon Matt, he needs to know."
Matt sighed and said, "Your right Rob lets tell him in the morning, should Jane know too?"
Rob thought for a moment and said, "I think she should, but she is your wife, it's your decision, but you have to tell Harry, it was in Lily's instructions."
Matt made a snap decision "Lets tell them both at the same time, I only want to tell the story once."
Rob nodded and said, "I'll be over at nine tomorrow we can tell them after breakfast." The party wrapped up two hours later and all the guests returned to their homes while the Evans' went to bed.
The next day:
Harry and his family had just finished breakfast. When Rob let himself in. "Morning Uncle Rob," said Harry.
Rob smiled but it was forced. Harry noticed but didn't comment thinking he was just over tired. Matt said, "Harry, Jane why don't we go to the living room there is something very important that Rob and I need to tell you." Matt stayed up most of the night thinking about how to do this and decided it would be best to show Harry the box and then explain what he knew.
The family went into the living room and sat down on the couches Jane and Harry on one Rob and Matt on the other. On the coffee table in the middle that Matt normally used as a foot rest sat a cardboard box. "Harry look through that box and then we will explain everything." Slightly unnerved by his father's statement Harry picked up the box, and opened it. Inside were several books along with a few file folders filled with documents. The books had strange titles that made him think that they were children's fiction books.
Harry opened one of the folders and read the document the title said, 'Last Will and Testament of Lord James Charles Potter and Lady Lily Rose Evans-Potter.' It listed amounts of what he assumed was money that were to go to specific people including his dad, he had no idea what a galleon was though. The last line made him stop cold. 'All of our other worldly possessions are to go to our son Harry James Potter' after collecting himself he flipped the page and saw a list of names; in the event of our death our son is to be raised by:
Jr Auror Sirius Black-Godfather
Jr Auror Allice Longbottom-Godmother
Mr. Matt Evans-Uncle
Mr. Remus Lupin-Brother in all but blood
Mrs. Andromeda Tonks-Cousin
Auror Lieutenant Amelia Bones-Friend
If none of the listed above are available Harry is to be sent to an orphanage. Under no circumstances is he to be given to Petunia and Vernon Dursly or Albus Dumbledore.
Harry put down the document, but his mind kept going back to a single line 'Mr. Matt Evans-Uncle.' Before Harry could speak Jane asked, "What the hell is going on?" it was a testament to how upset she was that she swore.
That shocked Harry out of his stupor and proving just how smart he was for his age said, "You aren't my real father, you adopted me after my parents died. I think you need to tell me everything now."
Harry's voice calmed Jane and she said "I agree with Harry."
Matt sighed and began to tell Harry about his sister and how they were separated in the divorce. When he got to the point about when he arrived at the house on that fateful Halloween night Matt paused, he had never told Harry about the people he had killed but he decided that he needed to know how his parents died. When he got to the point where the strange man blew off Lily's leg Harry asked, "What could do something like that?"
Matt answered, "I'll get to that in a few minutes, after that bastard hurt my sister I emptied my magazine into his chest, and killed him. I ran over and tried to save her but she lost so much blood; she told me to bring you to her and she held you, she told me to raise you as my own, which I did. Her last words were about how much she loved you." Matt began to cry for his sister for the first time. Harry got up and Matt was afraid that he would leave.
Harry said, "Lily and James were my mother and father but you and Jane and are my mom and dad." He then gave Matt a hug.
Matt held him for a few minutes and when he calmed down he said, "There are a few more things you should know." Matt then proceeded to tell Harry about the magical world and about the decision he would have to make in the next few months. Matt saw Harry set his face and new that he had reached a decision, but before he could speak Matt said, "Harry I want you to read your mothers journals before you decide, you need to make an informed decision."
Harry shook his head and said, "I'll look at them, but I have already made my decision, I am staying with Sara. Where ever she goes I'll go, she is my best friend." Besides even if I were to go to magic school I'd want it to be near here not some foreign country thousands of miles away, I am an American. I'll go to an American school." Matt smiled at the little show of patriotism, he had raised him well.
Matt said, "The headmaster of the school is named Dumbledore, the journals talk about him and he was listed in the will as being one of the people you were not to go to. He might try and take you to the school anyway, we need a plan."
A/N: Hey everyone, I am having a bit of a problem with the story, I have over 20 Chapters written and 16 of those are beta read. however I am unhappy with how chapter 12 is written so I will be editing/rewriting it. I am afraid that this will take at least a week and that the next chapter will be late. to be clear I amNOT abandoning my story just taking a little time to make sure it is something I can be proud of and that my readers will enjoy.