NOTE This story is unusual in that it was originally written as a role play. This means that though "Melanira" conceived and wrote the greater part of it, several other writers contributed. If you see the name of a character at the beginning of a paragraph, such as "Legolas" or "Haldir" it means that section was written by another contributor playing that role. At the end of the story I will list the names and weblinks for all those that have given their permission for me to do so. Thank you for reading our story, I hope you enjoy it, and please, comment!

Melanira of Doriath - Chapter 1 Biography and Prologue

Imladris -Third Era-Summer

I am Melanira, late of Doriath, sister to Melnienna, daughter of Nestamel, a healer of The men of Brethil and Elured, of the House of Dior, born in the wild forest of Region in the first era father Elured, uncle Elurin and aunt Elwing lived with their parents Dior Eluchil (heir to Thingol) and Nimloth , in Menegroth also called The Thousand Caves. Menegroth was a vast underground city built by the Dwarves of Belegost from the Ered Luin for Thingol in the latter part of the Years of the Trees on the river Esgalduin in Doriath forest from which Thingol and Melian ruled Doriath.

There was only one entrance to Menegroth and that across a great stone bridge on the south bank of the river Esgalduin which cut almost through the heart of the kingdom of prospered throughout much of the First Age until in 502 Thingol was killed in his treasury by the Dwarves of Narog. The dwarves sacked the city for the Nauglamír , the jewelled necklace commissioned from the Dwarves by king Thingol, in which Thingol had the Silmaril set that Beren and Luthien had recovered from Morgoth's crown.

After these events, Dior, the son of Beren and Lúthien, as Thingol's heir, settled there with his wife Nimloth until in 509 Menegroth was attacked again, this time by the sons of Fëanor under the leadership of Celegorm, to reclaim the Silmaril. During the battle, Dior and Nimloth were both slain. Young Elwing and a remnant of loyal elves escaped and with her she bore away the Silmaril to the elven refuge at the mouth of the river Sirion.

Of my father and uncle there remained no trace, Celegorm's servants had taken them into the forest and abandoned them to their fate, to starve or survive as best they could. Later it seemed that Maedhros repented of this cruelty to the sons, not yet grown to adulthood. However, though rumours were plentiful among the elves of Ossiriand that the brothers had survived and were living free, none ever positively identified either of the brothers ,and their fate was unknown. My father told us many tales of his struggles to survive in those terrible days, but only one that has any meaning here, and that is of how my father met my mother, and lost his brother on the same day.

Unaware that Maedhros had honestly repented and was trying to rescue the two youths, the brothers ran without pause, horror and fear driving them like the whip of a Balrog, hiding themselves whenever they heard sounds of pursuit. Weeks or months may have passed my father was unsure, heartbroken and shocked they came at last into a small clearing near the Crossings of Teiglin where some men had made a hunting camp. Unseen by the two exhausted youths, great traps with iron teeth had been laid in the long grass to one side to be oiled and checked, ready to lay out to dispatch the great wargs that troubled the Brethil Forest. Men of the people of Haleth they were, given sanctuary in Brethil generations ago by Thingol on condition that they keep the crossings free of all enemies of the Eldar. This task they faithfully did, and it was on this errand that they now camped there. Seeing a dark haired maid of sweet but clearly human countenance my father decided to trust them and being the elder son urged his little brother forward.

Ragged and shocked as they were, faint with hunger, having eaten only berries, leaves and sparse roots for weeks the youths staggered in, Elured fell into the arms of a forester, his brother Elurin, to the dismay of all, into the traps laid aside. Elurin's agonised screams sent my father into a deep faint, after all the horror and deprivation this was too great a horror to be born. When he at last awoke, he was told that his brother was dead, Elurin's leg had been severed and as he fell his arm and chest were crushed by a second trap. The hunters were filled with horror at the accident and when Elured told them that both Dior and Nimloth were dead and Menegroth lost, they packed up their camp and hastened to their homestead, taking Elured and Elurin's body with them. For months my father was as one in a waking nightmare, his senses dim, unwilling to bathe or eat unless fed.

The chief mourned for the loss of Menegroth whose Lords had been faithful allies for three generations, and since the slaying of their own lord less than 2 decades past, the people of Haleth had looked to the Elven lords of Doriath. Willingly he took Elured into his home though Elured did not tell him that he was the heir of the lord Dior, terror had made my father deeply cautious and he feared for these kindly men. If the Sons of Feanor were to discover him they would also be at risk!

Nestamel, the maid that caught the gaze of my father on that sad day was a niece of Brandir the lame through his mother Beldis's family. The last lord in direct descent of Haldir of the house of Haleth, he had been glad when as a small child she begged to walk in the woods with him while he collected mushrooms and showed interest in the simples that he brewed. At only nine years she was his aid and student in the healing arts. She it was that nursed my young father, coaxing him to drink soups that she laced with herbs to heal his body, singing magical songs to heal his soul.

In due time Elured and Nestamel were wed, I was born in 545 and my sister Melnienna in 577.

This is the story of The House of Dior in the third era of Arda, my role in it and the fate of my family in the changing fortunes of the world.

Melanira's Journal Notes

Lindir and I are working on a new musical arrangement for the coming festival he is such an easy companion, full of mirth and wit. We play well together although he sings far better than I.

Last evening I searched for a particular scroll amongst my papers stored in the trunk I brought to Imladris with me from Lindon, and I found my ada's notes . He had written quite a few thoughts down of the time before Glaurung attacked our home. It was interesting and I settled down in a quiet spot in the great hall to read.

Today I found a fresh piece of ground behind one of the gazebo's, very suitable for the growing of Oenothera flowers. The flowers when steeped in milk and left in the sunshine give off a lovely fragrance and help to regulate the moon days of young brennil. I was glad of it as it gave me the excuse to spend a comfortable hour with my dear lord Elrond my cousin and, in my own heart at least my fondest love. He smiled kindly on me as always and quickly gave permission to use the garden space. then asked me to sit awhile.

I'm planning a trip to see Nienna and her King, I met Thranduil many years ago when he journeyed with his father from Lindon. He was a strikingly handsome ellon as I recall, graceful and lithe with beautiful eyes. His ada was very pompous, very certain of his own right to command and not given to ask advice or leave of anyone. I felt Thranduil suffered under that dominating presence and would have like to argue a gentler approach had he been less loyal an ionn.

Before I leave I must prepare salves and tinctures to leave behind and to take. Though Elrond is more than capable, he has enough to consider without worrying about simples.

Great news! Today Lindir has asked to accompany Tari and I to Lothlorien and then on to Eryn Lasgalen . He has not been on a journey for many a year and wishes to "stretch his legs a little" as he put it. Elrond has given him leave though clearly he will miss his closest ellon. I am so excited to be meeting up with my nieces again, especially Tari as I am worried about her. The loss of her husband has left her adrift in an uncertain world. However, she is skilled and smart, I must trust to her instincts. She should arrive today or tomorrow. I must finalize my preparations.

Tari is finally here, she came in with some of our returning guards. Everyone was so pleased to see her, I think some of the ellon are hoping that she will spend some time with them, they are making excuses to come to our home and I have had several more offers of assistance on the journey. We seem to have a full compliment of guards offering to protect us, I don't like to point out that between us, Tari and I could probably protect them quite well. I'll work on my poem/song on the way it will take us two or three days to get to Lothlorien and meet up with Nienna. Hopefully when we get to the border Lord Haldir will be waiting for us. It will be very pleasant to see him again he is as a brother to me since he took Nienna under his wing as a young elleth and we have become good friends over the years. I know he still means the world to Nienna and she could not have a more noble generous or greater warrior as her protector.

Elrond insists that we have a farewell supper tonight during which Lindir and I will perform the new ballad we've been working on together, I hope it is well received though with Lindir's lovely voice I have great hopes. Elrohir asked me how long we intend to stay in Lothlorien and I had to say I'm not sure, I doubt that Haldir can be spared to come with us to Mirkwood, so I imagine it will be at least a few days perhaps a week so that we can all catch up on news. I want to visit the falls again and have time to collect some of the golden flowers that grow in Galadriel's garden, if the lady of Lorien will permit.

The evening is going wonderfully, our music was a success and Lindir, Elrohir Tari and Sirilhith are laughing and talking of the coming festival of Yavie. Elrond and I wander into the night scented garden replete with a delicious meal and aged wine. " I will miss you cousin" Elrond said, absently snapping off the dead flower head from a plant. I glanced sideways at his dear face, so familiar after all these centuries and yet somehow, ever new, ever fresh. My heart leaped and then subsided, "You will miss Lindir more, I believe" I said with regret, and a tiny chiding grimace. He looked at me with that deep searching gaze that seemed to steal all the secrets of my mind, examine them minutely, then politely return them, intact and unsullied within a few heartbeats! He gave a small rueful smile. "You know how fond of you I am, Melanira" his hand touched my cheek with a fleeting touch, so swift I could almost have imagined it. Tears prickled behind my eyes threatening to fall, and I stooped down, picking other dead heads and allowing my hood to fall further over my face. His kindness was sometimes the cruellest cut of all.

Hours later I am unable to sleep. Packing a last few scrolls into my baggage I found unwanted memories seeping out into the room like fog. Seeing Tari has brought back the amarth faeg of my poor sister, murdered by orcs in the same attack that ultimately deprived my hîr vuin Elrond of his beloved lady. I wonder whether Elrohir and Elladan are equally affected by Tari's presence. It was the most horrific day of my life, worse even than the day the men came to bring us the news of father's death . Thanks to the intervention of Earendil, the Valar had landed with their host to free Arda of Morgoth the very year I was born, and so I had known nothing but war my whole life. For 40 years we lived under siege, avoiding the wargs balrogs and numerous foul things released from Angband, frequently moving our camp within Brethil and the outskirts of the caverns of Menegroth. I grew up a warrior of necessity, a healer by choice. Father had been exploring the edges of Taur en Faroth to the south, he had become very concerned at the level of the river waters which were rising beyond any height yet known and did not retreat even in high summer, cutting us off from Narthgarond. He was scouting a passage for all of us that remained in Brethil to move to Lindon where the elven folk from Beleriand were said to have built a new town. Shaking off my dark mood I lay down to rest if not to sleep. I am looking forward to our journey, a little distance can be as a cool spring to the mind. Perhaps I will meet someone interesting, what the Valar have in store no mind can know.
