HAP: China X Chubby!Reader part 1

The World Meeting (held in China) had just ended and, like always, nothing productive had happened at all. You were the last one in the room (you were packing up the stuff that you had brought with you to keep you entertained at the meeting; they could get REALLY boring) when you hear a sexy male voice behind you.


You turn to find a happy/flustered looking China or Yao making his way over to you smiling brightly with a slight blush on his face. You quickly put your stuff away in your bag (you sling the bag over your shoulder; it's a messenger bag) before facing him again smiling.

"Oh, hey China! You need something?"

"Ummm…. well… aru…." The blush on his face, much to your amusement and his horror, was getting worse. All by trying to ask you something! ( XD ) You tilt your head at him and raise an eyebrow, grinning slyly. You cross your slightly chubby arms under your (small/medium/large) breasts (this only put emphasis to the fact that your not a twig; you're a bit healthy big), you learn forward some.

He somehow manages to focus on your chest. You're not sure what he's he looking at; either your (small/medium/large) chest or the fact that there's a design of Hello Kitties on the light jacket you were wearing (the designs were on your chest area too).


"(N-n-name)?" he stutters out adorably with a heady blush on his cheeks.

"Is there something you would like to ask me?"



"Wouldyouliketogoondatewithmearu?" he rushed out quickly. Your (eye color) orbs lite up at the question and a blush makes itself know on your (skin tone) skin.

"What was that now Yao? I don't think I heard you." you say slyly.

Oh, you knew what he had said to you.

You were not slow like Poland.

"Would you have dinner with me tonight aru?"

"Why Yao, I never would have thought that you would like little 'ol me! And me of all the people you would like ask to! I'm flattered by that!" you say in your best southern American accent that you could do. You were trying so very hard to keeping from bursting with laughter.

He blushed darkly at that.

"What do you mean by that (Name) aru?"

"I'm not exactly the smallest girl out there Yao."

By now he had to both of his hands on both of your shoulder, looking at you intensely. His beautiful eyes held all the passion and emotion (that he usually held towards cute things and all things Hello Kitty) that you couldn't help but drown in.

"You are beautiful aru! You are goddess aru!" he exclaims causing you to blush.




"So come have dinner with me aru?"


"Where do you want to eat aru?'

"(Name of fav. Chinese place of eating)?"

"That's good aru. I pick you up at 8 aru. Well I should be going now aru. Bye (Name)."

"Bye Yao."

With that, he turned and ran out of the room. Fast.

"Well I'll be damned! For being the oldest country, he sure can move fast!" You laugh out.

~~~Ship to your hotel room's bathroom; getting ready~~~

You were standing in front of the mirror in your favorite (fav. Color) dress (a/n: the dress is in a Chinese style too. XD ) that came down to your knees. The dress complimented all your curves amazingly; hugging your (small/medium/large) chest and nice child birthing hips. The dress made you feel amazing because you did not feel big/chubby at all in it.

You fix your (hair length) (wavy/straight/curly) (hair color) in your favorite way to have it down. You finished your makeup and look at yourself.

"I look hot!" you thought aloud.

The little bit of makeup that you had put on (eyeshadow and lip-gloss) made you feel even better about yourself then you already were feeling. The eyeshadow really made your (eye color) orbs 'pop' and seem stunning.

You look at the time.

Almost 8.

You put your shoes on, grab your purse, and walk to the door. When you reached the door, you paused.

"It's now or never."

You opened the door and exited, closing the door behind you. You headed out into the beautiful night to meet your 'Prince Charming'.