Okay so I know that the season 15 opener has created a lot of story's. Frankly I've read a ton of them. Some are really great and some not so much. I but I've been kind of rolling this story around in my head for a really long time now. And if you all hate it I completely understand. I promise it will be exiting and interesting. I love reviews and am always open to comments Questions, subjections, and criticism. The only criticism I will not take is people who are just saying this story has been really over done. Or I'm sick of reading story where Olivia in hurt, or in trouble. To you I can say there are all kinds of filters on this sight.

This story will be rated M so I can do whatever I want to do with it. Please only read this if you really want to honestly. I don't know how dark it will get or how disturbing it will be. I'll try not to overdo it but again I'm sure you will let me know if I have over stepped.

Disclaimer- I don't own anything. All Characters belong to Dick wolf. But this is my story!

Thanks enjoy and review!

He sat there staring blankly at the T.V. his mind wasn't able to process what he was seeing. He had just called her two days ago hoping to get back in touch. When she hadn't answered he had assumed that she just didn't want to talk to him. He had also been calling from a number she wouldn't know. But he knew Olivia was always getting calls from unknown numbers. She handed her card to every Victim, family member, possible witness, or neighbor. Had she even heard her phone ring? He knew how busy she always kept herself.

The news anchor repeated the story. This time he listened he needed to know what was going on.

"A NYPD Detective with the Special Victims unit has been Kidnapped from her Manhattan apartment."

He watch on in horror as Olivia's picture flashed onto the screen. Her hair was long again and she was in uniform. Her chocolate eyes looked right through him. In the photo she was slightly turned and he could almost hear her voice. He knew how much she had hated posing for a photo. Her eyes were happy though. They always had that passion behind them. Her face was beautiful. She had hardly changed at all in the time he had been gone. He had missed her so much over the years.

"Detective Olivia Benson was last seen living the department two days ago. It was discovered she was missing this morning. At this time the NYPD believes this man"

Another photo pops onto the screen. The man has a wicked smile and devious eyes. He know that this must have been her latest case. She must have gotten to close. Not that he blamed her that this sick son-of-a-bitch had taken her. Never the less he knew her to well. He knew how this had happened. This was no different than the other sick-o's they had dealt with in the past that Olivia would get them all wound-up and then they would come after her. She was willing to sacrifice everything for almost every case. It killed him each time she went too far. He knew one day it would come back after her.

"William Lewis" The reporter said, as she continued to relay details.

"Broke in to Detective Benson's Apartment and forced her to leave with him. It is unknown at this time the whereabouts of Mr. Lewis or Detective Benson. If you have any information or believe you have seen them please call the tip line at the Manhattan Special victims Unit at the number at the bottom of the screen"

His blood was boiling. How could this be happening? Especial now! He had finally worked up the nerve to face her, to get his best friend back and she was missing. Taken by some psychopath. He stood up balling his hands into fists. He should have been there. How could she have been missing two days and they only found out today? He needed answers. He needed to help look for her. No, He needed to find her!

With that in mind he grabbed his jacket, keys and cell phone. He walked quickly out the door got in his car and started driving. He needed answers right now and there was only one place to get them. He headed back to his old job. The place he had spent twelve long years sitting at a desk working, sitting across from the woman that meant the world to him. That was now missing. In the hand of a man that could be doing god know what to her.

As he drove he silently prayed that they would find her soon, prayed that she would be unharmed, prayed that when she was home safe that she would be willing to forgive him.


SVU Squad room

Fin and Munch stood in front of the board looking over Lewis' previous crimes; Looking for patterns that might lead them to her. Amaro and Rollins had gone out to chase another lead. It wasn't a very stong one but Amaro was losing his mind sitting there taking calls from physics that thought they knew where she was.

" I just don't see it" Fin said as he turned away from the board.

" This isn't going to help us find her. We know the pattern but there are a million places her could have taken her." Fin growled as he walked back to his desk and slumped down in his seat.

Just then the doors to the squad room burst open as Amaro and Rollins bust back in.

"We think she could be in long island. That's where he was yesterday. The lawyer girlfriend says she spent all day with him. And Swears she never saw liv." Amaro yells

" Yeah she says. They went to her parent house for dinner and that they drove there in a Lincoln. We believe it was the one Lewis stole from his roommate at the half way house they have local PD headed to the house now. We told they we would meet them there" Rollins updated them Matter-o-Factly

" Go. NOW. All of you" Cregan barked as he fallowed his detectives out.

He turned quickly and faced Cassidy who had been sitting at Olivia's desk.

"Stay here" He ordered

"But Captain…" Cassidy began to protest before Cregan cut him off.

"No Brian. If she finds a way out of this she's going to call you or the station. Either way you should be her. This is just another lead. Your involved with the victim. You can't go out there looking for her."

Cregan was right. My head was in the wrong place. And He knew Olivia well. If she was alive and able to get away from the freak she would call the station. He needed to be there.

In that moment it hit him that he had thought 'IF SHE IS ALIVE' how could he even question it. She is alive she will get way from this. She'll be okay.

He watched as the squad left. Hoping they would come back with her.

Just as he put his head down on Olivia's desk he heard the door to the squad room open again. He looked up to see Elliot standing there.

Please let me know what you think. If I get some positive reviews I will be updating quickly. If I feel like no one is reading it I might scrap it…well probably not I'm writing this story either way.